Reviews from

in the past

Getting to the true ending left me with such a sour taste, so it's only in retrospect I can remember and understand how this game is widely considered a JRPG gem. A beautiful game with a masterful OST. Combat and job class systems that shine within the genre.

Bravely Default, does however, slowly become a chore as you progress, with difficulty spikes and repetitive gameplay/plotline. If I could completely look past how the latter half of the game made me feel, I know for sure I would have much more appreciation for this game as a whole.

Class system is fun to mess around with; you can get some busted ability combinations. The last quarter of the game drags but the ending is worth it.

My favorite video game of all time. My golden standard for comparing RPGs.

Bravely default is such a odd experience for me.

If I have to compare it to something, it would be a ride to a weirdly balanced to a rollercoaster.
The first half of the ride is a pretty standard, but still thrilling and able to entertain you and make you feel so many emotions, even better than other types of similar titles.
Then the second half of the ride starts and.... it can big a slug-fest, that forces you to repeat some parts of the ride over and over again with little to none changes.

But if you endure... you reach the climax, the final part... the the final section of Bravely Default is one of the most incredible endings of a game that I ever scene, that not only it's able to suppress, scare, thrill and pump you at the same time, but also manages to fully and smartly use the console it was built for to its limits (lso it has one the best final boss theme ever created).

Bravely default was initially designed to bring back the charm and passion for classic Square Enix jrpgs in an era when these where towards extinction... and it absolutely nailed it.

It does have some big flaws, but if you are a fan of this genre... check it out. It is totally worth it.

Incredible JRPG.
Great characters, great story with mind-blowing plot twists and an AMAZING OST.