Reviews from

in the past

I'm actually quite fond of the Warmind "expansion". Did it turn things around for Destiny 2, hell no. However, it was the beginning of the game becoming good or at the very least, what it should've been at launch.

Destiny is cyclical, it goes through a rough period before going all out to redeem itself, then a slow decline into mediocrity before the cycle begins. Warmind was very much in the stinky asshole part of the cycle, right before Forsaken when Destiny 2 and arguably the series as a whole peak. Things were pretty bad at the time but there was an inkling of hope on the horizon.

Warmind didn't address many of the problems that Destiny 2 was facing at the time, double primary was lame, no chase for loot since rolls weren't random, build-crafting was next to non-existent, the game being way too slow, and a myriad of other small issues that pile up to being a mountain. Addressing and changing a lot of this stuff less than a year after release sounds like hell. Also, improvements to the writing style were not found here.

The campaign for Warmind is mid at best, still very much using the schlocky writing style that was ever present in year one. It's also woefully short and mission design is still some of the mission design of all time, it's not bad but it's not good either. Ultimately, culminating in a disappointing finale killing off one of the most powerful beings in the known Destiny universe (at the time) in some goo goo gaga mission. Personally, I'm not (that much) of a dork to really care about that kind of stuff, but it was pretty funny to see lore people get upset over it.

So why am I quite fond of Warmind? Shit was bleak during vanilla and Curse of Osiris, one of the worst periods in the franchise. Warmind wasn't the savior but it gave the community hope. The best kind of Bungie is a Bungie that's backed into the corner and that's where they were during this time period of the game. The beginnings of change were being felt in this expansion. Actually engaging end-game content was found in Escalation protocol and the added raid lair with loot that was actually worth a damn. The loot was still statically rolled but still a step in the right direction. Also, some exotics were revamped and catalysts were added to make the exotics feel exotic and not some glorified legendary. Abilities received significantly shortened cooldowns as well as a movement speed increase. Now we're on track to feeling like all-powerful gun-toting space wizards instead of a bunch of bumbling morons wielding nerf guns and throwing out some pretty lights every now and then. Finally, we're getting back on track.

Warmind in it of itself isn't a great expansion but it was the first step of greatness. Now that Bungie learned their lesson, they totally won't repeat the cycle. Right Bungie?

I can't recall anything memorable about this expansion... I think it was pretty typical Warmind stuff. But I think at the time it was pretty welcomed after the first expansion.