Reviews from

in the past

Brutal, me lo pasé con mi hermanito miles de veces

As I am here hanging with my brother for the past week we decided to play some classic retro Co-op games from our younger days and this was such a nostalgic one. Still hard as I remember it, but man its a weird one because with a few changes it could of been an incredible game. The ability to level up your characters and unlock new moves is great and deflecting laser bolts back at enemies is pretty damn cool. Some of the most tedious platforming though. Every level is trial and error and to learn from your mistakes with some shitty missions thrown in like “finding all the pilots/civilians” Some bosses are quite dirty and to anyone who has beaten this without cheats you are a better man than me! We were gonna see those credits by any means necessary! Kinda wish they would of made sequels to this with episode 2 and 3. Its a fun coop game just don’t expect to get to far and be prepared to hear Yoda’s little “HmmHmm!!” in your head constantly.

Lembro até do cheiro do CD, achava mega difícil quando era criança.

It’s amazing how impactful the Star Wars laser sound effects are. Doesn’t really matter what the game is if you have those twhips and thwangs ricocheting and deflecting all around you.

"There they are...get them!"

It's time to Deflect, Defeat, and Destroy!
Star Wars Jedi Power Battles on PSX was the first ever game I managed to beat Co-Op with my Father. I have very fond memories of this game and frustrations that happened as a kid certainly came back after playing it solo as a adult. Looking back this era of Star Wars is still unmatched due to how much Lucas arts were very experimental from here on out with the Prequel video games.

This game is very challenging on the Jedi Mode, Considering this game only has a Jedi and Easy mode; I wanted to beat it on the "normal" difficulty. Comparing to both the Dreamcast version and the PSX version, I went ahead and beat it on Dreamcast. Although the PSX Version did come out first, I would say that game has aged very poorly graphically and even the control scheme and camera were mediocre playing the first few missions and the platforming was oh so frustrating. I would certainly recommend the Dreamcast version although that version has some weird design choices (Main Menu, UI, etc).

Gameplay is pretty straight forward, it reminded me of a beat em up with lots of platforming and I mean LOTS of it. In order to become a jedi master you must be patient with the polygon edges this game has. One mistake and BOOM back to the beginning of the level or checkpoint. Don't make me get started on the Coruscant level. That is the level where boys became men after accomplishing it. It was still the most challenging level yet besides the final stage. Gives me PTSD just thinking about it. Even harder on Co-op as you do share lives. AHHH!

I really love how this game introduced other Jedi besides Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Being able to play as Plo Koon was honestly the highlight of it all especially with his Yellow Lightsaber. It was honestly this game where my love for Plo Koon was started and eventually was sadden when I saw episode 3. All Jedi's apart from their basic moves are unique in terms of their force abilities so there is some replay value there. You have Jedi Master Mace Windu (with a blue lightsaber), Adi Gallia, and only available in the Dreamcast Version, Ki-Adi-Mundi (with a purple lightsaber for some apart from those I mentioned earlier with secret characters like Padme, Darth Maul, Battle Droid just to name a few

Music is straight out of the movie which is excellent as always from the legendary John Williams. Never missed a beat.

Coming back I would reiterate that I would seriously avoid the PSX version and just play the Dreamcast version as it has better controls and "easier" platforming albeit some weird aesthetic choices. It is still a frustrating game do not get me wrong but its pretty fun all things considered. If you want a refreshed take I would recommended it but if you want to keep your fond childhood memories of this game, I would avoid and just keep it in your head.

World-opening, if otherwise unimpressive

I enjoyed this one less than the other narrative game based on The Phantom Menace.

Possibly because I was very new to video games when I played it and didn't ever get off the ship in the first level. The one named after the movie was by no means smooth, but I did not get along with this one at all.

The idea of playing as a bunch of different Jedi was cool, even if later movies made the lightsabre colours inaccurate.

Clearest memory of this game is a disembodied Yoda voice making a noise whenever you picked up health.

A Star Wars beat'em up? Should be good right? Very rushed game, the combat is acceptable, but the jumping and platforming parts are awful. The soundtrack (same as the movie) are always great. Not a good game in general. Play only if you are one of those million fans of the franchise out there.

Wow, shockingly low rent, even for an early 3D licensed game. No voice, no cutscenes, just a couple lines of text at the beginning of a mission and off you go into a hack and slash level made out of milk cartons. The, shall we say, spartan presentation and very arcade-y feel would be fine if the gameplay was at least passable, but oops, it's not. I had this when I was a kid and I remember it being bad, but not this level of unplayable. Feels like a game that was made in about a month and never playtested.

The pervasive platforming is bad but the combat is actually worse, with incredibly boneheaded design choices like not being able to pull up your block in the middle of any other animation, including any of the lengthy attacks (understandable) landing from jumps (idiotic) or skidding to a stop from running (inexcusable). Which attack you do whenever you press a button feels random, as does the damage it deals - your average battle droid takes anywhere from one to four hits to kill with absolutely no discernable reasoning behind it. Also, I'm sorry, why can these dumbass battle droids BLOCK a lightsaber. It's a LIGHTSABER. These are the "roger, roger" guys. That's not how it WORKS. The whole point of playing any game where you're a Jedi is to feel like a badass and mow through a zillion faceless goons with your superpowers and laser sword, but here you're a fumbling idiot who winds up swings for an hour while the doofy comic relief droids form a queue to tee off on your sack and send you pinwheeling through the air.

This crap makes me appreciate the DARK FORCES series all the more.

I played this on PS1 as a kid, and thought it was the coolest thing in the world. A co-op Jedi game?!? That was the most amazing thing I had ever played!

Turns out, the controls are atrocious. The depth of field is severely difficult to read. You'll constantly be jumping into nothingness due to the game's reliance on pinpoint-precision platforming. But as a determined pre-teen, I managed to beat the game and unlocked Darth Maul as a playable character.

I learned years later that the Dreamcast version, while lacking in the aesthetic department, handles and runs far better than the PS1 original. Ever since I found out about that, it has been the sole reason in my mind why I need to buy a Dreamcast at some point.

this was definitely a star wars video game i might have played.

This may be based purely off nostalgia, but this game was amazing.... And infuriating with it's odd controls and bugs.

Great for its time but so dated now.

The hardest game I have ever played in my life, and it was a Star Wars game with fucking Jar Jar in it.

na minha cabeça quando eu era criança isso era um jogaço... hoje vejo que é bem meh

kid me beating Darth Maul on the highest difficulty as Plo Koon felt like I finally earned the rank of Jedi Master

This was a fun PS1 title that my older brother and I played as kids with co op. We recently revisited it again and realized the game is very challenging, but anytime you survive and make it to the next level is satisfying. Haven’t beat it yet.

This is one of the first video games I ever played. I played it with my dad and it was one of the main ways I got to spend time with him at that age. I remember it fondly, but I doubt I'd actually enjoy it nowadays.

I really enjoyed this game in my childhood for one primary reason: Co-op. Game was fun to play with 2 people, and I remember ending up beating it solo and cooperatively.

Mace Windu was my primary Jedi. He was just awesome to me back then.

I do remember some platforming sections being incredibly painful and difficult - it also resulted in some co-op frustration and yelling...

I'm sure if I returned to this game nowadays, I'd find many more issues with it, but I'll leave it alone, and keep the joyful experiences in the recesses of my childhood memories.

Es un título que carece de visión y profundidad, como si se hubiera hecho únicamente para satisfacer objetivos comerciales. Si bien todos los juegos buscan obtener ganancias y beneficios financieros, para conseguirlo solo tienen que tener en mente que hay que hacer las cosas bien. Jedi Power Battles para Dreamcast es uno de esos títulos que se pasan en una tarde gracias a la compañía de un amigo y que a duras penas llega a ofrecer algo más allá de esa interacción. Basado en la historia del Episodio I, el juego nos pone a controlar a algunos de los Jedi más famosos y reconocidos en unos escenarios que carecen de diseño y una curva de aprendizaje evidente. Se recomienda únicamente para los seguidores de Star Wars.

How the hell did I ever beat this as a kid? let alone without a memory card! I must have had way more patience back then because this is easily one of the hardest Star Wars games I've ever played.

It's a fun game but man is it unfairly difficult at times. The combos are awesome when you manage to pull them off but a lot of the time there rather unresponsive. Sometimes you feel like an absolute chad slashing droids and other enemies up with your lightsaber but at other times you feel like a little kid bashing them with a plastic baseball bat with just how many hits they take before dying and how they fling you all over the place half the time. The platforming though by far is the worst part of the game. It's horrible mainly due to the poor camera and depth of field and combined with random enemies that just spawn out of nowhere and shoot you mid-air causing you to die and lose a life when you only have so few was definitely makes you want to rage quit and throw your controller in frustration lol.

For this playthrough, I played as Qui-Gon to unlock Darth Maul and he definitely feels like one of the weakest characters. Every other Jedi to pick from just feels way stronger than him, especially Mace Windu. Darth Maul while it's cool visually being able to play as him is sort of a letdown mainly because he doesn't have his double-bladed lightsaber and his move set isn't that unique.

I do miss the era of movie tie-in games, particularly the Star Wars prequel ones and this was one of my favourites growing up. It may be extremely challenging but I do still have love for it.

Fucking Jump camera bug at just the end of the game, but I revenged my self kid later.

A great arcade style Star Wars lightsaber game. I played through the entire game with every character and introduced me to my favorite Jedi, Plo Koon.

I spent so much time playing Jedi Power Battles as a kid that it's hard to separate the nostalgia, so I will say that the opening cutscene never fails to excite, and the co-op play is always fun with a friend - it certainly helps you to forget all of the classic PlayStation jank that accompanies this game. Playing alone, you have to deal with all of the more irritating elements on your own, and the game absolutely begs for a friend to experience this game with.

It's a rather barebones hack and slash game at its core, with some very janky platforming included for good measure, and I don't know how worth it is revisiting this game 20 years later, but I know I sure had fun playing this, and probably will anytime I find myself loading it up.