Reviews from

in the past

Laying in the corpses is a core childhood memory of mine.

The emphasis was on excessive violence and cruelty, not good gameplay and game design in general

Хоть и игра считается плохой, скажу честно, это игра моего детства, проходится за 3 часа спокойно, на высокой сложности, сюжет хоть и банальный но в детстве вызывал у меня запоминающиеся эмоции, стоит копейки, тир на вечерок, а тем кто проходил давно, как глоток ностальгии.

Aside from the interesting premise there just wasn't much to it. Weapons felt terrible, level design wasn't interesting, and neither were the enemies. Saw no point in continuing.

Absolutely zero substance to it, not even potential can be derived from Homefront as it is. The "horrors of war" here is just shock value, a - needlessly - silent protag than just give spotlight to other cardboard characters.

Movement is stiff and gunplay doesn't even rise to being dubbed a shooting gallery.
I didn't expect much and yet found less than that.