Reviews from

in the past

A much slower paced clone of Slay the Spire.

At first, I really wasn't enjoying this game but I eventually started to appreciate it more. It is very rough around the edges and some of the UI stuff isn't great but overall I still think it achieves in scratching that deckbuliding roguelike itch.

Just don't expect it to have much lasting power. I had my fill of it after 5 or so hours.

Seems unfair to just call this Slay the Spire with movement, because the movement does add more than that may make it sound, but at the same time, that is totally what it is. It's StS but you also have to consider your own and the enemy's placement and waste mana on movement on turns, which I didn't really think added anything fun to the game. These games are already enough of an uphill battle without needing to spend your extremely limited mana on moving out of an acid pit your opponent just created.

It doesn't help that I'm just not into these punishingly difficult card games. I like the ones where you win most of the time and only have to really concentrate on the occasional tough battle, not these ones where every fight is tooth and nail, at least as a beginner. It also doesn't help that I find that both this and StS both have uninspiring and unexciting cards and this game's version of relics is even worse, because at least the relics in Spire are fun. It's like everything that might be exciting comes with a huge drawback like being expensive to cast and the fun is sucked out for me.

Solid game, but after a fun first few hours of learning it and getting pretty far into a run, I'm just not having fun anymore and when launching a game starts to feel like a chore, it's time to just uninstall it.