Reviews from

in the past

I remember playing this, and not understanding a single thing about any of it, wondering if I was supposed to feel something at any point in the story, finishing it, and feeling like that was a colossal waste of my time.
So there. It gets like one point for cute art, at least.

Um jogo nostálgico que deveria ter ficado na mente mesmo, porque que coisinha peba...

Esse jogo é pura esquisitice. Ele não é muito bom, mas não chega a ser ruim, da pra jogar. O jogo só parece desandar completamente no final verdadeiro, parece que só atiraram pra todo lado pra ver o que aconteceria. Toda teoria sobre esse final é forçada demais. Um final padrão e clichê conseguiria ter sido bem melhor.

Uno de los horror rpg de todos los tiempos

I honestly don't know what to think. I like the artstyle of the mc, but then you actually play it and everyone else is just completely different. The mild sexual themes didn't personally bother me, but I still found it weird. The level design was pretty bad, and the game would randomly get really loud but I surprisingly didn't find myself bored at all. The intermission cutscenes didn't make any sense and the ending surely didn't help me understand either.

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Considering this is a grim dark, almost absurdist-black comedy RPG horror game, you'd think this would really jive with my style. For what ever reason, it just didn't. ¯\(ツ)

Juego otaku sin mucha chicha

i fucking hate this game why did they think this was ok to make please never play this its so stupid its gross for the sake of shocking the player

a good game? no, nostalgic af? yes, and that's kinda sad, honestly

this is a nothing burger of a game, theres no reason to play this. gross shock value with no substance.

jogo podre doentio e fetichista nao vale 1 centavo do dinheiro de alguém

relação entre irmãos mais saudável retratada por japoneses

Its so completely edgy and obtuse. Artwork is great. I really miss games like this.

o jogo é 2,5 estrelas, porém, darei 3 estrelas porque as músicas são muito boas (principalmente a "Boss 08")

si no tienes nada bueno que decir no hables

copied paste on my twt w/ wadanohara review: both games have v simple setups that work so well. chara designs + the interactions are fun. fucked up at some point (tho Mogeko Castle is alr this in the get go). i liked these a lot tbh

so bad 😭😭😭😭

This was my first rpg maker game, so I was around 12 when I played it (yeah,,, unsupervised internet access you know the drill) and I loved it back then. But I was 12. And fucking edgy too.
As the years went by I realized what was wrong with this game (everything). Im not going to explain why because I could go all day.

Im grateful because it made me look more into this type of games and I discovered a lot of actually good ones, and I also think the artstyle is cool. But the game itself is trash.

Idk what to say. Its weird as hell

Sei lá tlgd?
Nem sei se tenho coragem de tocar nessa monstruosidade que eu assisti série quando eu tinha idade pra NÃO VER ESSE TIPO DE MERDA.
Eu te odeio acesso irrestrito de internet

just go play spider solitaire instead, man

weird ass game but honestly kinda fun

Vaya puta mierda de juego XD por dios esto de verdad tiene fans? otakus es solo un juego de monos amarillos queriendo violar una menor de edad no mamen

Castelo Mogeko é sem dúvida nenhuma a pior coisa que já joguei em toda minha vida, a única definição humanamente normal para esse jogo é: doentio e nojento.

Se você preza sua sanidade mental, faça um favor para sí mesmo e jamais jogue esta porcaria de jogo.

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I love the artwork and character designs, but not (most) of the story.