Reviews from

in the past

Jesus fucking Christ they added every single feature mentioned during the first planning roundtable.

We have:
- Manually switched 1st/3rd person perspectives, each with their own combat style and interaction uses.
- Custom duel-wielding items which can range from Gun & Flashlight to Molotov & Lighter to Healing Spray & Glow Stick.
- Environmental items used as improvised weapons.
- Said improvised weapons being manually positioned and swung (part of me wants to believe they accidentally remade the wrong old game and based this off of Die By The Sword).
- The combat works best when wooden chairs are set on fire and poked into approaching enemies.
- A physics system for batting enemies across the room.
- Climbing, jumping, swinging, all with tank controls.
- Diegetic UI for inventory and body-part-specific healing spots.
- Item crafting.
- Different wound types, one of which starts a 7-minute bleed-out timer that ends when you bandage it or when you die.
- AI Companions that teleport around you Creepy Watson style.
- Multiple chapters of explorable Central Park full of cars that can be driven GTA style any time any where.
- Oh, those fucking cars also explode when you shoot the gas tank for a powerful improvised explosive.
- Or if you find a knife or screwdriver, you can sabotage the tyres.
- Manual fucking blinking, required to clear poison out of eyes.

I haven't even listed everything but I have to stop. I would honestly call this a technical marvel of freedom in player interactivity if not for the fact I had to take breaks to ease my stress headache at the number of longwinded button combinations required just to kill a zombie.

But wait, we're now borrowing The Ubisoft Classic. Get to the final chapter and you're rewarded with the news you now have to kill those previously optional exploration enemies else you don't get to end the game. I guess the game will remain unfinished.

You can see a lot of effort went into this game. It didn't all come together, but they tried. The fire effects were really cool.