Reviews from

in the past

I always had a lot of fun with this game. For a while, it was my go-to mobile game as it was simple and the objectives to advance to the next level kept me engaged. It had a lot of extra features that the original one did not such as the minecart section and the water slide. The extra maps did not always have as much extra content, but they were still a nice inclusion. Regarding mobile games, I like those that are based on reaction time and this certainly delivered on that. The fact that the goal is to beat your own score is also a great model for a mobile game. If this was an app store review it would get 5 stars, but compared to other video games it is rather simple and gets repetitive very fast. I also disliked that some of the objectives required you to play multiple days in a row as the game should be a fun thing to play when bored and not something you have to invest a lot of time in.

Temple Run but slightly better

great evolution of gameplay, also 100% on a Windows Phone

Marginally better than the first one.

Without ads it’s actually a lot of fun

pretty fun at the time yuhh

a prime example of back and better than ever

why did they make a sequel lol

Second best thing to pass time on.

Pretty good, and in my opinion better than the first

A follow up to Temple Run featuring a wider variety of organic and naturalistic environments as well as some goofy additions to the formula. I really like the increased focus on environments, the way the path curves, goes up hill, through rivers and more is very nice. That said, the gameplay still doesn't do that much for me, and I think the boost/invincibility mode is a bit goofy and takes away from the cool factor. Overall it's a wash for me.

I played this game more, but wow it really is a roguelite/like

One of the deepest, most complex RPGs of our time.

This is a game where every couple seconds, you press up, down, left or right. If you do this well enough, the game grants you the ability to do literally nothing for a few seconds.

Wholy better sequel with MUCH more variety and goals to work towards, without sacrificing (any of) the cool setting(s) and atmosphere of the original.

Give Me Orange Give Orange Me Give Eat Orange Me Eat Orange Give Me Eat Orange Give Me You.

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