Reviews from

in the past

This was actually pretty good had some long cutscenes for a sega genesis game.

Isso pareceu um OVA de algum isekai bem clichê dos anos 90

Tudo que eu queria! Jogar no hardware original sempre é algo que me deixa feliz.

A tough, but fun action platformer. A lot of the time playing through this, I was just having a great time. Some of the levels are driven by some cracking music. Couple that with some fun hack and slash action, and I had a really good time.

I struggled with the first boss for a wee while, but when it clicked, it was pretty much full steam ahead. When you figure out each one, it soon becomes pretty straight forward, and you just have to stick to the pattern. The levels can be quite hit and miss, especially towards the end, but I enjoyed the boss fights and music enough for me to get a lot out of this.

However, playing this on Evercade (on the Renovation Products cart, it's really good), means that I had save states at my disposal. I did use them sparingly though. Save scumming my way through each section would've taken the fun our of it.

I'm quite keen to check out the second game, however I may have to get that on Switch as the only other Valis on the cart is III (also the Megadrive version). Though I do have Valis IV on the snes switch app so I'm gonna go back to that if and when I beat Valis III.

An enjoyable action platformer, with some neat little cut scenes, and a really fun score. Lots to enjoy.

Even a remake doesn't really push this genre beyond playable action platformer status, and the "cinematics" here just reinforce the generic 80s anime vibe this entire thing gives off.