Reviews from

in the past

If I have to wait for my entire life for this game to get good, I will.

Accessibility still as crappy as ever after all these years. Not much new added either.

Best city builder at the moment, but also the only city builder at the moment. Have tons of hours in it, but there's plenty of room for improvements in the genre.

Peut être par chance d'avoir un très bon pc, mais je n'ai pas rencontré les nombreux problèmes qui ont l'air d'affecter ce jeu.
C'est impressionnant de voir tout ce qui peut être affiché sur mon écran.
La gestion est juste incroyable.

I enjoyed this and spent almost two months on a city that I made. I have been a huge fan of the SimCity franchise for years and this really hit home for me. That said, I do not think it was as good as the first iteration or other SimCity games.

SC2 is the best modern city builder you can buy in 2024....but it is also the only modern city builder you can buy... Sure there are fantasy stuff out there but nothing that aims for realism. So while this is a huge hat tip to SC2, it also means that there is no competition. So when it comes to needed improvements and bug fixes... there isn't mush motivating the developers.

In short, Good game, wish there were more options.

Yeah its fun for a while as someone who doesn't really play this type of game but i don't see it sticking for very long

talvez num futuro distante esse vire melhor q o 1
so melhorou grafico e alguns sistemas do jogo
mas falta mais

melhor q o original em muitos aspectos, seja pq é mais bonito, a radio é interessantezinha e toda a tua população é muito mais esperta, criação de ruas ta absurdamente melhor, tu n consegue so sair metendo predio alto no fds, e agr q tem suporte oficial pra mod o jogo vai ir melhorando bastante.

eu joguei bastante no lançamento ent maioria dos meus problemas são dessa epoca, começando por o jogo ser mto mal otimizado, como q tanka todos os npcs terem toda uma arcada dentaria modelada em detalhes sendo q tu nunca vai ver isso, tbm a população so quer casinha de familia unica, pra chegar ao ponto em q vc tem uma cidade com centro cheio de predios altos, apartamentos e prediozinhos com comercio e moradia junto não só leva um puta tempo, mas ate vc chegar a esse ponto teu mapa vai tar lotado de suburbios enormes, sem mencionar o fato de ser absurdamente facil ganhar dinheiro, tu nem faz nada e fica rico.

parte do q eu falei provavelmente ja foi corrigido (pelo menos eu espero), e mesmo q n, so de agr ter mod eu n duvido q parte dos problemas a comunidade msm concerte.

O jogo é ridiculamente pesado, porém é um ótimo simulador city building (exceto quando a IA decide testar sua paciência e fazer apenas atrocidades). Incrementou excelentes melhorias em comparação a primeira versão dentro do jogo base, desde ferramentas de manipulação de terreno, quanto de construção (o que antes necessitaria de algum mod para tal). Uma pena que a opção de pare/via preferencial foi perdida e agora os pares são em todas as mãos em um cruzamento.

its lacking soo much... it just doesnt compare to the first one

Can't wait to change my rating in a couple years, but for now the game is extremely buggy, barely runs even with the lowest settings on my laptop that had no issues with CS1.. The game lacks content, is not fun on high-end pc & consoles, and literally unplayable on lower-end computers in this state.
For such a community driven game, all Cities Skylines II does is disable those who wants to play it but can't due to performance issues, demotivate modders & asset makers to build upon a buggy mess, and alienate new players with an experience that is simply worse than the first game.

That and also some poorly thought-out features that feels badly exploited and barely adds to the game's experience. I wouldn't say it's an unfixable game, far from it; but its launch state will definitely impact the game long term for the damage it's doing to the community; It just makes me sad honestly.

There are a ton of bugs. There are buildings that flat out don’t work. The Post Office Sorting is broken. Garbage Pick Up is broken. Cargo import / export is broken. CIMs behave irrationally; i.e. if you charge $100 parking on the street, and offer a $10 parking garage to park, they will still choose the street. There are graphical issues (things look blurry and flickery when zooming). Traffic ignores traffic laws and a lot of the easy, quality of life building that didn’t exist in the first game, exist here.

I am pushing through a lot of these bugs, and ultimately, I do not have the sense of enjoyment I had in the first game. We all need to remember we are talking about a game studio with a team of 30 or so developers; so I have no doubt these issues will be fixed eventually, but for right now, this is a thumbs down rushed launch.

Cities Skylines II is a game with incredible potential and uniqueness in its genre. It offers an immersive city-building experience with a vast array of features. However, it falls short in terms of optimization, with poor performance on PC being a notable issue. Additionally, it lacks sufficient tools for optimizing city management, which can hinder the gameplay experience. Despite these drawbacks, its potential and uniqueness make it a game worth exploring.

Há possibilidades de ser bom, mas estou esperando uma atualziação pra voltar.

score will probably change after mod support and more developer updates

A buggy mess, but I enjoy it very much

Nice but it lacks so many features that it feels like a lite version of the original game

colossal order flopped with this one ngl

A solid game overall, but it really doesn't quite feel like the game that some players, myself included, expected with this sequel.

Tiene un potencial increíble, pero lleva 5 meses -desde que salió, básicamente- abandonado, sólo le han metido hotfixes, pero sigue muy bugeado y la mitad de cosas no son funcionales. Si en algún momento le meten mano y lo dejan bien, editaré la review

Minha namorada me deu o 2 em julho na pré-venda. O jogo lançou em outubro. Joguei e achei terrível, uma decadência em relação ao primeiro jogo. Isso sem mencionar os problemas de desempenho.

5 meses depois do lançamento: continua igual. Que decepção imensa, que desgosto que criei pela suposta empresa Colossal Order. Vou ter que continuar jogando o primeiro.

Bien content de l'avoir pris en torrent, quand on voit le désastre au lancement (et c'est toujours le cas)

Pas de support pour les mods, performances dégeux même avec une ville moyenne, le jeu est clairement sorti trop tôt, et le 1 est largement plus complet.

Je garde mon argent tant que c'est pas mieux !

Buggy as fuck disaster of a video game. I keep playing it because it'd be an easy 4 or 4-and-a-half stars if it just WORKED.

precisa de um pc da nasa pra jogar essa porra

I wish I was better at it. All my citizens just complain about traffic and my lack of hearses.

It's good, but it's not. Way more beautiful than the first game with far better scaling on the buildings, but it strips back enough features that it feels like you're playing a demo. As per usual with Paradox produced titles, Cities: Skylines II provides a great base for a great game sometime in the future, but it will take a few DLCs to realize that potential, so start saving. If you like playing city designer, it's worth it, but don't expect anything deep.