Reviews from

in the past

Scénario digne d'un téléfilm TF1 ou M6

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great game but i don't remember much apart from gabes death :'')

Here I am, a person that strongly do not believe in true colors. The idea itself is notable but I did not exactly liked how it was utilized. Compared to Max's time manipulation abilities it was so disposable and the game did not offer enough puzzles even for a modern point&click adventure. Its story is convincing, I like Alex and Steph both while the supporting characters were not half bad either. I liked the local town and its quite short but local story. It didn't feel as big and as complex as the LIS and LIS BTS, which is fine and welcome by me. But... Was this the best Deck9 could achieve other than updating the engine while Dontnod's take on LIS was an ouvre for many of the franchise's fans?

kkkkkkkk 300 reais pra isso nao da

Life is Strange True Colors me ha gustado mucho 🤔
La gente de Haven es menos insufrible que la peña de la primera entrega, y el personaje de Alex me ha molado. Además, hay que querer a Steph 😜
Algunas cosas son mejores y otras peores, pero en general es un recomendado 💫

it's trying too hard and in the end feels very inauthentic, except maybe some spurts of personality but most of it is just imitation that falls flat with dialogue that isn't quirky nor flattering to be forgiven and is not unlike steven fucking universe i am not kidding this is the consequences of rebecca sugars reign. how does the location even feel dead???? also what the fuck are these powers what, and it has like no ending no matter what you choose??? my final question is.... who let her serve bob?

apesar do final um pouco previsível (ainda mais depois dos traumas dos outros life is strange, o que acontece aqui não é tão surpreendente).
mas mesmo por isso o jogo ainda é o padrão lis nota 10.
eu acho impressionante como todos os jogos dessa franquia conseguem te tirar de casa e realmente acompanhar a vida do personagem que você controla, você se sente parte das amizades e da atmosfera, você quer viver nessa cidade junto com eles, é extremamente imersivo e excelente a experiência.
pena que quando acaba (ou pouco após você começar) você cria novos traumas

Not as impactful as the original LiS (I mean come on, were any of us truly ready?) but still a great game overall. The characters really make this title shine and Alex is my new favorite protagonist of the series. You also get plenty of opportunities to sit down and vibe to indie music which is always a plus. Comparatively speaking, True Colors is rather cozy and there's plenty to eavesdrop- I mean, discover, in the small town of Haven Springs. That said, I do wish the game was a bit longer. Still, it's very much a worthwhile experience. The Wavelengths DLC is a bit dull but if you're a Steph fan and/or LGBTQ, definitely check it out.

is it the weakest of them all? well, yes but this is such an amazing game and a good experience. very well written and its nice to see steph again

Sendo bem sincero... esse jogo não me prendeu em momento algum. O poder de enxergar as emoções achei bem meeh, personagens bem esquecíveis (tirando a Steph) juntamente da protagonista, trama entediante a ponto de eu só querer terminar logo e... olha, acredito que mais nenhum superará o 1º LiS.

Menção honrosa para a parte de RPG na qual pensei que seria algo bom, mas acabei me decepcionando com o resultado.

lifes true colors have shown to be... how do i put this... strange

90 percent of the bullshit scenarios that take place in this game could have been avoided had the characters not been brain dead and either called the police or got a lawyer. The "superpower" is just fucking stupid. I'll give it 2 stars for the laughs from the dialogue that is nonstop cringe.

Technically, it's a marvel. The jump in detail, character and face animations and lighting is remarkable, while other strong aspects of the series in the past (voice acting, sense of place) remain very compelling. Having said that, I'd be lying if I said it hit me as hard the original game and Before the Storm (which I actually prefer). It doesn't pack the same emotional punch, even though Alex is a completely "fine" character with an interesting story and personality. It's quite hard to nail exactly what makes it less special, but yeah, it is. It looks and plays better, but it left me feeling less. Still, if you love story-driven games, it's a must play.

While I don't think a lot of people would agree with my score, Life is Strange: True Colors is a game I can't fathom giving anything lower than a 10. Less for the quality of the story itself (which is quite great to begin with), and more for what it did for me as a person.

For those unaware, the game is about a girl named Alex Chen who experiences intense versions of the emotions those around her exude, and it often forces her to act in ways you wouldn't expect her to. If someone's in a fight for example and very angry with the other person, she'll get angry and get into said fight. This happens to all sorts of emotions throughout the game, and she ultimately improves her experience with it significantly by the story's end.

While heavily dramatized in the game, it's something that instantly resonated with me in a way that I couldn't exactly put into words in the time, but came to answer a lot of who I was afterward. I learned through it that I'm an empath myself like Alex, and it helped me to understand so, so much of my behavior around other people. Why my emotions often resonated with those around me, and why I'm the person in most friend groups that people consider "the shoulder". It was a serious eye-opener for me, in a way that no other game has ever portrayed for me (and likely never will).

While it's a tough recommendation for me to give other people given that my love for it is on such a personal note, it's a game worth playing regardless. Whether you're an empath or not, the story quality is a welcome step up from the second game.

Ils ont réussi à ne pas faire un bon LIS. Je me suis faite chier, c’est lunaire. Le pire LIS, c’est chiant, une trame qui faut chercher au début. Et une représentation de merde sur les “jeunes”. J’ai essayé de le faire seule, nul, avec une amie, nul. Jamais vu un jeu aussi chiant que ça.

MID AS FUCKKKKKKK. with the other life is strange games, i can remember the story and plot points so vividly as they have stuck with me for years. however, true colours breaks the trend, i don't recall what happens in this game, aside from the beginning and end, and i don't care to remember anyway. square enix sort yourself out i want a new lis game to spend on my money on and for it to be worth it.

it wasn't bad, but it wasn't as intriguing as the other two. the story felt way too short and when i thought it was getting really good it just ended?

A cada jogo parece que as escolhas importam menos (sentar num sofá ou não?) e em menor quantidade

Life is Strange True Colors oooootra vez, aunque en esta ocasión en Nintendo Switch.
Esta versión está mucho mejor que LiS Remastered, aunque tiene tiempos de carga algo elevados.
En fin, sea como sea, siempre hay que quedarse con Steph 😜

Life is Strange True Colors (2021) Sabe que su historia es mala y genérica e intenta ocultarla bajo subtramas irrelevantes. Fanservice mal ejecutado, puro Show de Truman donde todo está construido para ti y cuesta creerse nada. Poco positivo que rascar aquí, la verdad (3,90)

I honestly really enjoyed this, which I did not expect because when I first heard about the game, I thought Alex's power didn't seem like it could make for an interesting story. However, this game took me by surprise. I found all the characters to be likeable, especially Alex, and the story and characters were interesting enough for me to keep going even if the overarching plot was not necessarily unique, persay. I just quite liked it and I am looking forward to replaying some parts of it.

o pior da saga, a protagonista consegue ser mais chata que a max e a historia é previsivel, parece que so enfiaram um monte de plot juntos pra causar choque

This review contains spoilers

Life is Strange: True Colors has stuck with me for some time now. There are a few reasons for that, but essential to all of them is the simple fact that True Colors tells a story about empathy, community, and loss without losing the thread on finding comfort in all those things. Although previous games have told powerful stories, they have struggled to at times find the balance between the drama and the human element that grounds their narrative. True Colors (with one major exception) finds that balance and tells a beautiful story of growth and finding your place in the world.

Erka Mori’s Alex Chen is, by all accounts, a character adrift in the world when we meet her. She has lost her parents, lost contact with her brother, and has no place to call home after eight years in a group home. Her power is to connect with peoples inherent emotions. This super-empathy comes at the cost of Alex herself being somewhat out of control of her own emotional state. This poor woman is on unsteady ground, and this is before the narrative kicks off. This is all a lot of words to say Alex is a character that connects. Her loss and struggle to really be at home anywhere is relatable.  Haven Springs offers an idyllic home to settle in, but of course tragedy continues.

On the narrative, I should address that one major exception. The first chapter of True Colors ends with Alex’s brother Gabe being killed by a rock slide. The game has barely introduced us to Gabe and his home when everything is disrupted by his death. More time before Gabe’s death may have been meandering, but it was all too short for seven hour runtime. It is a notable complaint given the story is centered on the loss and those responsible, but not one that ruins the experience. The abrupt nature of Gabe’s death is in some sense more authentic to how loss can be, but it feels messy in a narrative sense. But it is a messy narrative, and that is okay.

Characters pain in True Colors is emphasized through the empathy system. Characters inner thoughts are laid bare, and you have to navigate trauma. Haven Springs is full of wonderful characters, people who have gone through loss and in most cases are still working through that grief. Alex is well suited to be the one to try to help these people find peace. Connecting with them and Haven Springs as a place then becomes an act of processing. Taking all this trauma and using it to be someone better tomorrow. The core story is honestly secondary to that. Jed’s heel turn is silly but fits within the broader themes of the story. Another man haunted by his past and unable to face it.

With the greed of the powerful and the indifference to tragedy that so many show, True Colors acts as an expression of collective wanting. What if we could face up to the challenges behind us and be better people? What if we could find this little pocket of earth that we can call home? What if we could surround ourselves with people that care for us and wouldn’t be the same without us? Well, maybe we’d find some peace and be able to begin our next chapter whatever that might be.

“You don’t know exactly when it happens. But one day, you look around and find that you have transformed this place just as much as it has transformed you. And the most extraordinary thing of all is just how normal it all feels. You don’t question it. You don’t doubt it, or wonder what might have been. It's your life, the life you fought so hard to have. And for the first time in a long time, you just live.”

LIS: True Colors é o jogo que tem o maior nível técnico da franquia, entretanto sofre de longas telas de carregamento e muitos "pop-ins", a história é muito engajante principalmente pelos poderes da Alex. de resto não tem muito do que falar

This game was an emotional JOURNEY. Fantastically done. Wow. I think this was better than Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. It would have been my #2 game in 2021 if I had gotten around to it then, just behind Resident Evil Village.

Stunningly emotional game. I took an edible and stared at the lake in game for hours. I teared up multiple times playing this story and have never felt so much emotion from a game before. Beautiful story.

Bom, melhor que o segundo jogo. Com uma história bem centrada e sendo mais um slice of life. Sendo esse um jogo mais calmo, a trama principal é boa e os personagens também. A soundtrack desse jogo também é maravilhosa. Recomendo.