Reviews from

in the past

there's like one viable ship but it's fun

ppl on this site apparently are not huge fans of this game but this is probably one of the best racing games I've ever played. also hot take but the rest of the series is kind of mid in terms of racing compared to the feel of this game. the blinding speed combined with the futuristic idm soundtrack is such a fucking vibe. played while stoned, goated with the sauce

Never played the original Wipeout didn't have a playstation as a kid rember playing a little of Wipeout 2097. So much of the franchise aesthetics have gone on to inform my taste as an adult and it's interesting to see where it started. 2097 is definitely a marked improvement on this one but it's still really fun if a little challenging. In some ways it being more difficult helps with the sense of mastery once you do get good.

me gusta mucho el control de la nave, pero el gamefeel es bastante malo:

-los efectos de sonido son casi inexistentes
-cuando pasas por un dash panel no se siente para nada como si estuvieras acelerando
-el juego puede ser técnico pero le pusieron armas a lo Mario kart lol
-puedes escoger varias naves pero no encontré como ver sus estadísticas para saber sus diferencias
-pasa que que una de las armas es un escudo pero, cuando lo tienes activado no puedes coger ninguna otra arma para usar

I played this through a browser version someone was able to make. Pretty insane.

Fun ass game, but yeah, it's pretty challenging.

eh that was pretty dull... maybe it was fun back in 90s I dunno?

Jungle Fatigue but it's not qualifying for the next tracks (you will learn to brake and you will love it).

Let's start this year with a love letter to a future that never was. Wipeout is a wonderful experience, albeit painful to play: you are locked out of tracks unless you complete the previous ones and both track design and AI don't play around. It feels soapy to control and the vehicles are really hard to steer and control, but once it clicks it's fun. I think it would be perfect to classify this game as a tech demo that actually got love and attention poured into it, aesthetically and conceptually.

a playstation essential, the phantom edition pc port is great

ótimas musicas porém péssima jogabilidade, a areonave e amiga do muro, impossível fazer ela ficar na pista

My willingness to try out this franchise is strong, but neither nostalgia nor the novelty of the PS1's graphics can hide the clunky and awkward gameplay and feel of Wipeout. Out of the huge lineup of racing games, it will always stand out as the most unique, due in part from Designer Republics' mastery of graphic design and the help of the hottest IDM and trance electronic artists at the time. If you can handle the floaty ships, blazing pace of the tracks, and the tight turn controls, it rides like a dream. That dream however is in spurts, because you'll spend more time trying not to touch the sides of the tracks and avoiding every ship inching for your spot. Your momentum is otherwise dead on arrival, and basically ends your chances of winning. You can definitely chalk this game up as a high-risk, high-reward thing, but you can definitely tell they were still working out the kinks on this one.

Creo que este es el juego que utiliza Fernando Alonso para mantenerse en forma, sino no me explico el absoluto pico de dificultad.

definitely really rough around the edges, but that's OK because its the first game in the series. The main problems are that you lose a LOT of speed when you bump into walls, and that the levels have really narrow roads to race down, which means you have to be very precise. I highly reccomend getting a neGcon to play this, since that analog control is pretty much mandatory if you want to win. The last level, silver stream, is an evil course made in hell by satan himself

Honestly, I play this just for the absolute bangers on the soundtrack

To heck with Crash Bandicoot—Wipeout is the real face of the original Playstation. This right here is the reason every game on the system had killer Drum 'n Bass soundtracks and it marked the shift towards targeting an older audience in the gaming sphere. There's only a handful of tracks and ships as that was par for this era of arcade racing ports, but the soundtrack and more gritty vibe makes this game stand out amongst the others in the series. Now I know this might not be a five star game—hell it's not even the best wipeout, but god damnit it's still a blast to play even to today and it set into motion what made Playstation different from other consoles of the era, that's got to be worth one extra star.

you got some of that good old ps1 audiovisual perfection mixed with a level of difficulty that is just obscene. i wish this game would let me suck at it so i could better appreciate its slick aesthetics and incredible music but noooooooooooo i gotta QUALIFY to see the next track which means i have to be GOOD at video games. makes me both excited and scared to check out the other wipeout games on the console which i've heard better things about

controls are a bit rough to say the least

but a cool as hell concept

awesome ost too

oml bumper carts ahhhh
carried through on aesthetics alone bc this is actually not fun to play lol but I love how this looks, funky billboards and the rlly detailed illustrations of the characters after a race <33

It's really crazy how only Nintendo has ever been able to make this type of game fun to play. Blurry visuals on the Saturn, possibly a bad port? I don't recommend this series at all.

Music is so good they didn't even bother with sound effects

Played it with WipEout Phantom Edition on the original physics to re-create the feeling of the original title. Excellent racing title with a kickass soundtrack. Lays down a great foundation for other titles to come, albeit with some questionable controls and physics hit detection.