Reviews from

in the past

Better than the first one, except for the academy tutorial taking too damn long.

Time to kill some touchscreens


La broma se hace demasiado larga

I thought the game was pretty fun but overall nothing spectacular. I liked some of the new fights and additions, like the new way combat works and different partner Pokemon. I love some of the different locations and I think it's interesting how difficult some of the boss fights are.

These games are so good, I love getting a different glimpse of what life in this world would be like. The region is well designed and the story is interesting, I just wish you could do more with the mons themselves.

i don't remember playing this game which probably says something about it

Fun game with amazing pixel art and quirky characters. Enjoyable all the way through, loved the touch screen mechanic (I'm weird, I know!)

Gameplay: Simple
Music: Ok
Replayable? Nah
Streamed? No

Extra Notes? Worth playing once, for the experience.

Imagine me being like 8 trying to play this game without a wiki or a guide book or anything man cmon this game COOKED ME

significantly better than ranger 1, probably objectively the best ranger game but i prefer guardian signs so much that i just see flaws in this game that probably dont rly exist

legit the best pokemon game ever made

Fun writing saves the gameplay

one of my favourite pokemon games from the entire franchise! the graphics are perfect, the worldbuilding is lovely and it is very fun to explore, the characters have lots of personality and good designs, and the gameplay is so fun! ♡ i feel like the story wraps up very nicely and achieves what it sets out to do, it always makes me emotional when i beat it ♡

The type of game that could only exist in a vacuum of when the DS was the hot new Nintendo console on the market, and in its stride - especially given the gameplay revolves entirely around the touch screen.

Far more sophisticated than the previous game in the trilogy, with some surprisingly good music, as well as a fascinating story and plenty of little nips and tucks to gameplay to make it more engaging.

A damn shame that we can never get spinoffs like this again, given how necessary the two-screen setup is for it to exist.

I have replayed this game dozens of times, which is strange because it's not particularly fun, but there's just something appealing to me about it. Might just be nostalgia. Story's corny, though I like how it ends. Pick Pachirisu as your partner and the game is a breeze.

had this game since like 2011 and still haven't beaten it the boss pokémon take out like half your healthbar in one hit 😭

it's just good! a bit sad i can't replay it now because of my wrist issues though -_-

Pokemon Ranger is a series I hold a lot of nostalgia for, especially as the last of game of the trilogy, Guardian Signs, was the first game I ever beat. Back about 2 months ago, I chose to revisit the series, starting with the original Ranger, and I struggled. The original ranger's game design wasn't something I was particular for, as I found its main gameplay loop to be frustrating. The reason I give this whole preamble is cause I want to explain my general apprehension to playing Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. But I am glad I stuck through it to the end.
One reason why I was bothered by the original Pokemon Ranger so much was the general gameplay loop. In order to befriend a pokemon in the original Ranger, you had to do consecutive loops around it. And for bosses, that means upwards of 20 or 30 loops, without messing up once. In Shadows of Almia however, each loop around a pokemon fills up a bar, and a pokemon is befriended once the bar is filled. And I really appreciate this change! I find the game to be better balanced around this kind of system, providing a great gameplay loop, without the issues that pervaded the original game. And in fact, some of the later bosses were really fun!
Pokemon Assists are still a really fun mechanic, and can especially help in certain situations. From what I've used, they feel a bit more fleshed out in concept, though I rarely needed to use them. They probably would've made certain bosses easier for me if I did use them, but I never felt like I needed them. For me, I only ever needed to use it in one boss fight.
I really love the Partner Pokemon, much like the Pokemon Assists, I never really used them, but the fact they exist is still amazing. I love being able to run around with a specific Pokemon I was able to become partners with, and trying to collecting all that I can was really fun! The fact that Partner Pokemon act as a free use of a specific Pokemon Assist is also really nice, and it can help adapt to certain situations, if you know what's about to happen. I particularly chose to make Misdreavus my main partner, as that has always been one of my personal favorites.
Quests are another great addition that helps make the game a lot better. Obviously, they're optional missions you can take, and you can probably beat the game without even doing one. However, it's super beneficial to do them! They give you boosts to either your styler strength, or grant you defense to certain attacks, and I found them coming in clutch so often.
Shadows of Almia is a really fun game, and it's nice that I finally got around to replaying it. Aside from it being vastly better mechanically, it's story is fun and charming overall. Guardian Signs will be an interesting time when I get around to it.

the other 2 games in this series are good with an asterisk but this one is just genuinely good

these games didn't need to go so hard for being sequels to the funny loop-the-loop Pokémon game but i'm glad they did

Hot take but I'm not super crazy about this one, but the final boss is really cool. I know this one has the best story of the three but even then hmmm.. The tears arc was really cool though, I think the game gets way better torwards the end

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. A small improvement over the original. They added a bit more depth to the looping/combat system, but it's still pretty dull.