Reviews from

in the past

I didnt find the characters or the story compelling in this game. I do however love the atmosphere and the soundtrack to the game, its all very moody. The additional difficulty due to the player character not being a powerful spartan was also a welcome addition. Gameplay is on par with Halo 3.

Halo 3: ODST é uma adição notável à série Halo, oferecendo uma perspectiva única e uma experiência de jogo cativante. A ambientação sombria e a narrativa fragmentada diferenciam este título dos outros jogos da franquia, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e inovação.

Desde o início, senti uma certa dificuldade em me adaptar ao ritmo e à estrutura do jogo. A ausência do icônico Master Chief e a abordagem mais tática e exploratória exigiram uma mudança de mentalidade. No entanto, após algumas horas de jogo, consegui me entender com a dinâmica dos Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) e a narrativa não linear.

Os gráficos e a atmosfera de Nova Mombasa são impressionantes, com uma cidade detalhadamente renderizada e imersiva. A trilha sonora, composta por melodias melancólicas e emocionantes, complementa perfeitamente o ambiente sombrio e a sensação de isolamento.

Em alguns momentos, ainda me senti perdido nas missões, necessitando recorrer diversas vezes ao mapa para me orientar. A estrutura de mundo semiaberto, embora inovadora, pode ser confusa, especialmente durante a exploração noturna. No entanto, essa pequena desorientação não diminui a excelência geral do jogo.

A jogabilidade mantém-se sólida, com combates intensos e a necessidade de abordar os inimigos com uma estratégia mais cuidadosa. A narrativa fragmentada, contada através de flashbacks, enriquece a história e oferece uma profundidade adicional aos personagens e ao universo de Halo.

Halo 3: ODST é um título excelente, que proporciona uma experiência única e imersiva. Apesar dos desafios iniciais e dos momentos de desorientação, o jogo destaca-se como uma joia da franquia, oferecendo uma aventura emocionante e memorável. É uma prova de que a série Halo pode reinventar-se sem perder a qualidade e a capacidade de cativar os jogadores

Great game great vibes and story. Though I feel like they ruined odst and made them too much like Spartans but it was made on the halo 3 engine. If they made it from the ground up I feel like it could be so much better.

Has the best OST out of all the Halo game. It is just so beautiful.

Originally ment to be an expansion for Halo 3, this game feels like its own thing entirely. It was always the black sheep of the franchise but that doesnt change the quality. Even though there is no multiplayer, the campaign was great. A few problems I have with it though are the visuals. I really dig the art style but if you have epilepsy, don't play. Explosives go full bright and its also pretty dark. The way you gain health is... not fun. You find health packs around the map but in some areas there is none but in other areas, there is plenty.

Tayari Plaza - 6/10
Uplift Reserve - 8/10
ONI Alpha Site - 8/10
NMPD HQ - 7/10
Kikowani Station - 9/10
Data Hive - 7/10
Coastal Highway - 7/10


This is an amazing DLC campaign.

It's not quite as good as the main Halo trilogy, but it is solid. And stands alone with its unique identity.

That being said this is really short, some of the level design is just blatant copy paste, on a much larger scale than even Combat Evolved. And it was sold at full price initially, which it does not deserve. It also has no multiplayer component of its own, which while I don't play, is something I'll consider.

Nowadays its fine, its included in MCC or 10$ for a physical 360 copy, but remains that since this is something that should be considered. Still solid Halo, as always.

this is the darkest game ever made. not in subject matter but in the fact you need to keep the night vision on for 50% of it

I love ODST. Fascinatingly and uniquely presented, with distinctive characters that embody the B-team vibe perfectly. New Mombasa is dark and oppressive in a way seldom seen in Halo - while definitely limited by the engine at the time, the experience on PC with an SSD is much truer to what was imagined, and makes New Mombasa really feel like a small open world.

Que banger de juego dios santo como me gusta esta saga.

An incredibly fun game that harkens back to the days of super fun co-op single player fps goodness that seems to be in short supply these days. The present flashing back to the past trope is nothing to write home about, but it's a cool story that runs parallel to halo 2, which I enjoyed.
A very fun final escort vehicle mission runs a TAD bit too long, maybe one too many doors, but I'm very curious to see how this all plays out as the asset at the end definitely has my interest piqued.
overall a tight runtime, good gunplay, co-op fun, and a vibey score made this a great time for a newbie like me to the series.

Ambiance de ville détruire exceptionnelle.
Ça prouve qu’on peux utiliser l’univers d’Halo sans forcément mettre des Spartans

That post credit scene is the best part of this game

A unique campaign that set itself apart from the rest of the franchise, in a refreshing and bold way.
A lot of fun. Plus, that jazz music is legendary.

This was way too fun people behind this clearly cared about Halo.

Görebileceğiniz en berbat ve boş oyunlardan biri.

ODST rules. Buck is my favorite, firefight is incredibly fun

Easily the most underrated chapter of the whole Halo franchise with an incredible, ominous atmosphere and storytelling that really underlines the struggle and desperation of the human side in the war, matched with the well-oiled gameplay, great stage design and fantastic music. Short, but packs a punch

The gameplay is tight and polished, providing a fresh take with its focus on a different type of soldier.

The soundtrack is amazing, perfectly capturing the game's moody, atmospheric tone. However, the narrative style, with its non-linear storytelling and flashbacks, wasn't quite my cup of tea.

Overall, it may not be as glorious as the previous titles but it is good to have an expanded lore for us to be immersed.

Actually my favourite Halo game.

Take the polish, variety, and pacing of 3, throw in a modestly sized, immersive open-world, and smother it in layer upon layer of moody atmosphere, and you have a Halo game that feels like it was made for me. It’s only crime is its length.

Also the best soundtrack in the series, bar none.

The dark and moody atmosphere of war torn New Mombasa sets the scene for Halo 3 ODST. Rain falls almost constantly as you walk the lamplit streets, while a somber jazz soundtrack is never out of earshot. ODST is the best mood piece Bungie has made. It may not be a full game, but the range of emotion Bungie defines by using the medium of games remains unmatched by Triple-A gaming.

Now this is what I'm talking about (this is not what I'm taking about)

A fun experiment, though the main missions still feel a bit too much like the usual Halo fare.

They are still good, though I would have liked a greater focus on tactics or stealth or something other than the usual but with a squishier Master Chief.

its a really weird spinoff, but there's enough lore and gameplay to keep things interesting. This game is really fucking dark though, that shit gets annoying so fast. Imagine trying to play this at night on your xbox 360 and you can't see shit because the entire level is inside a dark ass building and the night vision you get in ODST barely fucking works cause ur an ODST soldier and not a spartan. damn.

some good ideas not executed the best. clearly a prototype for destiny. decent soundtrack but a little bit shite

I was not a fan. Felt like it didn't live up to the hype for me. Didn't really care for the characters all that much.

Way, way better than it has any right to be. A welcome departure from the typical Halo formula with a chilling atmosphere, banger soundtrack and excellent pacing. The shorter runtime means no mission outstays its welcome and there's no filler in sight. As a companion piece to both Halo 2 and, in some ways, Halo Reach, the storytelling here is really interesting and is told in a super smart way. Please don't skip this.

Probably my favorite soundtrack out of the entire franchise. Hearing jazz while walking the empty streets in the dark is peak atmosphere.

*Played as part of the Master Chief Collection

A nice change of pace from the other games in the franchise. I liked the focus on a different group of characters, and the change of pace in the gameplay. That being said, it's a little too generic and the characters are too one-note to truly stand out.
It was fun to play, but I don't think I'll be thinking about this one for a long time to come.

Played this game for the first time late last year while I was on a big halo kick. The atmosphere of this game is really unique and I think it definitely paved the way for some of the moodier themes / atmosphere in reach, although this game doesn’t quite take it as far as reach does in some regards. While ODST’s are still incredibly strong compared your average UNSC solder, it is nice to experience the Halo universe from the perspective of someone who is a bit less OP than a Spartan. The characters are great in this game and easily one of the most memorable aspects of the narrative. They feel very human as far as video game characters come, and have a lot of heart.

The gameplay is pretty much just the halo gameplay you are used to. Many of the louder sections of gameplay feel a bit out of place alongside a story that is more shrouded in a balance of hope and hopelessness.

What really makes this game worth playing is the piano. I was shocked to find such a uniquely beautiful soundtrack in a game about rough and tumble space troopers who fly at breakneck speeds towards impending death and destruction. If you go to any of the 8 hours ODST ost/ambiance videos on YouTube and read the comments… it genuinely might bring you to tears. There are hundreds of stories of hardship, grief, and loss. Everyone in the comments is so encouraging of one another, there is a true sense of camaraderie, and it’s honestly one of the most honest and uplifting environments I have ever encountered on the internet, it’s really worth seeing for your self. I guess the themes of resilience, hopelessness and hope, perseverance, and even love really resonated with many players.

Gameplay is whatever but the heart is really there. I want to say I hope halo will revisit this sort of atmosphere and storytelling one day, but maybe there isn’t really a need, because this game still exists, and it’s great
