Reviews from

in the past

had fun for about 12 hours - then i hit a wall where the only way through was countless more hours of waiting and i just called it quits . pretty good for those 12 hours tho

Mechanically, Cell to Singularity is solid, but it really shines in its theme. The variety of stages and upgrades keeps things interesting. The progression is pretty balanced: the early game is decent, the mid-game is great, and while the late game is a bit lackluster, it doesn't drag on.

The dev team seems dedicated, with regular events that add some nice variety if you're into that. However, the experience is seriously marred by mobile-game style microtransactions. If you decide to play, just ignore those. If you enjoy the game, consider making a single payment for what you think it's worth instead of falling into the microtransaction trap I guess.

Um joguinho clicker que dá para aprender muita coisa interessante viu e ainda é viciante, você fica curioso pra saber até onde a evolução vai. No início é bem gostoso de jogar mas admito que depois de uma ou duas semanas começa a ficar repetitivo, mas recomendo mesmo assim. Pelo jogo ainda estar desenvolvimento tem muitos erros de português mas isso não vai estragar sua experiência.

Exceptuando la parte de los dinosaurios, las demás secciones son bastante lentas de completar a no ser que uses bosteos. Los eventos especiales son casi imposibles de conseguir en una sola tanda, pero cada vez que se repiten suben un poco la velocidad. Se puede ir haciendo sin necesidad de usar objetos que potencien la velocidad o aumentar las ganancias, pero entonces se hace largo.
Un juego muy de chill de ir haciendo poco a poco.
Como punto positivo, que creo que es lo que más me gusta... Está muy bien porque es como dar clases de historia, biología, etc... De forma interactiva.

over 1k hours bro... i know its just a clicker game but it isnt to me. it is something special. adventure capitalist could NEVER
also people say pay to win but i got over 500 cubes from doing nothing

Acho que eu só não gosto do gênero mesmo, esse até me aparentou ser acima da média.

this game is rotting my brain

Fuck the dinosaurs. That aside, pretty good stuff.

pra um jogo gratis clicker, é bem legalzinho

This is the most confusing clicker/idle game I've ever played

El libro de Sociales y Naturales de la Gen Z.

It's a fun idle game. And the more or less weekly events add some variety

Been playing this game a little every day. Very educational and the progression is very satisfactory.

gastei mais de 50 horas da minha vida nesse jogo, mas perdi todo o meu progresso pq formatei meu pc T_T jurava q o save tava na nuvem e n tava, agr broxei total, nem fudendo q vou começar tudo dnv, dito isso, é um bom clicker, tem uma proposta mt interessante, é informativo, abrange biologia, historia, astronomia, e por ai vai, além de ser um joguin visualmente agradável. claro q como a maioria dos jogos clicker, ele fica bem repetitivo dps de um tempo, principalmente quando vc chega no fim da sua primeira simulação, mas se vc curte o gênero com certeza vale o tempo.

only idle game ive ever cared about

Definitely a lot more visually impressive than other idles, but it didn't hook me.

Fun at first idle/clicker game, before you run out of main content, while the side content gets unbearably slow. I genuinely love this concept and even learned a bit along the way, but it's clear making money is more important than enjoyment here.

The fact that you have to do 50 prestige levels for the dinosaur section and repeat those 50 levels 10 MORE TIMES is absolutely insane. It's a literal waste of time.

A pretty impressive incremental game at the start, but it gets really slow. The pay-to-win mechanics are really enforced if you don't want to play this for months. However, it's an interesting way to learn a thing or two about astronomy and biology.

MTX popup locked me out of the game within the first 10 minutes, forcing me to alt f4. I think I'll pass.