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eu amo muito a franquia life is strange, me sinto conectado com o universo e personagens do jogo pq todos os protagonistas são gays/bisexuais, e a forma como a franquia sempre soube contar histórias profundas sobre morte, familia e a vida. acho que o true colors faz isso tudo muito bem, a alex e uma ótima protagonistas, ela tem problemas mas conseguimos entender e simpatizar com eles, mas achei esse game num todo bem fraco por não ter consequências tão pesadas ou o rumo dos personagens mudarem por vc se deixar levar pela emoção, aquele jogo de rpg da steph foi a coisa mais chata de se fazer, o capítulo foi muito longo e irritante, o final tb não me agrada pq não tem emoção e nem peso emocional, por mais que faça sentido a alex ter vencido o jed no jogo de emoções, achei tudo muito imemorável.

Steph es lo mejor de todo el juego

A better showing for the series than Life is Strange 2, it does leave me wondering what the next game (if there is one) will take on as a power. Empathic powers were a unique choice, to be sure, but I wonder if the gimmick has run its course for this series. Hopefully Deck Nine is more creative than I am in my thinking.

I really wanted to love this game, they had everything done right at first sight. A protagonist with great potential like Max from the first game, a truly amazing and beautiful setting in the face of Haven Springs, 2 fan favorite returning characters Steph and Mikey (Mikey is only in the DLC though). All that said, the story falls flat in the last episodes, it seemed like it needed more time to be written properly, but at least they didn't made it as big as Life is Strange 2's story was. I wish it was a bit longer though, really wanted to explore Alex Chen a bit more. Hopefully we get another game with her, because honestly she is in the top 3 of protagonists in the franchise for me. After all that said, it's still and 8/10 game, but it had the potential of being as good as the first one.

8/10. Cool story/girly game. It's back to the roots of the first LIS game, and has some cool mechanics.

creep do radiohead no jogo 💀💀💀

Actual decent writing in a life of strange game😳😳😳

Tenho quase que a trilha sonora inteira desse jogo no meu spotify, é incrível a mensagem que ele passa sem medo de julgamentos, há situações na vida que nossos sentimentos vão na direção oposta do que foi nos ensinado como moralmente correto, mas que por medo da reação dos outros, precisamos reprimi-los.

Só não dei 5 estrelas por causa do furo de roteiro ABSURDO no final do jogo, sério como que todo mundo deixou passar aquela caminhada de sei lá quantos quilômetros na condição que a protagonista tava?

I enjoyed the game, especially towards the end. Kinda not satisfied with the ending, but I did get the best one. I think they really could go ham with the powers and their consequences, but the story was good as is.

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é uma boa história, triste e pesada. a alex é uma ótima protagonista.
o capítulo extra da steph é um sonífero de tão chato, mas foi interessante saber que ela era amiga da chloe e da rachel, deu aquele toque de nostalgia.

Solid story that explores the important of processing different emotions and balancing them to find peace combined with a solid corporation conspiracy storyline.

the only thing i liked about this one its steph and alex

Tu as l’air ultra chiant ta mère

MID AS FUCKKKKKKK. with the other life is strange games, i can remember the story and plot points so vividly as they have stuck with me for years. however, true colours breaks the trend, i don't recall what happens in this game, aside from the beginning and end, and i don't care to remember anyway. square enix sort yourself out i want a new lis game to spend on my money on and for it to be worth it.

Legalzinho. Não é mal feito nem nada, é só o mais fraco da franquia, mas assim, se for começar por algum, começa por esse, porque a partir daí só vai melhorar kkkk

É bem inferior aos primeiros, mas ainda um bom jogo.

The Life is Strange series is one that will constantly be compared to the first game, as it sets the precedent for how players engage with the rest of the series. True Colors has a lot that is similar to the first game, but with a more positive outlook. Whereas the first game was a tragedy with good scattered throughout, the second game was a tragedy that got worse as it went along, and the third game is a tragedy that gets better and shows the positives of life.
While bad things do happen, the player gets to experience something the other games do not show: healing. The mood is largely nice and does not revel in the misery of its characters allowing them to grow beyond the situation.
Saying all that, it does lead to the game being less impactful than the rest of the series. I played this game far more recently than Life is Strange 1, but remember far more than I do from True Colors.
Gameplay-wise, the game has everything I like it: you get to explore fairly freely, talk to whoever you want, see others develop without your influence, and use empathy to interesting effects. While empathy is the least impactful power in this series, it is used well, just with fairly obvious conclusions that come from choices regarding it.
All in all, a nice departure from the trends of the series that blends tragedy with hope to provide a more light experience than the rest of the series.

Partie enquête très light pour privilégier les interactions sociales.
Pas d'énormes surprises. Un chapitre 3 pour meubler (mais assez cool dans son propos).
Assez sympa même si un peu fait en automatique.
Et clairement à éviter sur Switch tant c'est porté à la truelle.

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As seems to be the trend with Life is Strange games, this had compelling characters, an engaging plot, and a bomb-ass soundtrack that all built up to a less-than-satisfying climax.
With all the build-up to this secret Typhon is hiding, I have to admit, I was expecting way bigger than "so it turns out this one guy didn't actually save all those miners years ago." The only thing that saved that reveal from being a total fucking letdown was the personal connection to Alex- that her dad was one of the miners who died. Despite that, I really enjoyed the character development in this game. Unlike the first Life is Strange, which seemed to focus more on Chloe as a possible love interest while Warren is effectively sidelined, both love interests felt like realistic, fleshed-out characters, and both of them genuinely felt like good choices for Alex. Sure, Ryan could've used a little more development, but maybe I just missed all the scenes that give him more depth by not romancing him. That seems like a backwards way of doing things, but whatever. One thing I'm not happy with the way Ryan is characterized, though, is that he won't believe Alex when she reveals Jed's secret. It's understandable that he'd be shocked to hear someone accuse his dad of that, but what I don't like about the game's handling of this is the fact that, in the very end, if you check your phone, you'll see that Ryan texted Alex an apology, and Alex didn't respond. Seems kinda fucked up to give the player the option to forgive Jed for trying to kill her, but not Ryan for taking a few days to come around to the fact that his father is a murderer. For all its faults, though, overall, I really liked this game.

I think I liked True Colors more than Life is Strange 2. There's nothing like a quaint, rural town in Colorado to bring that Life is Strange charm along with some cool color powers. True Colors brought back an intriguing mystery that made the first game so engaging which was largely missing from the second installment. I will eat these games up whenever and however I can, so they better be making more.

esse jogo fez eu me questionar sobre meus planos de vida

Where it Shines:
Protagonist - 10/10
Steph - 10/10
Writing - 10/10

The Good:
Life all LIS games, there's so many wonderful things about this game. It plays like a little indie slice of life television show as usual. The music is awesome, the graphics are great. But where other games in the series often bludgeon you with "LOOK INDIE GAME TRAUMA TRAUMA TRAUMA", LIS:TC really handles it much more maturely, in a less triggering way while still preserving the seriousness of what the characters go through.
A large part of this is due to the excellent writing of the character. Alex, Gabe, Steph, and all the people in the town for the most part, all help Alex to explore emotions and things come together in the end in such a great way. Instead of being "Choices matter, here's a binary ending" it was "Choices matter, here's how your choices affect your relationships". A simple change, yet so powerful.

The Bad:
Honestly, I'm not sure. The DLC kinda blows. Ryan's character is very poorly written and he needed to be fleshed out more.

I see people hating on this game. I know people love the original LIS with Chloe and Max. Hell, I'm one of them. But I don't get all the hate for this game. It's better paced, better written, a better length, handles sensitive subject matter more maturely, the NPC's all serve more of a purpose and you care about what happens to them...I could go on and on. To me, this is the best game in the series, hands down. And that's saying a lot.
Alex Chen by far is my favourite protagonist in any video game, and in a world where there aren't that many well written BIPOC stories, this game manages to tell one excellently, without making it specifically about racism, race, or for white folx.

TL;DR - Steph is the only logical choice

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

One more entry to Life is Strange series, not as good as the first one, but not bad. They thrive in character development and plot, disappoint in gameplay and story overall. Pretty linear, too, for a decision-making game.

Great game, has a good story, a great world, and I really liked her powers.

My main criticism is that the character moves way too slowly, even when it's supposed to be fast, which was very frustrating.

Scénario digne d'un téléfilm TF1 ou M6

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great game but i don't remember much apart from gabes death :'')

Here I am, a person that strongly do not believe in true colors. The idea itself is notable but I did not exactly liked how it was utilized. Compared to Max's time manipulation abilities it was so disposable and the game did not offer enough puzzles even for a modern point&click adventure. Its story is convincing, I like Alex and Steph both while the supporting characters were not half bad either. I liked the local town and its quite short but local story. It didn't feel as big and as complex as the LIS and LIS BTS, which is fine and welcome by me. But... Was this the best Deck9 could achieve other than updating the engine while Dontnod's take on LIS was an ouvre for many of the franchise's fans?