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All the dlcs were fun I liked Mr freeze the most like I'll take him over everyone else he's so cool man uhh I'd give Crocs dlc a 6.5/10 mad hatter a 7/10 raas as ghoul a 8/10 and Mr freeze a 9/10

quick thoughts after just beating it:
ive beaten this before beating the main story because in my replay through this game I just wanted to hear as much joker dialogue as I can

so was I ever disappointed to see there is none for this dlc
not even for ra's

anyways to quickly breakdown each thing here

mad hatter one was really disappointing
I mean the ending with the story book was pretty cool
but overall a downgrade from city

mr freeze one was great story wise but gameplay wise it was just more taking down of the militia and the tank fight at the end was pretty lame

killer croc one was amazing in terms of atmosphere
got the terrifying vibes done just right
just wish fighting him was more interesting

and the ra's one was also pretty good
the choice at the end was also pretty interesting

maybe I should give this 4 stars like everyone else but I just kinda wish some actual boss fights were done or something

everything still kinda just felt like more of the same

Incredible DLCs for an Incredible game, my only problem is that they are all too short.

Season of infamy missions ranked:
1. Shadow war
2. In from the cold
3. Beneath the surface
4. Wonderland

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O highlight fica na luta do croc, o resto foi bom, mas não foi nada de especial.

Лучшее дополнение во франшизе!

I like how this adds some more missions to the game and gives players more ways to feel like they are inside of the world of Batman by facing the different villains of the series. I liked the different villains included and thought it was cool how they brought characters I wouldn't have thought about. The missions are also pretty alright.

Best DLC in the whole franchise. Adds 4 goated side missions and a whole new prison area in the GCPD.
In my opinion the best missions in order are
2. Mr Freeze
3. Ras al Ghul
4. Mad Hatter

Each mission is really fun and adds a decent amount of content to the game

I've been playing through this game on and off for a few days and finally decided to get around to completing this DLC. I don't really know how else to review it so here's a ranking.

4: Wonderland. (Mad Hatter)
A pretty generic side mission that ends on a high note with a sequence that gave me Psychonauts 2 vibes (TBH I think the only reason why someone would play this mission would be for either 100% or to get to the enviable Batman trips balls sequence but it's pretty subdued). I wish they went further with it because it's the only noteworthy thing about this mission, other than Mad Hatter being gay for Batman. Games should have trippy shit in them more often.

3: Beneath The Surface (Killer Croc)
Nightwing is here and that's already a positive, and the area has some pretty creepy atmosphere too. Then halfway through you have to leave and find two guards before you can progress which is kind of a pace killer. Croc technically has a boss fight but he's easy to take down. Pretty much a generic group battle with the tag team mechanic with a tougher brute enemy to fight.

2: Shadow War (Raz al Ghul)
I feel like out of all of these side missions this is the one that really should have been in the base game the most. It has (the one) clever puzzle and it overall just puts a nice bow on a dangling thread from Arkham City.

1: In From The Cold (Mister Freeze)
Mister Freeze is the best Batman villain and this is one of the best stories told using his character so naturally this makes it one of the best Batman stories.

segunda melhor dlc apesar da estrutura repetitiva

La expansión de más villanos a Batman Arkham Knight, brinda un respiro fresco al juego. Este DLC nos ofrece 4 historias adicionales de villanos emblemáticos de la saga, mientras qie hay historias sin mucho trasfondo como la de Sombrero Loco, otras dan final a villanos a los que se les perdió continuidad durante esta entrega, trayendo (como complemento al ya increíble juegos) cierres de historias fascinantes, un final digno a la liga de asesinos y un final tristemente conmovedor al exvillano Mr. Freeze. Un buen complemento.

gostei de todas as missões mas com certeza a que mais se destaca e a melhor é a do sr frio que no final fizeram aquela bosta de batalha com o batmovel só que a diferença é que tem um senso de urgencia no negocio dai n fica generico como todas as outras vezes

gosto como nenhuma fica generica ou esquecível tipo a do crocodilo que poderia ser só tipo ai crocodilo escapou vai matar geral e fodase, tem todo um contexto antes dos cara ta fazendo experimento nos cara e até decepar a mão do killer croc loco d+

Way better than its other terrible DLC

A good complement, nothing extraordinary.

Nice little expansion to visit some old friends. Fighting an overgrown crocodile, crazy-ass ninjas, etc. Victor's story itself is worth grabbing the DLC, his story is really sad, but I kinda like the ending, it feels fitting and feels like he finally got a closure.

Link to my Arkham Knight review:

I think this is the best DLC in the franchise. It adds 4 of the biggest villains omitted from Arkham Knight's main game. It also gives 4 really solid side quests 3 of which are set in completely new areas so they aren't all just crammed into already existing buildings. Ill talk about each quest briefly in order from my least favourite to favourite.

4. Mad Hatter - I think this is the weakest of the quests as it is very repetitive and doesn't have that good of a pay off. Basic premise is Mad Hatter has kidnapped 3 cops and hid them in bomb rigged cop cars. Batman has to diffuse the bombs to save them. Problem with this is i found the controls to be really janky and diffusing the bombs especially the harder ones became quite difficult. But the final wonderland fight is pretty cool but has nothing on the Origins or City one.

3. Mr Freeze - My favourite character out of these 4 but the side quest itself is nothing special. A lot of Militia stuff for some reason, adds an unnecessary tank fight but it has a fantastic ending with Mr Freeze and Nora sailing off together after finally being able to free her from the cryogen.

2. Ras Al Ghul - My least favourite character of the group but damn this side quest is good. Premise is that the League of Assassins are in a civil war, where half want Ras dead and the other dont. It introduces Nyssa Al Ghul as the leader of the rebel faction. The choice at the end is a tough one where you choose to either let Ras die or revive him, its a tough one on Batman's moral code. Love the hidden base being under the hospital thats really cool.

1. Killer Croc - Probably my 2nd favourite side quest in Knight. I love traversing through the destroyed Prison and seeing all the carnage. Croc's design is monstrous where he has no resemblance of a man anymore. It has a pretty cool twist of Croc being experimented on by the warden and thats why he is attacking them.

I love this DLC as it adds 4 fun side missions and a whole new wing to the GCPD building which is great. It is pretty weird that a DLC is required to get the max completion of the game but regardless I would 100% recommend to anyone who hasn't played.

What a sick DLC for a already sick game.

Being able to RKO a giant croc man is worth the price

Just talking about these four missions? Pretty good! Most have a solid story with fun gameplay. Can't say no to more Arkham Knight

Plusy: 4 ciekawe misje, powrót starych znajomych, fajne miejscówki
Minusy: krótka rozgrywka

Better than most DLC in the game still kinda mid though

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Maybe the best Arkham DLC ever? That will be a debate for another time, but i think for what it is these are four genuinely compelling additional side quests that work really well alongside the rest of the game, feeling more like an addition to the main game than a separate piece. Mad Hatter is always fun because they tend to do very well with him stylistically, and this is no different as his level is short but very visually entertaining. Ra's al Ghul's side quest presents the player with an interesting choice that I think is more complex than right or wrong, especially considering Batman's no killing rule. Killer Croc is done quite well though I felt considering how they teased him in City, and how genuinely nerve-wracking his level is in Asylum, it could have been a bit more personal. Mr. Freeze's level is fantastic, mostly for the great story that continues the interesting sympathetic route that the other games portrayed him in, and tied his thread up in a very satisfying way. Sometimes nice endings are just nice. That said, this isn't essential or anything, none of these side quests reach Zsasz or Pyg levels of great, but they're a lot of fun to do and all entertaining looks into the Arkham world.

ótima dlc, dá continuidade a alguns vilçoes que ficaram esquecidos no jogo base, encerrando de vez a trilogia arkham e o trabalho do batman.

Easily the best DLC for Arkham Knight.

Picked up all the DLCs in the season pass on sale, and it was very much worth it.

To talk properly about each mission, I'm gonna rank em from my least favourite to the best.

Killer Croc's Airship Shenanigans
None of these are bad. This was just the one I thought was ok.
Killer Croc doesn't get much closure, rather he just gets shit on more. Poor Waylon.

Mad Hatter's Car Boot Bombs
This one involves traversing across the city, which is never a bad time. And the final fight in the popup book was neat.

Ras Al Ghul: Civil War
Very interesting indeed. I chose to pull Ras' life support. I'm not leaving any superpowered beings running around in Gotham.

Mr Freeze's burning love
This one made me tear up a bit at the end. Very wholesome and sweet.

Overall, a very groovy expansion. I just wish the other ones were on the same quality.

Really great additions to the main game. The designs of each mini-dungeon feel a bit too copy-paste for my liking, but the writing of each more than makes up for the deficits. The best DLC should expand on the world of the original game or add fresh experiences that weren't available in the first playthrough. This accomplishes both and manages to feel like necessary content when compared to almost all of the other Knight DLCs.

The least mediocre aspect of Arkham Knight

About the same level of quality as the base game but with thankfully less Batmobile content. The Mr. Freeze story is easily the best of the four.