Reviews from

in the past

I need to get over the fact that there will never be another game like the first Life is Strange. On its own merits, this is a great game. The vibes are 10/10.

esperando pra jogar com mts expectativas pois LIFE IS STRANGE

I can't even lie I adore this game lmao it's easily my favorite Life is Strange game

Something about it just really really resonated with me on my first play.

lamest super power i've ever seen not even lying

mfw my power is being an empath (I can't discern body language)

tbh it wasnt that good, game was pretty and the concept was good but compared to the other past games and concidering its dramatically higher in price its not worth it, if you want to play this buy a second hand one like i did cause its not worth 50 pounds.. still a good concept and i love the idea its just overall the games just all over the place and poorly thoughtout imo

The first video game to have a character play creep by radiohead on acoustic guitar alone in a room and cry. Instant classic. My five star rating is based on this

De todos, este é o meu least favorite.

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Fantastic setting and character work almost ruined by the misery porn of the final few hours

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Eu jurava q ia ser um jogo meia boca, mas foi muito legal e amei a alex e seus poderes. Logo no primeiro episódio matar um personagem tão importante e trazer aquele plot no final foi surpreendente, asmei

Beautiful game, loved the narrative that remained interesting throughout and the writing of the characters was fantastic, truly felt connected to them all and the life of the whole town of Haven. The art style and facial animations were wonderful and captivating.

Une des meilleur découverte de jeu, pas au gout de chacun mais personnellement j'y est trouvé se que je cherchait c'est a dire des émotion. Paradoxalement j'en ai ressentie mais le jeu n'a pas exploité a son maximum sont pouvoir. Les personnage je trouve qu'il ont chacun un coté très touchant et je n'ai pas trouvé que un personnage était pas bien écris par rapport a un autre comme les autre life is strange peuvent souffrir (juliet watson, warren etc). La romance que on peut choisir est assez cool et les perso ont de bonne alchimie entre eux. Le fait que l'histoire se passe dans un cadre précis aide beaucoup pour moi, ce que j'avais pas accroché pour le 2. Le jeu présente les choix les plus difficile de la série mais on peu noté que tous les choix ne serve pas à l'histoire comme le 1 mais une descente comparé au 2 ou tous les choix sont important. Sa fin est vraiment moyens par rapport a tous se que le jeu nous avait offert jusque la. Le jeu coute aussi un certain pris qui ne se reflete pas dans son temps de jeu, en plus le chapitre 1 sur 5 est spoilé par les bande annonces. Le dlc avec le dlc est très sympa mais aurait bénéficier d'aventage de creuser les trauma de steph par rapport a arcadia bay. Pour finir c'est se jeu qui m'a fait aimé les vinyle wsh.

Le jeu avait un potentiel énorme pour finalement tombé dans la simplicité. Le pouvoir n'est pas utilisé à son maximum et sa en fait un des problèmes du jeu. Certaines mises en scènes du jeu sont vraiment cool tandis que d'autres sont cringes , certains choix sont vraiment excellent, mais le fait que certains choix n'ont aucun impacte et que le pouvoir est trop peu utilisés fait que je n'ai pas apprécié ce jeu

not to sound like a shallow woman on tinder but i wish it were longer

Legalzinho. Não é mal feito nem nada, é só o mais fraco da franquia, mas assim, se for começar por algum, começa por esse, porque a partir daí só vai melhorar kkkk

like any other life is strange game, killer vibes and bangers on the soundtrack

O visual me pega tanto tanto, eu amo esse jogo mais do que tudo!

não é tão bom quanto os outros, mas ainda vale a pena

le pire des LiS, trop trop déçu y'a que le dernier chapitre qui est bien mais globalement il est nul smr

its was initallly great for me but when i played the last two episodes i felt like it was a bit dragged yet rushed.

O pior de todos chegou, os personagens são ruins(tirando o Gabe e a Steph), o plot é reciclado, o poder é mediocre, o Capitulo 3 é uma das piores coisas que eu já vi. Porém, o episódio 1 é bom 😛😎😛😒🤷‍♀️🐱‍🐉😊🐱‍🚀😒😉

Now, this game is short. very short, in fact. But I don't consider it a problem. It doesn't overstay it's welcome, and isn't too short that it's unsatisfying. It's more grounded than the first life is strange entry, and it's characters are way more likeable. Although the game HAS two romance options i feel one is downright better and more developed than the other (Steph). The game handles a lot of themes around emotional stress, loss, trauma, anxiety, feeling out of place, etc. and it does so quite well. If you're looking for a short break from action games, this right here is PERFECT.

Probably my favourite game of the main trilogy. The story has expanded, the characters are even MORE lovable and power of emotion is truly underrated and unique

LOVED the story, and that it had asian heritage-representation. Game is a biiit slow at times.

It's almost weird. A Life is Strange game that doesn't make me feel empty when I've finished it. It's more of a pleasant feeling that I have at that moment.

I mean, I love the characters, I love the setting, the story is good and I'm kind of a big fan of the vibe of these games. But more than ever, I wonder if I wouldn't like the game even more if it wasn't about superpowers and conspiracies. Just a bunch of people and their mental and social problems trying to survive.

Saying all that, it's once again too short, I want more.

Our first Life is Strange and it really slapped. Characters were great, the decisions left a lot of ponderin' between us. Was fantastic

I'm not crying you are crying

eu amo muito a franquia life is strange, me sinto conectado com o universo e personagens do jogo pq todos os protagonistas são gays/bisexuais, e a forma como a franquia sempre soube contar histórias profundas sobre morte, familia e a vida. acho que o true colors faz isso tudo muito bem, a alex e uma ótima protagonistas, ela tem problemas mas conseguimos entender e simpatizar com eles, mas achei esse game num todo bem fraco por não ter consequências tão pesadas ou o rumo dos personagens mudarem por vc se deixar levar pela emoção, aquele jogo de rpg da steph foi a coisa mais chata de se fazer, o capítulo foi muito longo e irritante, o final tb não me agrada pq não tem emoção e nem peso emocional, por mais que faça sentido a alex ter vencido o jed no jogo de emoções, achei tudo muito imemorável.