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in the past

Alex is one of the most realistic video games protagonists ever designed. Very good game for the most part though I wasn't a big fan of the ending. Worth it for the LARP sequence alone. Didn't outstay its welcome.

Bem mediano se comparar com os outros da franquia pq a história foi muito óbvia

A parte de rpg de turno foi o ponto alto além dos detalhes gráficos que me faziam morrer de rir

I cannot expect any better from the LiS franchise and this one didn't let me down! It has the beautiful and heart-rending flow of any other LiS game that makes you connect with the characters and the protagonist. The events that follow in these five chapters keep you at the edge of the seat every time you have to make a decision (I'm bad with making decisions) and the consequences are always 🤯 !!
Beautiful story, beautiful places (I literally want to live in Haven, tyvm), amazing soundtrack!

Didn't even mean to speed run this game... I was just so in to it. Even 100% the achievements I'm the end

Like sleep-walking backwards through Life Is Strange (2015), ringing out sapphic wish fulfilment to the beat of strained plot. Chapters awkwardly paced, lacking in substance or drama. Distractingly good hand animations framed within tired mid-shots.

It was cozy, if nothing else.

The pacing was weird and each chapter could be summarized in a single sentence. A lot of stuff was optional, which would have been fine if the main story had more meat. For a mystery there are only really 3 steps to uncovering the truth.

What stood out was how Alex's empathy superpower is so underbaked. She can only sense four emotions, and the game never puts her in a position where she needed to have literal superpowers instead of regular human empathy. One scene really stood out to me where Steph looks at a bottle labelled "Foosball Champion" and becomes visibly upset. Alex uses her superpower to investigate, then asks Steph for a match of foosball to cheer her up. Steph asks "How'd you know I liked foosball?" What do you mean "How'd you know I liked foosball?" That kind of thing happens every single time. Maybe I'm just gifted in emotional intelligence and empathy, but it never felt like superpowers were at all necessary and were only added because that's the Life is Strange gimmick.

I had fun, I'm glad I played it, and it was a nice change of pace. But it didn't leave a strong impression and I probably won't think about it a week from now. It's just... okay.

I truly cannot believe people prefer this to Life is Strange 2, I hope everyone is just pretending to like it in spite of the political message LiS2 wanted to send or some other dumb reason, because True Colors was as barebones as it can get and really underwhelming.
This is not a Life is Strange.

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If you can look past occasional cringeworthy dialogue, it's definitely worth playing - especially to those who enjoy the life is strange franchise.
I found it was decently paced and as with any life is strange game, the soundtrack is amazing.
However I do find it odd they spoil the fact that gabe dies - I feel like it would add to the experience if you were able to play through and find out for yourself (although to be fair, that is just a stepping stone to the rest of the story)
Also, in my opinion - they didn't put enough emphasis in what jed had actually done wrong (attempting to kill alex, turning his manslaughter into story of his heroism, and his part in killing gabe) instead, the emphasis was on the manslaughter itself.
Despite that though, it's a great game and worth the money.

An improvement compared to LIS 2 but I wish the story was as bold as LIS 1

Bacaninha, mas o mais fraco da franquia, os episódios curtos, não teve tempo pra explorar alguns personagens, o poder é bem desinteressante e tem pouca utilidade durante o jogo, sendo usado apenas nos coletáveis

I love the characters, I wish this game was long enough to enjoy them. The music was really good, too.

Fine game but not great. A decent story and characters but that’s it.

Great visuals for the majority of the game, awesome storyline. I found the game really peaceful and I got really engaged in everything it had to offer and the OST topped every other game I have played to date.


sou suspeito pra falar pois amo qualquer jogo da franquia life is strange, mas PQP que jogo delicioso de se jogar.

a trilha sonora é muito satisfatória, a narrativa do jogo e a mecânica dos poderes da alex são ótimas.

a história não é tão boa quanto a da primeira mas não a torna ruim (me identifiquei até demais com a alex)

o plot do jogo é tenso, mas o final é tranquilizante (alex e steph único final existente) e feliz (incomum pra um jogo de life is strange).

o jogo é perfeito e eu simplesmente amei ele, queria esquecer desse jogo somente pra jogar ele como se fosse a primeira vez.

like any other life is strange game, killer vibes and bangers on the soundtrack

Ainda não sei bem se gostei ou se odiei. Começou muito bem, mas o final foi meio paia.

O jogo é bom, não tanto quanto seus antecessores. Os personagens são muito bons, possui um bom plot, se aprofunda na trama de cada personagem.
O jogo é bem curto, mas é um bom jogo. O que eu mais gostei foi a luta de RPG no meio da história.

Platina ridicula de rápida e fácil.

Always expect to cry at the end of a Life is Strange game, also no one told me how funny this one was too. It's very easy to 100% as well

História um pouco fraca fazendo com que não se sinta tanta ligação com os personagens

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for February 2024, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before March 5th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

True colors shining through.

Life is Strange can be a bit of a roller coaster and while each title is an independent story, they all revolve around a few things. They are “choices matter game” where the choices affect the journey more than the destination. One of the main characters has special powers, in this case, a form of empathy, where our main character can read minds, oh and licensed mostly indie music which, yeah I’m going to try to avoid here. But that’s just what the game is.

True Colors though is extremely good at what this series does. Creating interesting and somehow relatable characters, a good universe, and a drama that will pull the player into the story with minimal effort. You start to care for every character in the game, and the world is well-built so that it flows naturally. It’s well-written and has a unique style to its dialog which feels refreshing.

At the same time, admittedly True Colors does little to stand out on its own. It falls back on a romance triangle that feels a bit like a trope at times. There’s great writing, but the entire fifth chapter feels rushed, and the big twists in this game just don’t feel like they make the impact the team was hoping for.

Pick this up if you like narrative stories or if you enjoyed any of Life is Strange. Yes, I sound like I have issues with this game, but I still enjoyed my time with it and would consider playing through this again. Just because it wasn’t remarkably different from the franchise, doesn’t make it bad, and the writing works extremely well when it is supposed to.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

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it's such a nice game
has a very nice atmosphere, great music and great characters
i really liked it honestly, her power is interesting too
the game does fall off at the end though, nothing makes sense lol

Tears and crys of happiness, you will get it all with this game

eu não faço ideia como falar deste jogo em especifico.. a square destruiu a franquia life is strange e essa é a prova concreta disso, tipo a história é muito chata e é evidente que ela tenta ser dramática e forçada, tentando fazer oq o povo do twitter gosta e apoia da maneira mais ofensiva possível, é muito triste ver a qualidade de uma serie de jogos que acompanhei desde pequena. joguei no maior hype para me decepcionar no final, as escolhas e as consequências são fracas e bobas, os finais são sem graça, os personagens são bem ok, além da otimização merda que fizeram, tipo cara, o jogo bugava MUITO, MUITO MESMO e era deprimente a jogatina inclusive por isso. ah, a única coisa boa era os gráficos e a paisagem, isso sim era maravilhoso mas aff, so de pensar no jogo ja me deixa mal meh

El único que me faltaba por jugar de la franquicia. No supera al 1 pero está a la altura del 2 y de BtS. Si no le fallase el final, que es muy apresurado, posiblemente sería top 2 sin duda. Aun así lo he disfrutado muchísimo. Steph best waifu ever

I need to get over the fact that there will never be another game like the first Life is Strange. On its own merits, this is a great game. The vibes are 10/10.

esperando pra jogar com mts expectativas pois LIFE IS STRANGE