Reviews from

in the past

my favorite game of all time forever and always

Greatest video game to grace this planet

games that deserved a better playerbase

An extended guide on how to not become an edgelord + filler in the end

Persona 4 Golden é um excelente jogo, tenho alguns poréns com a história dele mas no geral gosto muito.

Melhor jogo da franquia, ele compete com Persona 5 Royal (Sem comentários) e o recente remake de Persona 3 mas mesmo assim consegue ser único.

O Cast é de LONGE o melhor de todos os Personas, realmente dá pra sentir que são seus amigos e não colegas com um objetivo em comum como em outros jogos da franquia, acho que isso se deve pelas pausas que a trama faz pra você ter tempo de conhecer os personagens além do que os uniu inicialmente.

As trilhas sonoras são sem comentários, Heaven e Snowflakes se mantem nos top 5 de PERSONA (sim, aquela franquia que o mestre shoji meguro compôs as músicas após ouvir anjos cantando)

A gameplay em si é divertida mas não foge do que era comum da serie até ali, eu amo as interações dos personagens entre si como o Teddie gritando BEAR-SONA ou as falas da Rise quando infligem status no Yu (Senpai, don't worry. Im with you) além disso é muito bom ver a Yukiko ou a Chie dando um tapão nos garotos quando eles estão com algum status de silence/dizzy etc. Mostra muito das personalidades deles mesmo dentro das batalhas.

Apenas alguns pontos negativos que SÃO OBLITERADOS pelos pontos positivos é que o jogo depende MUITO de um guia pra você conseguir o golden ending, além disso as dungeons não fogem de 12+ andares e o jogo não te instiga a "grindar" se não for tomando um apavoro nos bosses na primeira vez que você batalha com eles toda vez, além disso a Naoto tem sindrome de scooby-doo pois toda vez que ela fala "ALLOW ME TO SAY" eu já sei que ela vai resumir as últimas 15 horas de lore como se eu já não tivesse entendido apenas por que ela é uma ace detective.

A more cozy persona experience, with some fun characters. I don't think this one needs a remake on the level of Persona 3 Reload, but it does leave it as the odd one out compared to that and Persona 5 Royal.

i played for naoto, but chie won my heart

I don’t know what to say about this game man. It’s pretty good but I put it down a couple years, never had a strong pull to pick it back up since I know what happens and now it’s confirmed that it’s getting a newer version so, idk man maybe I’ll finish it at some point but might just wait.

plots inacreditáveis, não da pra prever nada que acontece nesse jogo e é muito gostoso passar tempo com tantos personagens fodas

Bounced off this game when I first tried it about three years ago. After giving it a second chance I really enjoyed it. But I want to rant about this series' awful fanbase that spoils everything as a joke. I can't imagine how engrossing this story would've been if I didn't know the villain's identity before I even started. I also know important details on 3 and 5's stories without ever having looked for them. If Xenoblade fans can keep that game's final party member a secret for 13+ years there's no way Persona fans have to reply to every tweet going YEAH BUT X IS THE KILLER LMAOOO

Not the game's fault ofc, still enjoyed my time with it.

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golden epilogue kanji isn't real he can't hurt me

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insano n é melhor q o 3 mas pqp insano total brutal bgl cruel e o kanji é dahora

a parte da dungeon da marie q os cara reclama é PURA skill issue se tem um item falando de quebra de resistencia e o boss tem resistencia é porque É PRA USAR PORRA!

This game would've been a 10/10 but here's a few problems I had with it. #1: I like video games for gameplay, and this games gameplay is like nowhere near my favorite but I do love the story/characters & OST a lot. #2: The gameplay got a bit a repetitive towards the final quarter of the game and at that point I just wanted to speed through it and get it over with. #3: My BIGGEST problem with the game is the fake out death, I wont say who or when this happens but if you know you know. It has to be among the worst written things I have ever seen, and the reason I have such a big issue with it because all of my enjoyment from the game comes from the story/characters. When they magically brought back that character back after 10-15 minutes after FLATLINING, I did NOT have a good experience with the rest of the game. Other than these issues I really love this game and is absolutely worth playing.

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*Please Read The Disclaimer : Admittedly, I played this game on very-easy mode because I just wanted to pay attention to the story and characters because that's what I enjoyed most about this game. So I acknowledge that I'm not the best person to talk about the combat in this game but I will say that I very much enjoyed myself with this game. For my discussion on this game, I want to focus on the story and overall presentation if that is fine with you all.

The theme of accepting one's true self and its flaws is still a very powerful message that really resonated my angsty teenage self. It's really hammered home by the characters (especially the main characters) and their own struggles that they have to deal with. And Inaba as a setting is so wonderful, it's quaint and peaceful atmosphere makes this city feel vibrant and beautiful in a way that I can't full describe. It's unlike any other setting I've experienced in any video game.

I don't want to spoil the game too much since I believe (just like I Was A Teenage Exocolonist) going in blind is the best way to play this game, though ironically if you want to best ending you may want to look up a guide for that, just in case.

This game made me feel nostalgic in a way that not only made me feel like a kid again, but had a profound impact on me as a teenager (especially during a time where I felt I was at my lowest point) Is it perfect? Not by any stretch. But to me, it was a genuine force of good in my life. And to me at least, that's the best thing that art could be. A force for good.

Tá virando tradição acabar Persona perto do meu aniversário kkkk

Depois de umas 6 semanas com Persona 4 me despeço dessa jornada que foi bem bacana, é daqueles jogos que mesmo que com personalidades e atitudes as vezes questionáveis, você se apega demais aos personagens, num geral acho que prefiro demais este elenco ao do 5, mesmo que a historia nao tenha varios absurdos no decorrer, os momentos que dao destaque ao desenvolvimento da equipe e personagens importantes sao muito marcantes, ainda mais com toda a mensagem de se aceitar por completo, mesmo com aquelas partes que você tem vergonha ou que não se orgulha muito.

Amei a vibe de cidade pacata do jogo também, é um lugar pequeno mas aconchegante, e com a OST deixa ainda melhor, só tem música pedrada nesse jogo, principalmente as de overworld como snowflakes...

É difícil falar muito desse jogo, assim como nunca falei tanto de persona 5, pois sinto que esta franquia traz uma experiência que é muito pessoal num geral, mas certamente é um mundo que curti presenciar e vai fazer certa falta agora que se encerrou, foram personagens e dinâmicas muito bacanas de se acompanhar com mensagens que sempre tocam demais.

I honestly just really adore this games vibe and music
I also think it's a great entry point for the series as going from this to p5r or p3r won't feel as strange as going from p5 to p4 like I did

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i cant bear to see it end 🥲

man this game fucking rules i can’t believe i picked the wrong ending 😭 why would i talk to the gas station guy 💔 thats stupid

i dont really know what to say i just think the ending didnt leave as much as an impression on me as persona 3. but like, how can you really beat that.

wish i could've kept the drag outfit on during the final boss 😔

Cozy, homely and very creative, but doesn't quite reach the same heights as P3 for me.

Most social links are shallow and uninteresting, navigating the dungeons is a slog without more options to avoid encounters and the days could be better structured as well, with more stuff to do.

Overall, I feel it could benefit a lot from the Reload treatment, especially in the combat/gameplay, UI and quality of life aspects, with clearer indication of where and when social links are available, clearer progression, more daily activities etc. Though it'd need more than that to fix the shallow social links and weak character development.

On the brighter side, it has creativity smeared all over the screen, a banging soundtrack, a great setting in the countryside town of Inaba and all the main characters are likeable and fun.

Same thoughts as the original since I mean it's the same game like the little shit that's different really is just little like I remember waiting for this game to drop and for some reason it dropped randomly at like 7 and I was like oh shit I remember my friend was there and I thought he bought it for me since he owed me money but I asked one day he told me he actually got me v-bucks that day and I just bought the game myself and I was like oh shit fun memories but yeah anyway I like the game alot since like I said for persona Its alot easier to love a game when its not running on your phone but yeah for me it was just like replaying the same game except i go out at night, it actually runs well and i have a shitty oc character added for the fuck of it(maria or whatever her name is I hate her) but yeah I never even cared to try to unlock that maria girls dungeon like I tried but I guess I missed apart of the guide at some point or sum so I couldn't and i just beat that gas station guy since I didn't fight him in the original so that was fun lame ass theme tho but yeah I like the alt costume's i always forgot about those there cool and I don't know if I wouldve platinumed the game if it wasn't for that rise voice line trophy I heard it was tedious so I never attempted it sadly but yeah still hate Teddie too 8/10 lil less than the og only cause ion have that oh shit this is actually like I did with the og |opening 8/10 I get how the harmonica can be annoying but like c'mon if you hate this opening then you just not joyous or whimsical I'd kill myself personally if I was like that but yeah 😸

My first Persona title, but in retrospect entirely surpassed by its successor. A cozy atmosphere and tighter-bound cast struggle to cover up the mindnumbingly repetitive shadow and dungeon designs, and a disappointing final boss. Enjoyable, but only reccomended to those desperate for more Persona after finishing 5.

Amazing story and characters but grinding through these dungeons were annoying as FUCK

a freaky cast learn how to handle the freak in them

the main friend group is really charming and probably my favorite out of the big three persona games. i also really loved the overarching mystery--make sure you go in as blind as possible when playing. however i cannot stand the dungeon crawling, mainly because i hate how claustrophobic the hallways feel and the angle of the camera (i really hate feeling like something is behind me, and the intentionally eerie way the camera is placed just makes that fear worse). so unfortunately it's because of that that i cannot return to it like i can with other rpgs that have a different structure to their challenges. but it's still a really great game!

Great turn based rpg, however can be very repetitive and (personally) falls short of nearly every other Persona game.

If you're playing this game blind, PLEASE don't search up any names or whatever. Since this game is built on a murder mystery, all it takes is a single sentence to spoil the entire game for you.
As for gameplay, Its simplicity is its biggest strength. Most bosses have a neat strategy for you to work around. This game on hard is actually really challenging. The dungeons are really bad though, be prepared for that. Fun game :)