Reviews from

in the past

+ The block-breaking (Arkanoid-like) gameplay portion is fun (if you like that type of game)

- Conversely, the RPG elements are pretty lame. Mixing the two genres was a good concept, but it fails in the execution
- The NPCs default to "yes" when they ask if you want to buy something, so you can't skip over their dialogue without unintentionally buying stuff. It's a major annoyance - even worse than that stupid Zelda owl

A solid adventure game that includes a lot of things, but the main thing is just an arkanoid, the genre has been beaten to the maximum, but Wizord says otherwise. Unfortunately, it doesn't live up to the full game.

Добротная приключенческая игра включающая себя много всего, но главное это всего лишь арканойд, жанр избитый до максимума, но Wizord говорит об обратном. К сожалению не сильно дотягивает до полноценной игры.

I have this as an Xbox 360 Indie Game.

Super Breakout meets SNES RPG aesthetic (without the RPG mechanics). Very cutesy, at the same time genuinely challenging and charming. It's not enough to get me to play the whole game "just because", but definitely worth the time burn.

It's what it says on the tin - breakout, with a couple of abilities that can be used as you play and a money collection/village rebuilding element on the side. But hey, breakout is pretty fun for a patient player, and the graphics are nice and colorful. It's a game I don't mind opening up at lunch breaks or while listening to a podcast.

Get orbed.

Combining Breakout and RPG mechanics seems like it could be a good idea, but that's cold comfort for this game. Neither the RPG nor the Breakout parts of this game worked out. The Breakout is slow, magic runs dry quickly, and failure is very punishing. The game is boring, and failed entirely to catch my interest.

A fun Arkanoid/Breakout style game with a very light magic system. I love the look, music, and overall style of the game, but the levels tend to drag on and the fact that there are no checkpoints in each world is frustrating.

A Breakout clone, the twist being that you're actually a wizard- you can shoot fireballs to destroy blocks, or summon a gust of wind to change the trajectory of the ball mid flight. Excellent pixel work and music, and the actual gameplay and physics feel spot on making this probably one of the best games of its kind. Unfortunately the stages tend to drag on and you may start to feel fatigued from the gameplay not even halfway through finishing a world.

While Wizorb is an honest attempt at an update to the age-old formula of breaking down bricks until there are no more bricks to break, the final product is riddled with more than just a few holes.

+ colorful pixel art style that looks good on a big TV
+ magic system is an fresh update to the Breakout formula
+ levels hide shops and bonus stages
+ bosses require specific strategies
+ levels can be replayed and money can be farmed

- difficulty is much too high, mostly because...
- ...lives and magic don't get replenished between levels
- life system feels anachronistic and at odds with the save system
- secondary magic is cumbersome to use
- bought items are expensive and immediately lost upon dying
- levels all feel alike and later ones are mostly luck-based
- town building system has almost no bearing on the gameplay
- the entire thing feels like a lazy mobile game

Playtime: 9 hours with final boss beaten and copius use of save-scamming towards the end, no extra content explored.

Blagic Moment: Dying to a boss, only to having to replay everything leading up to him. Realizing that to this day, there is still no worthwhile update to Breakout

No idea what reviewers were smoking back in the days of the Xbox 360 when this came out originally and received rave reviews, but Wizorb is at best a failed attempt at Breakout with a few good ideas that never really coverge. The high difficulty combined with a terrible life and save system lead to more frustration than anyone should have to suffer through, and there is never a moment where you feel like this couldn't have been produced in the days of the SNES. So why should anyone play this on Switch?

The answer is, they shouldn't, and the wait for a really modern, fun take on breaking blocks with a Pong paddle continues.

Tribute games always makes slick looking really life-like pixel games, but always seem to miss on the execution of the games part

Wizorb is an frustrating, incredibly difficult game. The high difficultly mixed with the lack of progression you make made me turn away from this after an hour

Breakout + rpg

Sounds fun!

It's not. Well, it starts fine but it quickly becomes SUPER tedious to play and every level feels annoying. Play Death's Hangover instead.

A must play for fans of the brick breaker genre. It cleverly incorporates RPG elements, while at the same time keeping the gameplay simple and accessible. And only 5 dollars!

An updated Breakout with shops and light RPG elements sounds like it'd be a good idea, and the first few levels show that yes, that actually is pretty clever and interesting. Well really it's an "RPG" because there's no story, items, or really good choices to make. Just a money system that barely matters

The problem with Wizorb is that it never really respects the players time or effort. If you don't play through 12 levels in a row, the game will discard all your effort. You can run out of continues as well.

There are ways to save and quit, but dear god, the amount of grind to get any meaning of progress is extreme.

And that Progress is equally pointless. You earn money, to buy items in the 12 levels that last until you die, which happens often enough, or you return to town and pay people to repair their houses which gets you temporary boosts like an extra life, or a "key" which unlocks shops.

The level design is ok, and the gameplay is acceptable, but the entire game around it is long, stretched out and overall boring. It becomes a chore to play through which takes the interesting idea and renders it boring.



For what basically amounts to a Breakout Clone, Wizorb is kinda one of the prettiest psuedo NES games out there. From it's captivating soundtrack to it's charming pixel graphics. Wizorb is certainly dressing to impress.

Unlike most breakout clone games, Wizorb has some nice RPG elements to it; akin to a magic system and power up item shop. While you largely only get money and magic potions throughout the game, you can use various magic spells and power up abilities to either help you control the ball better or help it break more blocks as you launch it. The main problem being how difficult it is to control the ball where you want it to go. And while the appeal of Breakout Clones is slowly chipping away blocks upon blocks of points, it can be a bit mind numbing when you can't really exit out of any given level. While Wizorb let's you at least save and quit out of games, if you ever wanted to leave and stock up on items is a different story.

I think that Wizorb would have been a better game in my mind if I didn't have to do the whole world in one go, but it at least gives you a bunch of continues and the ability to get lives rather easily. I understand that it was a way to score people while playing the game, but honestly a separate score attack and story mode would have been better. Not that I had a lot of difficulties with the game though, but I can see people of lesser patience or abilities being fed up with it.

Wizorb is honestly kinda a neat and inventive game for the type that it is though, and a lot of that can be attested to it's boss battles and magic system. I feel if we had a lot more of it and less about score attacking then the game wouldn't feel so daunting of a task, but for what we did get isn't bad either. While Wizorb can get boring at times, it by far has more good going for it than bad.