Reviews from

in the past

Fun minigames, if a bit repetitive. Did I get smarter? Maybe not, but I still enjoyed watching the numbers go up.

Minigames were okay from what I remember

They rejected my application

i loved big brain for the wii, but the first entry made for ds just doesn't have that it factor. it feels like you would be faster if you didn't have to bounce between screens, and that kind of perceived lack of responsiveness can really kill a game. but also i mean! fun mini games! i love making pairs. you look at the weirdo card art and it makes this game seem like it was supposed to be a little more special than it was. but that's ok. we all start somewhere.
( C - )

really fun despite how simple it is

The healthy cereal of Nintendo DS games.

Kinda remember having some fun with this. It's silly as hell, but it's a solid time.

increased my brain power and helped me finish university

genuinamente creía que estos juegos me hacian más listo de verdad lmao

Wow, in the Trailers Grandma looks like she wants to die

I learned that two dogs sometimes weigh more than three dogs and also that I'm an idiot.

C'était sympa à faire, j'ai un cerveau de 2k et j'ai un peu mal à la tête mais j'suis fier mdr

my mom got better scores than me when i was 9 and would come to my room to brag about it to me

Actually super addicting, each of the high-score based minigames ramps up in difficulty in a perfect way, making you feel like you're learning something. Dr. Lobe is funny and I got sucked into this game for two days straight just trying to get better at (most of) the games. Underrated!

Was fun to play as a kid, don't have much memories tho

i 'member having fun with this as a young'un

A really good mini-game compilation if you want to feel stupid.

The academy Blob guy told me that my brain was so small and feeble, that I needed to work on my education. He basically threw me out of the classroom because I couldn't effectively count quarters in 30 seconds. He told me I was so stupid that I wouldn't be able to go on to do great things. Lastly, he told me that my brain capacity is the same as Michelangelo, the guy who sculpted THE STATUE OF DAVID and painted THE SISTINE CHAPEL and proceeded to give me a C- as an overall grade.

No great things will be had in my life, I already quit everything great ahead of me because of the Blob man in this game. I will never live this down. He beat my self-esteem with a frying pan and still haunts my nightmares.

all i remember of this game is the unseen baby that comments on what medal you got and makes different noises accordingly. like he'd go "wa wa" if you got silver or gold or smth, and "waaaooo" if you got gold, please i'm not making this up, or maybe "WAAAAOOOO" if you got platinum, or, something else,,,


Brain Age was an incredibly popular game for the DS. It was the system's Wii Sports. Everyone young and old got a DS just to play this game. The portrait style mode plus needing to only play for a few minutes a day was great for casual gamers. While this is seen regularly on mobile phones these days it was a new concept in 2006. Instead of expanding on that game more, Nintendo thought it was a good idea to make another game that's just the testing part and you can do it all day if you want. Sure, that's great, but it needs to have a lot of content due to the gimmick being taken away.

You're going to notice this just 30 minutes into playing. You set up your profile (not as robust as Brain Age either) and you take your first test. You are tested in five different categories to see how much your brain weighs. Thinking, Memorizing, Analyzing, Compute, and Identifying. Each category has three mini-games that are mostly similar. The memorize category has you matching things from the top screen or playing a form of Simon Says. Thinking has you drawing lines to solve fast puzzles, analyze has you doing similar tasks such as solving math problems. There are other mini-games such as counting currency as fast as you can and picking the one with the highest amount. They're simple problems, but the game loses the charm from the Brain Age games fast. No portrait mode, less handwriting, no use of the mic, and the analysis of your brain seems silly and trivial. It doesn't feel like a brain training exercise.

That's also quite a shame because this could be the WarioWare of thinking games and it could work. With only 15 mini-games the content feels old fast and the puzzles are dry and not very fun. I felt like I was doing an entrance exam due to the lack of pizazz and flashiness that dresses up these kinds of games. Sadly, there aren't even any other modes besides verses and practice. It feels like a demo or a portion of a much larger game. The difficulty is adjusted on the fly as you play. Answer correctly and harder questions appear but fail and they get easier again. While you can't memorize answers due to their randomness of them you can at least get better at these tasks over time.

The presentation is also lacking. It looks colorful but dull and boring. There are minimal sound effects and music and it feels like an early mobile game to be quite honest. I can't see this being fun for kids and adults will grow tired of it quickly. The best part about this game is multiplayer as these kinds of games are best played with others. However, solo players will grow bored in about an hour. The staying power that made Brain Age games so great is gone here. Anyone who paid full price for this game would probably be upset due to only having a couple hours of gameplay if that. At the end of the day what you're left with is a brain teaser sampler with fun multiplayer.

Small me loved a good brainteaser and this game had just what I liked to have fun with. May get the new Switch installment if I feel the same way again.

It served its intended purpose, and it did it well IMO.

didnt really embiggen my brain tbh