Reviews from

in the past

this is from my ashamed gamerscore farming days leave me alone

GooeyScale: 40/100

perfecto para los pequeños del hogar

it's so weird to me they thought this game needed a remaster to make it playable without a kinect and that's a big reason i sat there and played it. not very good or interesting. yay!

i dont even remember having fun with this thing

Muito perfeito em questão de coop e divertido ,joguei com minha irmã.

First game I played when I subscribed to Game Pass (I know, weird choice). Being able to play it without the Kinect was super nice (especially compared to Disneyland Adventures, given that this doesn't control like ass), but the game did get repetitive a bit quick. Also, as a huge Pixar fanatic, I wish it did more with the Pixar worlds.

Made by Asobo Studios who went on to to Flight Simulator

Lots of customization
More geared towards kids, but appreciate the interface walking me through the customization
Hair styles seemed a little odd, maybe for older kids?

Games are pretty much the same thing, run/drive/fly to the "finish iine" in the fastest time

Collect coins as you go through each race

Slight wrinkle are these side objectives? Not sure how you get to them

DUH makes sense why it's called RUSH

Can play Co-Op!

Fastest times and number of coins got you higher medals (only got Silver :-( )

Recordings were decent enough, were most if not all the original voice actors used? Tom Hanks/Woody was definitely not

Finding Nemo World was the prettiest by far

Played through 1 level of each world

5 worlds - Cars, Incredibles, Toy Story, Rattatouille, Finding Nemo

KEEP IT OR TRASH IT? TRASH IT FOR ME, but maybe my kids will enjoy this?

I remember having this but i don't remember anything about it

Feels like a really bad obscure PS2 game

because when I go to a theme park. I purposely pretend to have fun.

also where the fuck is monsters inc

This isn't as bad with a controller as you would think. It is decent fun, especially with how short it is. HOWEVER, the achievement system is busted. You can only get one achievement per level, and many of the achievements don't pop up when they are supposed to. So I found myself replaying levels several times just to get achievements I should have already gotten.

If achievements weren't broken, it would probably be 3-3.5 stars.

Meu irmão com 5 anos adorava... Mas eu que tinha que jogar com ele...?

Not sure why I played this, but the minigames from each movie were actually alright. 5/10

very much a kid's game its ok I guess

RUSH: A Disney • PIXAR Adventure lejos de ser un "para todos los públicos" habitual en el estudio va enfocado a los más pequeños, adapta bien algunas y solo algunas de sus licencias. Lineales pero bonitos, sus niveles reciclan mucha mecánica y se permiten soltar chascarrillos.

Rush não é tão ruim quanto possa parecer num primeiro momento. Sim, ele é um jogo infantil licenciado, feito originalmente pro Kinect, onde você vai pra um parquinho patrocinado pela Pixar e brinca de faz-de-conta nos mundos dos filmes da empresa. Os cenários são bem bonitos e variados, a dublagem em português tem as vozes originais dos filmes e tem vários fanservices legais.

Mas a forma como bolaram a progressão desse jogo é ridícula. Tudo bem ter pouco conteúdo, mas ele espera que você rejogue 5 vezes cada uma das fases pra poder desbloquear novos personagens e habilidades, o que simplesmente me deu uma desanimada de ir atrás de qualquer coletável. No fim, só fui ver as historinhas e tava bom.

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I feel like I'm in Pixar, playing in Toy Story and collecting batteries because you have to collect batteries in Toy Story

The presentation is great and the game generally controls fine. The main problem is that every franchise plays basically the same here; it's a time trial short level where you race/swim/fly/jump to the end, with the occasional boss fight where you just dodge and throw. Also, some of the levels require AI participation to help you overcome obstacles, and sometimes the AI just doesn't feel like helping or is laughably incompetent (I did have to restart a couple of times because of this). Overall, it's a very short but somewhat samey experience, and there's not much incentive to replay unless you want to grind for achievements (which often don't pop up for some reason).

I have very mixed opinions on this game. I really like the concept and I like the gameplay but it’s just cheap and doesn’t fully commit to it. For example there are 6 movies represented. Cars, Up, Toy Story, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Finding Dory which was added in to the Xbox One version. Why not include more movies? No monsters inc, no Wall-E, No A Bug’s Life. There really could and should have been more. I kinda get that there was only 5 in the 360 release because there are 5 letters in Pixar, that’s kinda clever but if you’re going to break the rule by adding in Finding Dory, why not add more in? And speaking of Finding Dory, the first 5 Films I have no problems with but Finding Dory just seems super lazy with barely any voice acting, barely a storyline, no custom character and only 2 levels oppose to the 3 in each of the other movies. It’s just disappointing

It is well made, but extremely short and it plays like ass. You can literally beat this game one handed if you are playing on PC and beat it in around 2 hours without even trying. Don't get this even if you are getting it for the kids, and if you want a Disney game, just get any game in the KH series or that Disneyland game if you hate anime.