Reviews from

in the past

It's Black and White but worse.

I liked Pokémon Black so I decided to play its White Version for the sequel. This is the first real sequel in the series which is both a plus and a negative. It's cool to return to Unova and I like all the new additions and Pokémon but I don't think this game does enough to stand out. The story isn't nearly as interesting and there aren't enough new aspects to justify its status as a sequel; nowadays everything this game did would just count as DLC or an expanded edition, not a full-blown continuation. Because of that, I think this is one of the weaker games in the series; just play Black or White instead.

Great selection of pokemon, level curve made perfect sense and no grinding at all is necessary. Still have postgame but maybe I'll do it some other time.

Truly one of the greatest Pokemon experiences ever, and a strong contender for the best DS game ever made. However, I highly suggest that you DO NOT play this is as your first Pokemon game. Play other regions and then BW, it'll make this game a lot better

This was the first pokemon game I ever beat I think.

A lot of my previous comments about White 1 apply here. Only now the content has been cranked up to 11.

The amount of fan service in this is unreal. And the story isn't as heavy, but still manages to be pretty solid in its own right. And now you have the mix of old and new Pokemon together creating one of the most fun natural experiences ever.

The old areas here get sick redesigns or add something cool in to spice things up. The new towns fit in perfectly.

It is so sad to see what a Joke Gamefreak has become. They are a shell of what they used to be. They are hollow. This has love and charm and passion oozing out from every frame and moment in the game. This had a real team of talented people who wanted to make this incredible.

And it is incredible.

My only gripe? The movie studio is trash. Cool concept but horrible execution.

One of the best pokémon games That's on par with the original and one of the few I have finished

only game I've ever managed to lose. It's somewhere out there

If any game is my numbe 2 all time fav its this

Mi juego de la saga principal de Pokémon favorito :)

Best Pokemon game of all time

Honestamente el mejor juego de la saga principal. Todo lo que hace bien B/N lo hace mejor este, excepto la historia y los protas, pero aún así es la segunda mejor historia de toda la saga. El avance en el tiempo del BN1 es muy bueno y organico. Todo bien, excepto el backsprite de Feraligatr y Ampharos Xd. Ciudad Caolín es mejor en el Negro2

i know people love this, and so do i, but i can help the fact that they ruined/butchered the best part from the original, which is team plasma, i do think they're way more evil but they don't have the depth of the old grunts nor the shady tactics ghechis did to N

The return of old people is really nice cuz I feel like seeing the same people in black and white over and over again was really annoying. I like the new areas added a lot, though I feel like the late game areas could’ve been paced better. Tons of post game too. Overall a fantastic Pokémon game and one of my favourites.

What a duo of games man. Pokemon will never have a Gen like this again. Part 1 was the pinnacle of Pokemon story and this is the pinnacle of gameplay. This is the most fun I’ve had playing a Pokemon game. Battling just feels so seamless and good here. Rotation battles and Triple battles suck (there’s a reason they’ve never come back…I think), but double and single battles are great! The story here, however, is a major drawback. Nothing really happens. Plasma is back…but not doing much of anything. N is back…for 5 minutes. The return of your rivals from Part 1 is cool but that’s all I really liked. I liked your rival’s design but god he was annoying. The story isn’t like bad tho it’s just pokemon. And the gameplay is fun enough to where I don’t care. You certainly can tell it’s getting easier, but that may have also been because of my team. My final team was Palkia (58), Cobalion (54), Virizion “Verizon” (54), Terrakion (52), Thundurus (36), and a whole bunch of HM slaves. Now I know what you’re thinking. “Rey, you’re cheating those are all legendaries.” And to that I have to say…nuh uh. I got Thundurus and Palkia at Level 5 through Dream Radar and then the other 3 are just given to you basically. So I’m not gonna just NOT use the resources given to me. I also just really like Palkia. But yeah, I had a busted team. And I loved them all. Good game.

The peak of the Pokémon series in terms of visuals and content. Further games made improvements QOL wise, but something was lost with the passage to 3D, and never had one of their games been so full of things to do.

The greatest mainline classic Pokémon experience overall, equal to Heartgold/Soulsilver. The swan song of the Pokémon series and of the whole DS family.

A very good game that feels fuller and more complex than it's successor but personally I still enjoyed Pokemon White more

The most underrated game of the series

Without a doubt one of the most polished Pokemon experiences ever crafted. Thousands of possible team layouts, incredible graphics that show mastery of the DS hardware, and an incredible extensive world of playable things to do that I could see someone spending upwards of years with it. You can also get Garbodor in it.

Mejor que el anterior, guachi

My favorite Pokemon game. The story feels cohesive, the gameplay is challenging yet fun, and the access to older Pokemon make this one of the best Pokemon games out there.

Best in series, there's too much in this game to explain it all so i won't just play it

Despite being Pokeslop, is at least decent.