Reviews from

in the past

This game is responsible for me literally carving holes in my 3DS' lower screen when I was young. Good game though.

simply an excellent spinoff like it's not even nostalgia bias either this game is truly fun and iconic and even though the gameplay might get tiresome for some it never did for me i loved spinning those circles oh yes. also the plot was hard-hitting and real wish there were more female main characters though

one of my favourite pokemon games from the entire franchise! the graphics are perfect, the worldbuilding is lovely and it is very fun to explore, the characters have lots of personality and good designs, and the gameplay is so fun! ♡ i feel like the story wraps up very nicely and achieves what it sets out to do, it always makes me emotional when i beat it ♡

genuinely the best game in this spin off series. what if i cried. what if i threw up a little

So much fun and interesting to see a different aspect of the Pokemon universe, but I hit a brick wall that I could not overcome and had to abandon this.

Review in progress:
Shovelware from my childhood. A small improvement over the original. They added a bit more depth to the looping/combat system, but it's still pretty dull.

These games are so good, I love getting a different glimpse of what life in this world would be like. The region is well designed and the story is interesting, I just wish you could do more with the mons themselves.

Meilleure expérience Pokémon de ma vie.

A ver. No es complejo. Es un gameplay basado en un mundo RPG, hacer circulitos en la pantalla y utilizar pokémon para puzles simples.
Pero estaba bien.

They fixed everything wrong with the first game, the perfect pokemon experience here. If I could have one thing I would want atleast this game rereleased on the switch if we can't get a trilogy pack. God this game is so good.

it was my first pokemon game !! i remember when i was playing and my dad asked if i caught pikachu yet to make conversation, i wasn’t sure how to tell him that i did but i had to let them go

Really fun though a bit repetitive, good writing and artstyle.

I thought this was a Fire Emblem game?

maybe the best pokemon game ever, i will die on this hill

1er vistazo #33
Han pasado bastantes años desde que jugué esta entrega... por alguna razón, en su momento, no me terminó por llamar tanto la atención (al punto de querer completarlo sí o sí, cuando se borró mi partida en aquel entonces).
Regresar a Shadows of Almia, con el plus de haber jugado el 1er Pokémon Ranger hace poco... deja en claro la increíble mejora tanto en la historia como en la jugabilidad (ahora no solo son ideas... sino buenas implementaciones :3).
Enfocándome en el primer punto... desde el mismo tramo inicial, el enfoque dado resulta memorable (a pesar de ser una clásica vida escolar... que se saltaron en la entrega anterior :v).
Pasando a ser un ranger local, siguiendo las clásicas misiones asignadas por el líder de la base o algún compañero dejado a cargo, mientras los otros eventos transcurren con "naturalidad"... gracias al uso del periódico B).
Sin embargo, se llega a un punto en el que el tono de la misma cambia, yéndose más por lo cómico... que resulta un tanto "decepcionante" para los tramos iniciales que evidencian cierta preparación para algo mucho mayor u.U.
El concepto de los Top Ranger... la "crisis" de la energía alternativa... el dudoso desempeño de ciertos personajes, debido al cambio en el enfoque de la historia... siento que hay mucho para hablar aquí xD.
Sin embargo, lo resumiré en que... por mucho que no me haya "gustado" aquel tramo (aunque las risas no faltaron xD), no puedo negarle al juego todo lo que hizo bien ahí (manteniendo su nuevo tono, una vez se entra de lleno a ello).
Por tal motivo... me quedo por las Quest :3... es decir... el juego hizo que uno se interese por la región... gracias a las interacciones con sus habitantes, con algunas historias personales de por medio e incluso adelantando sucesos.
DIGO... el mejor personaje es uno de los SECUNDARIOS B) (Barlow es el mejor Ranger de todos en esta entrega... pensándolo mejor, no es una opinión... es un hecho :v).
Okey... esto se está extendiendo demasiado (dejaré lo demás para un futuro video xD)... así que, con unas breves palabras sobre la jugabilidad... este título recompensa bastante por cierto dominio del capture styler.
Con una base de captura en el poder, a diferencia del número de círculos, permite una mayor versatilidad para realizar los conexiones con los pokémon, pudiendo tomarte segundos en caso de dominar los dos niveles de carga de poder o.O.
Nuevas poke ayudas... un mapa más extenso... "épicos" enfrentamientos contra los pokémon jefes... mejor lo dejo aquí nomás porque no dejan de llegar las ideas para un guion que por ahora no pienso hacer :v...
* Dicho todo ello... creo que la última entrega (Guardian Signs) lo tiene difícil... tengo fe de que me sorprenderá B).

My favorite of the pokemon ranger games and one of my favorite pokemon spin off games

Very similar to the first game but with a lot more story which drags the game down. I did not finish this one unlike the first so I will return one day and possibly change the score. Do you think its better than the original?????

Gameplay: Simple
Music: Ok
Replayable? Nah
Streamed? No

Extra Notes? Worth playing once, for the experience.

Pokemon Ranger is a series I hold a lot of nostalgia for, especially as the last of game of the trilogy, Guardian Signs, was the first game I ever beat. Back about 2 months ago, I chose to revisit the series, starting with the original Ranger, and I struggled. The original ranger's game design wasn't something I was particular for, as I found its main gameplay loop to be frustrating. The reason I give this whole preamble is cause I want to explain my general apprehension to playing Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. But I am glad I stuck through it to the end.
One reason why I was bothered by the original Pokemon Ranger so much was the general gameplay loop. In order to befriend a pokemon in the original Ranger, you had to do consecutive loops around it. And for bosses, that means upwards of 20 or 30 loops, without messing up once. In Shadows of Almia however, each loop around a pokemon fills up a bar, and a pokemon is befriended once the bar is filled. And I really appreciate this change! I find the game to be better balanced around this kind of system, providing a great gameplay loop, without the issues that pervaded the original game. And in fact, some of the later bosses were really fun!
Pokemon Assists are still a really fun mechanic, and can especially help in certain situations. From what I've used, they feel a bit more fleshed out in concept, though I rarely needed to use them. They probably would've made certain bosses easier for me if I did use them, but I never felt like I needed them. For me, I only ever needed to use it in one boss fight.
I really love the Partner Pokemon, much like the Pokemon Assists, I never really used them, but the fact they exist is still amazing. I love being able to run around with a specific Pokemon I was able to become partners with, and trying to collecting all that I can was really fun! The fact that Partner Pokemon act as a free use of a specific Pokemon Assist is also really nice, and it can help adapt to certain situations, if you know what's about to happen. I particularly chose to make Misdreavus my main partner, as that has always been one of my personal favorites.
Quests are another great addition that helps make the game a lot better. Obviously, they're optional missions you can take, and you can probably beat the game without even doing one. However, it's super beneficial to do them! They give you boosts to either your styler strength, or grant you defense to certain attacks, and I found them coming in clutch so often.
Shadows of Almia is a really fun game, and it's nice that I finally got around to replaying it. Aside from it being vastly better mechanically, it's story is fun and charming overall. Guardian Signs will be an interesting time when I get around to it.

La broma se hace demasiado larga

Más de lo mismo respecto al anterior, pero mejor. Un poco más refinado en todos los aspectos y sigue siendo entretenido.

Better than the original simply because the circles didn't have to be consecutive. I even got Regigigas when I was younger, and did all secondary quests. Also, really good story for an spin-off.

This is the best Ranger game in my opinion

Imagine me being like 8 trying to play this game without a wiki or a guide book or anything man cmon this game COOKED ME

Great game. However it would have greater if my dog didn't eat the cartridge :(

There is maybe nothing more intense in any Nintendo game than the bonus content at the end of this game. its worth playing through it for that tower alone