Reviews from

in the past

The jokes of the game is excellent, but the game can be boring sometimes

Adorable little game that more people need to play. I enjoyed practically every minute of it.

Un juego con un ingenio desbordante, que plantea su mapeado como un puzzle gigantesco en el que puedes obtener 100 finales distintos. Todo ello adornado con buen humor absurdo, constantes referencias al género y una OST genial.

Cada final é tão legalzinho que precisei completar todos.

Drôle, c'est le mot qui décrit le mieux Reventure. C'est un petit jeu d'aventure en 2D et au pixel art qui ne paye pas de mine mais qui est brillant dans son humour et ces quelques idées de gameplay

Fun game filled with jokes and many easter eggs to discover. Since it's essentially a compilation of 5-minute adventures, it's a good choice to play between more "heavy" games.

Amei até o fim, achei extremamente divertido todos os segredos e referências que ele faz. Tem só duas cenas de jumpscare que eu odiei kkk
Existem skins pra desbloquear, e também você pode entrar nos arquivos e desenhar sua própria roupa, muito versátil

a funny game with lots of puzzles to solve and secrets to discover. I've only been able to get 70 out of 101 endings.

It's fun hunting for endings in this game. It is also filled with memes and references. The only issue is if you take an extended break from the game you can't really hop back in since you may forget many of the convoluted paths you had to take for more complex ending scenarios.

é legal umas três vezes depois cansa

I still need to go back and finish this game, but it's genuinely amazing.

Purchased this game to support the videogame industry from my region, ended up spending almost 15 hours to beat it 100% with all endings, even the secret ones. I really LOVED its progression and how you unlock new shortcuts and discover new paths as you get new endings. Some endings are very tough to figure out, and ended up looking up guides for some of them. Also, make sure to disable the intensity factor in settings, as enabling it adds jumpscares to the game and it never explicitly tells you so... and I found out the bad way.

Gets tedious after a while of course, however the game has incredible writing and the world/characters dynamically shift over time to keep things fresh.


funnier than mario bros, metroid, and castlevania together

This is a really fun metroidvania/rogue lite/puzzle/platformer game! I’d say it started to overstay its welcome about 3/4 of the way through, but it was still funny and clever enough to keep me reasonably engaged to the very end.

Played this for about an hour and the beginning became very repetitive.

Muy entretenido y variado, es mi clase de humor que es casi shitpost, va duro de cojones.

A ideia do jogo é boa, mas na pratica acaba ficando algo repetitivo! Só platinei por que fui desafiado, mas não é ruim!!

jogo bem legal e divertido, com otimas piadas e bem engraçado, mas cansa dps de um tempo

e ao ficar mt tempo sem jogar vc esquece das opções de posiveis finais que vc pode pegar, tanto que dropei dps de ficar mt tempo sem jogar, mas é divertido, só n sinto mais vontade de zerar ele

Conseguí sacar 63 de 100 finales, me cansó bastante el empezar a sentirlo demasiado críptico.

Si te gusta el humor y aprenderte un mapa de memoria con todos sus atajos y demás, este juego es para ti. Muchos finales son super tontos de conseguir, pero otros muchos son auténticos puzzles donde debes tener en cuenta el peso, que llevas, que dejas, y el camino a tomar. Poco a poco vas desbloqueando atajos para ir antes a los sitios, pero todo eso llega desbloqueando finales. Yo he hecho los 100 porque el juego me ha encantado, aunque sinceramente creo que si haces 50 o 60 pillas perfectamente de que va. Continuar o no depende de si quieres explorar ese mundo al completo.

PD: Cuidado con las piedras pequeñitas. Son el mal.

Behind its simplistic presentation, it lays the ground for trying out dumb stuff that go outside your typical fantasy adventure in a humorous way. The witty and clever lines from the different endings makes up most of the fun to be had with this wannabe "hero" for a good while. There are a couple of not quite polished sections, but the experience is good overall.

this has the energy of an old flash game, probably due to it basically being an expansion of a gamejam project

While this game is fun for a short time, it gets old rather quickly, and eventually turns into a grind to try and get all of the endings. Not really worth it.