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Terminei o jogo inteiro com mais 3 amigos e tudo que a Larian tá recebendo agora no BG3 já merecia elogios desde aqui

O mundo rico em exploração, o combate sistêmico, as opções de decisões, tudo isso já estava presente nesse rpg incrível

Только в этой игре тебя может трахнуть женщина по своей воле

This game is every bit as good as people say it is. The story, the lore, the gameplay, all thoroughly polished. It was my first CRPG, and it kick-started a love for the genre in me. I cannot recommend enough that you play it.

The game does have a steep learning curve tho. There are so many things you need to keep track of that it might take a while for you to feel comfortable. You'll start winning a lot more battles more easily once you understand all options available to you. Also, the last act has a massive difficulty spike right at the beginning - prepare well.

i had to use cheats in the end lol

As a newcomer to this style of isometric, turn-based RPGs, I was a huge fan of D:OS1. I am an even bigger fan of this sequel.

The story, characters, side quests, personal quests - all of these come together in an absolutely beautiful way from start to finish. The overarching plot is phenomenal with so many twists and turns that it would be very difficult for any individual player to predict all of them. (You don't need to have played the previous game to understand what's going on, but it will certainly boost your experience to notice all the fun callbacks. It's humorously ironic that in the first game, the main characters were Source hunters, and in this one they are Sourcerors!)

But what sets this game apart from all other RPGs is its tactical combat. I played through the whole game on Classic (the second highest difficulty) and for me, someone who had played the first game twice, I found it incredibly challenging in certain points, especially in the final act. It honestly drove me to frustration at several enemy encounters. I unashamedly used cheesing guides and walkthroughs to know what I had to do to succeed and you will probably need to do this as well. This is basically part of the Larian experience! If this sounds like a turnoff to you, consider playing on the second lowest difficulty (Explorer). In my opinion, this is the ideal way to experience the game for the first time as it still requires you to use a certain degree of tactical thinking but it will never feel overwhelmingly difficult for the most part. Despite my personal frustrations, I found the entire game to be a deeply rewarding experience.

Basically every other aspect is flawless, from the writing, voice acting, and general polish. Ultimately this game is not for everyone, but to anyone who is seeking a great story with a decent challenge that will never hold your hand, this game is exactly what you're looking for. Just play it and back Original Sin 3 when it inevitably goes on Kickstarter!

Before Baldur's gate 3, there was this game. A masterpiece of story, gameplay, barrelmancy, glitches, and consequences. This game is a wonderful journey into adventure, combat, choices, and romance. Play this if you like RPGs, or even if you don't.

Man I am kinda disappointed in myself for not being able to finish this one.

First I tried balanced mode and I kept getting my ass whooped then I switched to explorer and then to story and kept losing and I decided to pack it in.

I really like this game, I think I built my character and team very poorly. At chapter 4 they said you are supposed to be level 13 and I was level 9 basically soft locking me out of completion.

This game is the game Larian needed to make before they did baldur’s gate 3. In many ways it’s better than bg3, I think the combat can be at times much more interesting but I was so much more motivated to do better in bg3. I really put in the research into that game.

No excuses, I just suck and should have tried harder. Oh well.

Still hoping my friends and I will pick this game back up.

top 2 melhor RPG, só perde pra BG3

Крутая игра, что сказать. Прошел ее в кооперативе. Очень понравилась в большинстве аспектов: боевка, визуал, саундтрек, антураж, история. Все это давало незабываемые впечатления. Думаю, что еще пару раз перепройду, слишком уж она мне понравилась.
Рекомендую к прохождению тем, кому нравится фентези и жанр РПГ.

really enjoyed this but man larian are bad at making the final acts of their games engaging

Fun fact: Larian Studios originally planned 7 maps for the game (one for each race); Then when reality struck that they couldn't handle a project of that size they had to adjust their scope.

increible, superado por el baldur's gate 3

This game is what finally helped me understand fantasy RPG as a genre.

This game was the first CRPG that ever really stuck with me. The combat is engaging and chaotic, the exploration is wonderful, and while the story isn’t incredible it still works to drive the game forward.

just finished it yesterday after playing for 3+ years in coop with a friend... we kinda rushed the dialogues, but the story looks interesting.
we also killed everyone we could and may have broke a side quest or two.

if you're playing with an undead be mindful of where you are when messing with your equipment: people might get uneasy about seeing through your bones.
or do it when you want to know who's really with you or not

Brilliant game. This style of RPG was fairly new to me so at the start it was a bit overwhelming with all the mechanics but managed to get through the game fairly easily. Lots of save scumming and cheesing fights of course but I wasn't playing an honour save so I don't really care. Great story and great characters with interesting individual stories. Combat was also very well done.

I really enjoyed my time with this game, the only issue I've had with it is that it isn't limited enough.
like your party starts out basically being specialists, but after a few hours they can kinda do anything they want and there's no real downside to it.
great for a power fantasy, but not for what I'd want out of a game like this.


Uma das aventuras mais incríveis que já joguei. O sistema de combate é altamente imersivo e detalhado, contando com uma trilha musical empolgante que torna tudo ainda mais épico. Os diálogos são muito bem escritos e o jogo assume essa faceta de RPG de mesa sem medo, entregando uma experiência única e extremamente divertida, cheia de possibilidades.

Entretanto, sinto que há um problema de design no que tange os picos de dificuldar que existem no início de cada um dos atos, especialmente no quarto ato, quando finalizei o terceiro com certa facilidade, e no quarto mal tinha opções para poder melhorar meus personagens. No fim, consegui passar dos primeiros desafios, mas senti-me desgastado e, sinceramente, com pouco ânimo para continuar.

Isso não tira o brilho do jogo, que me proporcionou uma das minhas experiências favortias do ano até o momento. Mas faltou isso aqui (bem pouco) pra ser realmente "A" experiência.

Ifan Ben Mezd my beloved
Amazing tactical gameplay with infinite creativity.

Even better than the 1st game. The characters are amazing, the story is great and the difficulty level is very tough but always fair. An incredible amount of content, a great game.

Jogaço, um dos melhores da historia.

honestly, it's all just way too overwhelming after act 1