Reviews from

in the past

This is more of an expansion for AC1 and it's pretty solid by having an actual story going on with a bit of rivarly, it also introduces the arena mode in which you work your way to the top by 1v1 up to 50 opponents with scaling difficulty, this mode gives some neat rewards in the virtue of mech parts and credits.

overall this is was a solid 4 hour experience that had probably one of the hardest final boss I've seen which is surprising because the rest of the game isn't as brutal as I thought it would be.

8/10 become one with Phantasma.

this game is rlly easy if you just finger your enemies

Mal wieder durchgespielt, Fazit von damals bleibt aber:
Ein paar nette Zusätze und Erweiterungen, deutlich komplexere und besser designte Missionen (sowohl vom Ziel als auch vom Leveldesign an sich), die Arena ist ein wunderbarer Zusatz den man nun nie mehr missen möchte

...aber all die anderen Sachen die Teil 1 so besonders machten sind rausgeflogen und wurden durch eine lineare Struktur ersetzt die einfach kein Stück funktionieren möchte.

War ein bisschen frustrierend durchzuspielen und wurde nur dadurch gerettet, dass es doch relativ kurz ist

More AC1 which isn't a bad thing but I do think it is a bit weaker than the first game. Arena mode is a great addition that gives you more options for progression. There is a more personal story but not like it's all that engaging or impactful. I prefer the mystery and moral ambiguity presented in the first game. It is also very linear with less mission variety.

Just a super solid game, with the mission stucture and the arena's presence making it one of my favorite AC games, I just think it's super solid!

a lot more frustrating than the first game. the arena is absolute shit and every enemy is just a combination of karasawa, moonlight, and human plus. on top of this, the final boss is so tanky for normal weapons, making it near impossible to beat him, but dies in about 20 shots to arm cannons. thankfully it's not too long, if you ignore the arena mode, and it only took a little over an hour to beat, while the arena mode maybe took around two hours. on the upside, it did make me experiment with different builds, which was fun, but then i used the build to fight in the arena and the fun was mostly sucked out