Reviews from

in the past

I really wish that game we saw in E3 1998 is the DNF we got in the end. That Restoration Project last year (2023) proved that it would've been better than whatever Gearbox made.

Truly mindboggling that this ever saw the light of day.
You can see, hear, and feel the potential when playing the broken leaked build. Whats even more mindboggling; the fact its still kinda fun despite it's blatantly unfinished state.

Genuinely could, and should have been one of the greatest games ever made

Holy shit that 2001 leak is fucking amazing. this could have been crisis before crisis

Cant believe that this unfinished build from 2001 manages to just beat the 2011 release in every single aspect. For an unfinished build it just packs so much personality and has so much content that just rocks and with the source code also being leaked it's just a matter of time until a passionate group of people will make the visions that were in the middle of blooming live and the dream a reality.

this was like peering into an alternate, utopian timeline where the only different thing was that this build was finished and released in 2001. Guess what? no cancer, no hunger, no discrimination, and I became a trillionaire from writing videogame reviews.

this is what Phantom Fury WISHES it could be

It's hard to give this one a rating, since it was never released. But I bet it would have been one of the best games ever released in the 2000's!

honestly baffling how this revolutionary game was taken from us because some guy played Half Life or whatever

This could have been great.
This could have been at the top of the best of PC Gaming.

You fucked up Broussard.

"Yeah this goes hard, scrap it" - Randy Pitchford