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in the past

IOI cooked so hard with the final mission of this campaign it's actually crazy. The concept of an infectious target who can turn any civilian they're near into a target as well gives the player a crazy degree of narritive agency- I know a big part of the appeal of this mission is that it's the one where the game gives you express permission to Just Kill People, but the fact that you have the chance to totally prevent any spread of the disease is so fucking cool. Whether 100 people have to die here or only your targets is entirely in the player's hands, not in some "you can just shoot everyone for no reason" way, but in the sense that the choices and mistakes players make moment-to-moment can ripple outwards and potentially change how the story proceeds entirely, going where it wants whether the player likes how it ends or not. Every second you're dragging an unconscious gaurd into a closet is a second during which every NPC on the map is moving and coming into contact with others, potentially transmitting the disease. You're not just trying to kill a target- so long as Cage is still alive, you're actively working against him and trying to contain the Situation he's engineered. It's cool!

I also love that the game never tells you that everyone can be saved- that you actually can get an "everybody lives!!" ending. I'm gonna be honest, while I like 47's characterization in Blood Money, where he is a much more explicitly sinister force, I kind of love the more optimistic tone of WoA and how much fun it seems to have with 47 being this calculating avatar of death whose rigid professionalism and respect for his handler also incidentally just kind of makes him a force for good. I think that kind of got me especially invested in the stakes here- I want to see that lovely bald man save the day, not out of some sense of inborn altruism, but because it would be a blow to his pride if he didn't succeed at containing the virus. My first playthrough of Patient Zero had a moment where I audibly said "oh fuck" as Diana started freaking out over one of the infected making it to the bar and the target counter shooting up to 40. The elevated danger here and the general feeling of urgency made solving the puzzle of how to take out Cage without letting anyone else get sick extremely gratifying. Also, very glad that the final mission got a sci-fi horror soundtrack. Love the spooky bitcrushed synths that come in as you're choking out some idiot who almost just came into contact with the world's most sickly old man.

Also just want to say it's very funny that the target who feels like they have the greatest degree of agency and is actively trying to fuck you over during the mission is the catatonic, perpetually groaning sick guy who will immediately drop dead if you hit him with the tummyache gun

I killed fucking 102 people in the last mission
People were just casually walking by dead bodies 💀💀💀

This is better than the main game because anyone infected with the virus is considered a "target", so you can justify killing 100s of innocent civilians even more efficiently than a Twitter user!

(Played on Professional)

First 3 missions were meh, but i liked the last mission. It is easy to beat if you know what you are doing but you have to find it first and game doesn't hold your hand like in the base game. So W i guess?

But first 3 missions are still weak and I don't really like the recycled maps.

Very uninspired set of missions that gives you more of the same, but very little new content thanks to its rampant reuse and remixing of Hitman 2016 base content. If you want more missions, its not a terrible way to spend your time, but it is quite skippable.