Reviews from

in the past

if you can figure it out its very fucking heavy

The best game ever made, it’s more of an experience tho

What the actual fuck???
A very interesting informational "game" taking another path of the Serial Experiments Lain canon. I cannot give any more words than wtf because this series of info is just insane. Wish i can give it more justice via words then legit hour long video essays on this game. Tomfoolery. Fucking Eldritch Blast your brain.

This is not a game. This is a pain simulator.

Was happy to be a part of this psychotherapy, but I got to go, I need to return some videotapes.

É das experiências mais únicas que eu já tive com um videogame. Infelizmente, não sei se conseguiria recomendar pra muita gente esse aqui não, por vários motivos...

Bu oyunun İngilizce çevirisinin PDF'ini internetten bulabilirsiniz.Oynanış da pek olmadığı için okuyun geçin.
Açık konuşmak gerekirse ben animenin kendisinden daha çok keyif aldım. Baya psikolojik bir şey. Öneririm.

Como jogo? Péssimo (portanto a nota baixa!).
Como história? Muito bom, embora eu tenha algumas ressalvas quanto algumas coisas que rodeiam a Lain.

Audio Companion

The only thing even remotely bad about Lain PS1 is the menu navigation. Which sounds good, but unfortunately the 'gameplay' is the menu navigation, and the issues with it get more apparent and irritating with time. The actual idea of experiencing these tidbits of audio logs and flipping between them to try to piece together a story is really cool! In fact, the story itself is great, the writing is well done, the voice acting is immaculate, and the few video clips are all damn great on top of that. I can't say that I like it more than the anime, but its fantastic in its own right. I wish I could have experienced it all, but I seem to have been hit with a game breaking bug while going through the postgame, so I possibly missed some important info locked behind the postgame. The 99% of it I was able to experience was great, but the menu navigation is almost comically bad at times, it really brings down the whole package. I'd love for a modernized version or remaster to be made, but I know there's no chance of hell for that to occur. Regardless, this game is something special, and I advise anyone interested to give it a shot.

PS: You can play the game in browser here

Yk this really should be my shit and lain (game and anime) is so so so close to being my shit but in an absolutely devastating turn of events I only like this one and don't love it. Presentation is sick though, idc if its clunky I think it goes hard.

i played this on my school chromebook

(placeholder for future review)


don’t ever serially experiment on lain!! worst mistake of my frigging life !!!!

double featured this w we’re all going to the worlds fair which like pair together rlly well,, touching on same themes and ideas,, even repeating some of the same dialogue which was like unexpected

prob one of the coolest and most interesting games architecturally speaking,, like how almost all of the clips/images in game are either of rotted half abandoned buildings or visual clutter and overpopulation like the cramped subway or wires connecting everything and everyone. idk idk makes sense why ppl try to find some solace online but also why the rot seeps through there too. sad game lmfao

More of a simulator than a game, recommended to any fans of the anime.

what the fuck did i just "play"

This is actually my first exposure to the series, although I started the anime right after finishing this. To call this a game is a stretch, it's not even really a visual novel. It's more of an interactive audiobook / cd rom.

The manner of progression was very abstract and I kinda gave up on beating it until recently. That said, I greatly enjoyed the narrative this game was presenting and felt really smart for piecing it all together. It disturbed and intrigued me and I just love the overall feel of it too.

it's almost tough to call this a game, but oh boy does it hit you in the face

let's all love lain

best enjoyed after watching the serial experiments lain anime. very weird and confusing progression but it actually works super well for this game. story, the main point, is very depressing... :(

nao eh um jogo mas eh muito bom

I have no clue how the fuck you're meant to play this, but sometimes I pop it in and look at the pretty animations for 5 minutes

she just like me for real 😃

"There's a white mist inside my head.
Everything is mixed with everything else and I can't tell what from what.
I want someone to prove to me that I am the person that I know I am."

I don't seem to understand this game

which is a shame, as I though I was an honest man


one of the most wild, profound, interesting, terrifying, depressing and miles ahead of its time works of fiction i have ever experienced, one which is far more relevant today than it was at the time. just about every single topic you could think of is covered by its story, from technology to romance to philosophy to mental illness to purpose to existentialism to breasts. compared to the anime, this game is not only much more linear and obvious in its story progression, but this lain winds up far more psychopathic (which the less said about the better) despite seeming very normal at first. she has no one to lean on here, never figuring out what the knights are and how deep their rabbit holes go, with few mentions of crucial components of the anime like protocol 7. it all culminates in a brutal and deeply unfortunate ending.

it's a very disturbing game, a bleak look at a lonely girl's utter mental decline of her and those surrounding her, and certain cutscenes from its ending will never leave me.

you navigate this unbeliveably well told story with a menu designed, created and coded by gibbons.

To many it may not really be a game, but I was engrossed in this Lain's story beginning to end.

I've yet to watch the anime but if it's anything to the game, wowwwieeee I'm really going to love this. This isn't a videogame as much as a series of backloggs but even still, it's amazing