Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay is original and the animations really charming but the game really gets bogged down by every level being the exact same thing and having a sizeable amount of the playtime just be seeing your character striking poses.
Actually, that may be a plus for some.

really neat 3ds game wish more people played it

Not everything needs to be perfect.
In a world, where playing a game can be a waste of time and money, lies a 7€ title that fills those hours you absolutely wasted on it... with a reminder that games don't need much to be enjoyable.

From a time when everything was a lot more simple.
Playing it until the end was worth every cent.

I originally picked this up because it sounded like shovelware and I was morbidly curious. Turns out Alien on the Run is pretty alright!

Nice and short time-attack game, very silly very Japanese humor. A bit repetitive with its samey-looking levels, but it's simple quick arcadey fun.

Highly recommended if you have a hacked 3DS and are looking for something a little wacky goofy silly to play for like 15 minutes.

I bought this game solely becasue pfrsnl_gmr recommended it, and given how good his recommendation of Ninja Smasher was, I thought trusting him again was a safe bet, AND BOY WAS IT EVER.

This game has a very weird playstyle. You'd have to watch a video or try the demo to really get a feel for yourself, but I'd describe it as Incredible Crisis meets Trials HD. You're an alien trying to escape from space-jail, and to do that, you need to run, slide, box, and code your way past obstacles before time runs out. There are two types of tractor beams that can trap you. If you slide into and then stop in the yellow ones, you get a time bonus. The purple ones can't be destroyed though. Other than getting sucked up by a tractor beam, every other obstacle just serves to slow you down to either get a bad score or fail the stage when time runs out.

There are 16 stages with 5 levels in each, so there're quite a few, even though at their shortest they range almost always below a minute or close to it. The short time limits are why I love this game. One of the most addicting features is going for S-ranks by getting your allotted time above the "target time" by skillfully enough disarming the yellow traps. In racing games and such, I hate time trials because they always take like 4 or 5+ minutes for each one. In this game, you can instantly restart the stage whenever, and each stage takes almost always less than a minute, so it's in super palatable doses. The stages are super well designed as well, and the controls are equally as tight: Whenever I got a bad time, I knew it was my fault, not the game's. It took me 2.5 hours to beat, just about right on the nose, but that was just right for me for what I paid for it (it's on sale for $2 right now).

What really made this game stand out, though, was the theme. The main character is an alien, but he looks like more of a weird demon thing with his mouth taped over. Whenever you stand up from a slide, he does these wacky, silly poses that range from the Micheal Jackson crotch-grab (complete with fedora-tip), to sleeping in a sleeping back, to reading the paper while taking a dump on a toilet. It's just so wacky and silly, it's hard to get too mad, even when you mess up a bunch (like I did goin' for dem A and S ranks). I mentioned this in the "Awesome Eshop Deals" thread as well, but the game feels like games like You Can't Stop Mr. Domino and Incredible Crisis back on the PS1: It's remenisant of a time back when really weird, arcadey games would make it over here from Japan, and developers weren't afraid to really experiment with this new 3D thing in weird and wonky ways.

Verdict: Very highly recommended. If you're looking for the best exclusive game on the eShop, this is a really serious contender. This is an amazing gem that I very thoroughly enjoyed, and can't recommend enough. The developer, G-Style, has that weird theme in a lot of their games, and they're all at least worth trying the demos of if not buying, I'd say.

Random ass 3DS games were really the shit

During a scramble to buy up some decent/cheap games before the impending eShop closure in March of 2023, I discovered Alien on the Run. The eShop artwork didn’t leave a great first impression and was reminiscent of shovelware with its brightly colored alien protagonist and cartoonish art style. Nevertheless, I decided to purchase the game for a measly $0.99, and, after a few hours of play and countless game over screens, I am happy to say that Alien on the Run was well worth its asking price.

Developed by G-Style’s and released exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS eShop back in 2014, Alien on the Run is a fast-paced platform-puzzle game that has players take control of the lovable alien Delude as he attempts to escape from his abductors. To ensure Delude escapes, the player must guide him through over 80 bite-sized levels that range from laughable easy to deviously difficult. Each level must be completed within the given time limit and are filled with classic obstacles like electrified and ice covered floor tiles to slow you down. However, the most significant threat to Delude’s freedom isn’t guards or other enemies, but purple and orange tractor beams scattered throughout every level. These beams function as the primary opponent in Alien on the Run. The purple tractor beams can’t be defeated and must be carefully avoided to ensure Delude isn’t recaptured and the player gets a Game Over. The orange tractor beams, on the other hand, can be snuffed out with a well-time press of the B button. This prompts Delude to slide under the orange beam and strike a hilarious pose that not only destroys the orange beam, but also recovers a few seconds on the countdown clock. Once the player successfully helps Delude escape, a small cutscene plays that shows him rocketing off to his home planet.

This gameplay loop of avoiding hazards and escaping containment becomes surprisingly addictive as the game progresses. Each level is just short enough and challenging enough to make you say “one more level” over and over again. Furthermore, the sheer variety in the 80+ levels is impressive and nothing ever really feels repetitive despite the fact that the main objective of the game never changes. You are always trying to escape, but it is the level design that keeps this objective fresh. While Alien on the Run might not win any awards for its presentation, with its obviously small budget, reused assets, and poor textures, it is the addictive gameplay and quirkiness of its main character that kept me engaged and continuing to play.

In conclusion, Alien on the Run is a hidden gem on the Nintendo 3DS. Don't let its unassuming appearance fool you; it offers a satisfying and addictive gameplay experience that makes it well worth its cost. If you're a fan of platform-puzzle games with a quirky sense of humor and challenging gameplay, Alien on the Run is a must-have.

Fun eShop title, nothing too special, but definitely worth the price, and rlly fun to play