Reviews from

in the past

Making a vapid lifeless game ironically is still making a vapid lifeless game.

trevor likes fat bitches!!!!!!

Preparação para GTA VI.

Joguei pela primeira vez o V depois de muito tempo e pra mim envelheceu como vinho. Eu sinceramente queria que filmes de bandidagens modernos soubessem beber de fontes clássicas e trabalhar bem que nem esse jogo faz. Pra mim no final a trama vira um absoluto CAOS e eu falo num bom sentido. Só o que tenho a dizeré que o pessoal pinta uma figura do Trevor por aí que certamente não combina com o personagem. E honestamente, eu prefiro bem mais um amigo doido a um traíra. My boy Franklin gets it.

This was the GTA that gave me the "Played a GTA at my cousin's house when I was younger" Experience. Now it's sits in my steam library as my first ever unplayed steam purchase. Truly a Monolith in my collection

Everything straight perfection, like literally every category you can rank a video game with. I can't belive i missed out on this masterpiece a decade ago, should've been on this.

Its about career criminals and when you write modern crime you obviously gotta leave some things out here and there. I'm not gonna be a nazi about "oh yeah in this digital age thats would be impossible" because the way they decribe the crimes is so good you can straight ignore it. Another thing that I liked was from the jump everyone was in the system, there was no "oh boo hoo I cant commit crimes" they went straight into action. And not only that, they had good reason to describe why they went straight into action. Michael, Franklin, and Trevor were all introduced having their own issues and this entire plot is about braving them.

To keep this short I'm not gonna write a whole thing about the crazy lisenced music library or the funny ass dialog, just know that this thing had it all.

Ainda preciso zerar, mas o modo online no console é outro mundo quando comparado ao do PC. Dá pra seguir a vida sem se preocupar com hackers e pessoas te explodindo a cada segundo, pude aproveitar muito bem o jogo e usei ele pra relaxar muitas vezes, vale a pena.

I haven't played it in a while so it might have aged worse than I remember, but it hit me at the right age to appreciate its sense of humour and sandbox gameplay.

I think I truly took of my Nintendo Fan shackles when I booted this up for the first time, as I was never interested in GTA growing up, I was too much of a Good Kid who played Good Video Games. My thoughts pretty much boil down to this game being a fun game to dick around and be a complete asshole driver for fun, but the missions are a real mixed bag of tolerable to just annoying and/or boring. But I mean, Ill probably always find dicking around in this game for a few hours fun.

Absolutely love it, the story, the gameplay, it feels very good considering this game is more than 10 years old

El juego de la década si me preguntan, nada más que añadir.

I keep trying to give this series a chance because of how huge and incredible it seems but every second I was playing this game I felt like a worthless piece of scum in line with every character present here

No tengo claro si quiere ser una especie de simulador del buen ciudadano, del delincuente, de disparos o de sigilo. Propone un guión y una serie de actividades con base en el mundo criminal que no funciona de forma contundente; a veces de situaciones surrealistas y cómicas, y otras de un nivel de formalidad y seriedad que lo puede convertir en algo monótono y tedioso. Sus personajes se me antojan insuficientes para mantener el interés; las actividades secundarias acaban siendo un aspecto de lo más irrelevante; los controles y la precisión en muchos momentos entorpecen el desarrollo de las misiones, y el argumento resulta algo extendido y disperso. Aun con trucos y mods, el modo individual no me ha resultado especialmente divertido.

Menos mal que no me lo compraron con 14 años

Yoo enjoyable but the story was not that good
ehh still the best open world game fr🔥

Eu não peguei a época do on-line e nem vou jogar o on-line então eu acho ele uma sequência muito boa de jogos anteriores
Não sei muito o quê dizer sobre ele é legal

Tiro, porrada e bomba. Passei altas raivas no online quando tinha um maluco com OPRESSOR vinha e me explodia porque sim.

Got bored so Michael and Franklin started shooting birds

Had a lot of fun replaying this, story has some iconic and hilarious moments, finished on PS5 but that version has its own listing that i dont feel like logging.

GTA V is a pretty good game. I played through it twice, but I was ready for GTA 6 10 years ago. What is Rockstar doing, are they just like swimming in those billions of dollars they got from creating the most successful entertainment product of all time. They really should just make a new game it shouldn't take them almost 20 years to fart out a sequel.

Joguei e rejoguei ele umas três vezes em três plataformas diferentes, continua sendo uma experiência divertida. O Online com as heists e meus amigos fizeram muita diferença na minha percepção também. Definitivamente um jogo que deve ser jogado.