Reviews from

in the past

what if we made a fighting game but theres no cool characters and instead 200 overbearing defensive system mechanics so youre never allowed to do cool shit

I can't even troll this one this game is still poopoo ass I'm not even gonna lie, I spent like a few hundred hours trying to play it somewhat competitive a while ago and I was not doing bad but the game was so unfun that I just completely quit, the pre-patch/launch mechanics were some of the most genuinely terrible unfun systems to work around in in a modern FG, mainly shield and moon drive. Constant RPS mini-games in almost every neutral, offensive and defensive interaction. Wake-up moon drive being an invul pause button that GIVES ALL YOUR MOON SKILLS CLASH FRAMES WAS CRAZY (enabling even more stupid defense/rps) everything like that would just make every lane of interaction in the game feel like an obnoxious, unfun tug of war and that might be appealing to some people but it really just feels designed in a bland way that quickly gets stale to me. Also low shield used to work against all mids in the time I played this game iirc which is thankfully revised to some extent (you get punished for shielding certain mids now) but they were also crazy for that.

The later updates to these seem to have made them somewhat more bearable but the earlier patches where they lowkey just kept making them worse for a while/enabling even more shield RPS and constantly buffing top tiers left a sour taste in my mouth and anytime I come back I still don't really have fun. I hope that after Tsukihime Red Garden comes out this game gets a major revision or something, it will probably keep the same core systems but I would like to try it again. It's probably nowhere near the worst game I've ever played but in my personal experiences I just did not have a lot of fun playing it. (PS I can appreciate the other stuff like they added rollback and the extra chars all being free even if the PC port was botched IIRC)

Great airdasher with some fun mechanics.

The only fighting game I will ever play

"What if Sion was betrayed and trapped in the UNI Time Chamber?"

Fine game tho

very fun but i just so happened to pick it up like 2 days before my anime fighter brainrot ended. will have to come back to it sometime