Reviews from

in the past

Was the first game this...boring? Did the first game have turn-based combat and was it this slow if it did? Did the first game have this annoyingly pesky stamina system that makes it feel like your students don't amount to anything before they graduate and leave? I can't remember the first game feeling this unfun in every aspect of it.

I remember the first game being some simplistic fun but this sequel seems like it's developed in the wrong direction in every way and my first impression after some five hours is that I hate it, perhaps most specifically the stamina system. Combat feels much slower than I remember, there's a massively increased amount of mediocre dialogue (so much that they had to code a system where you pick which cutscene to play next as you too many subplots running at once), new students feel completely useless than seniors (not just a bit weaker as I remember from the first game) and the stamina system seems to ruin the whole strategy and tinkering aspect of the game. I'll give it another shot, but unless I realize that I completely misunderstood something about the stamina, this review and my opinion is staying.

Tried it, feels like an early Facebook flash game. Play the first one, it’s a lot better.

Was trying to give it a fair shot but it's not for me. Haven't played the first one but this felt like to me a beefy early Facebook game (like build buildings, upgrade, time management) except for the real time aspect of those where they wanted you to spend money on the micro transactions. I could see this being for someone I just think I'm looking for a different kind of gaming experience when it comes to the concept of running a hero/magic school