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Hand down peak of combat for the series. Balance changes alone were enough to solve most complaints about the base game's combat, and the extra challenges really sold the cake here.

For starters, we play through the end once again. But now through a new perspective. It feels a bit repetitive, especially if you start it as soon as you finish the base game. But it does wonders to your general understanding of the end. And having lasting consequences in the end was a good change of pace for the series.

Getting to play as so many beloved characters throughout these fights helps mitigate the repetitiveness factor. Nothing comes closer to finally seeing multiple Keyblade masters fighting in unison against a real threat, as the base game unfortunately failed to deliver. And Mickey finally beat the fraud allegations! But I can't express how much I loved everything related to Kairi here. God, I wanted to play as her for so long and, to my wonderful surprise, she's awesome! She steals the spotlight (as I always wished for her to do so) with a satisfying moveset and it feels so deserving.

And once you're done with replaying the story, things start getting really interesting. Limit Cut episode introduces 13 new bosses that put you through fire and flames in some of the best fights ever designed in the series. Team Osaka outdid themselves here by bringing elements from all other games (yeah, all of them) into each of the battles, making this an ultimate challenge for longtime fans.

Marluxia starts with a very CoM-inspired moveset, but seeing him suddenly whispering his silent doom words into Sora's ears is enthralling, nostalgic and chilling, all at the same time. All of that while we get a banger remix of his original theme playing in the background.

And that's only one example out of thirteen. Xemnas puts you through his iconic laser dome once again. Vanitas incorporates moves from his Remnant secret boss in BBS. Riku is once again dashing through the arena while mocking you just like in Hollow Bastion.Xion's moveset is a mix of her own moves, Sora's, Roxas' and even Kairi's(!). You just can't ask for more fanservice than that.

It could take hours to master each fight, especially when doing self-imposed challenges. But man it feels rewarding. It also gives you more reason to revisit older Keyblades, unlock some endgame content and learn more about the game's combat in a deeper level.

And if you did beat them all, you also get the true ultimate challenge. Following the series' tradition of introducing a to-be-important character as a superboss, Yozora enters the scene as a final enemy in your way. Fighting him is insane. More than insane. He breaks the game's systems just because he can, and may possibly make you break your controller in the process. And it's an entirely original fight, so while you may be prepared for things like unblockable attacks, a lot of time will be just you trying to figure out what killed you this time. Learning his dance takes time, but it never feels like a chore, incredibly.

All in all, this was the perfect update to the game, being able to turn people's opinions about the title in general. While base KH III is not a perfect game, its expansion unveils its true potential and refreshes my hopes for a bright future for the series. They don't necessarily need to top these fights, but I'm sure they can deliver us the same rush. And I'll take it any time.

one of the greatest games in the series(i consider it my second favorite)
gameplay is peak
story is close to peak
the small details in the game reminds me of kh1
it's full of post game content
the Re:Mind DLC was actually insane
it's also probably my most played kh game
it also has the best and hardest boss fight in the series
(personally i recommend playing final fantasy 15 before kh3)

Had so much fun with this game, can't recommend enough 10/10

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God the data battles are difficult and that Yozora battle is so fucking hard.


This is by far one of the best KH games there is nearly, I loved (almost) every minute of it

Bosses in this shit HIT bro like the fight against Yozora is like top 10 gaming bosses of all the time I love Vexen I wanna mary him and live happily ever after dude they also has Squal from FFVIII and that's like autism the video game i love that one brooooo this was such a tripppp

Made and already great ending even more great am so fucking hyped for KH4. Yozora boss fight is probably one of my favourite boss fights even though it made me multiple times want to smash my TV

Uma boa continuação que aperfeiçoou o combate, mas, por ter deixado a historia mais confusa do que já era afastou muitas pessoas e não conseguiu superar seu antecessor.

I should probably play this again. I do remember liking it overall, but I can't remember much about it.

The best to come out of kingdom hearts 3, it helps fix the issues that come from the base game and results in a super fun experience that helps kingdom hearts 3 feel like a real successor to 2

Has a bunch of the best boss fights of all time and I could not be more excited for whatever insane bullshit is coming in the post KHIII games

This fucking kid can't get a break, man.

En cuanto a historia no me enteré de nada. Supongo que existe para desbloquear las data battles y ya.

I ain't spending hours to grind for the Data battle and Yozora but besides that the DLC was pretty cool

Complete le 3 d'une excellente manière !

Objectively the best boss fight design this franchise has had. I hate having to play through the ending a second time with minor changes, that segment is way too long for how little there is new which drops the score.

Tuvo que haber salido con el juego base. Arreglaron cagadas con este DLC

the bosses in this dlc kick ass.

shit story but goated bosses

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(9.5) Como essa dlc é divida em basicamente três segmentos, acho nada mais justo que dividir os comentários por tópicos

Sobre a primeira parte q é a campanha. Vou admitir q tenho uma crítica ou outra. Como 70%/80% dela ser repetida do endgame do jogo base e a principal: Expõem plot points q dava pra entender de boa no jogo base pela narrativa e escrita incrivel do Nomura, mas q por algum caralho de motivo o pessoal n conseguiu entender então essa dlc mastigou tudo isso, como por exemplo a Aqua tendo ptsd no tornado de heartless. Real acho q as pessoas dão uma má fama pra KH de ser confuso e q n é vdd, e subestimam muito o estilo autoral do Nomura (e engraçado q recentemente por causa do Rebirth q é até cômico pq diferente do Remake nesse ele n teve tanto envolvimento, o próprio disse q os tais do ""nomurismo"" q o pessoal remete a ele, n tem nada haver com oq ele escreveu). Mas tbh? Essa parte da dlc ainda é do caralho msm com isso tudo! As interações dos personagens são espetaculares (seja diálogos ou em golpes combinados dentro do combate), tu poder jogar com outros personagens (principalmente a Kairi) é muito foda, a boss fight q botaram do Terra foi foda tbm, Scala ad Caelum tem um level design do chrl e principalmente alguns dos melhores momentos da franquia, em especial a luta dos Keyblade Wielders contra as Replicas. Essa boss fight foi O highlight da dlc pra mim, e um dos melhores momentos do jogo inteiro q só tem momento peak e da mídia num geral, e só me faz relembrar do pq esse ser meu jogo favorito (sem contar VN, pq aí seria Higurashi Kai mas anyway). E pra finalizar, FINALMENTE a Kairi teve o destaque q ela merecia como personagem próprio e n só atrelada ao Sora... e pena q no MoM vacilaram dnv.

Mas de qualquer forma, essa parte da campanha eu já tinha jogado anteriormente quando lançou o port de pc do jogo, oq é novidade pra mim é as próximas duas. E já vou ter q começar falando q as Datas Battles são simplesmente algumas das melhores boss fights q já vi na mídia, em especial do Xehanort (minha favorita), Xion, Xemnas e Terra. São um teste pra ver se vc realmente aprendeu e masterizou todas as mecânicas do jogo e se é digno de passar delas, e essas lutas foi pura catarse. Em especial como falei do Xehanort q é a minha favorita, já q o final boss do KHIII é a minha boss fight favorita de qualquer jogo, enfrentar ele numa versão ainda mais imponente (e com uma música mlhr, mas detalhes) foi uma das melhores partes da dlc tbm

E falando em testar pra ver q vc dominou as mecânicas... vamo falar da última parte da dlc, o Secret Episode que contém o superboss do jogo, Yozora. Esse aqui é realmente O TESTE, e mecanicamente é a boss fight mais bem elaborada da franquia, é o boss mais difícil q já enfrentei num jogo mas em nenhum momento senti q ele foi barato (diferente do Lingering Will q é um hot take mas a luta em si n curto mt não), é realmente um duelo de igual pra igual com uma besta... mas a sensação de derrotar ele foi algo simplesmente inigualável. E sinto q com o contexto q os próximos jogos deve dar pra esse momento, ela deve melhorar ainda mais no meu conceito.

E se tu quiser, da uma olhada na minha footage derrotando ele (percebe q n jogo bem mas foda-se, é a primeira vez derrotando ele):

Mas é isso, tbh msm se n existisse a DLC eu ficaria já muito satisfeito só com o jogo base pq oq mais me importo com os jogos na franquia é a narrativa, mas essa dlc só melhora e expõe ainda mais o quão kino e especial essa obra é pra mim. LETSFUCKING GO KHIV E QUE TENHA TRAILER COM DATA ESSE ANO PUTA QUE PARIU

elevates the whole of KH3 to be at the level of 1 and 2. THE BOSS BATTLES

Basically a colection of bosses, with a repeat of the final stretch of the game with the posibility of playing as different characters.
The real star here is the data version of org XIII, my god every fight is absolutely fantastic, a real challenge while at the same time being something you can lear to master and perfect.
The final secret fight is also absolutely amazing, with wonderful music and an interesting posibility of whats to come to the franchise.
Fantastic in various aspects, makes KHIII more than able to stand in the same podium as KHII.
Also Mickey does the MGS4 microwave corridor scene, making it goated with the sauce.

I have my complaints about the story (You know what you fucking did Namura), and I hate the attractions but this to date is the best Kingdom Hearts game, hands down. Did I cry during the ending, and once more during the dlc: absolutely.

That's why Mickey's the GOAT. THE GOAT!

Mickey Re Minding us who pays the bills

Man Data boss battles got hands
but yeah story was ass like complele doo doo garbage secret boss is doo doo garbage compared to Lingering will, combat was fun but uhhhh KH2 arguably gives it a run for its money