Reviews from

in the past

There is something about the Nintendo Era of Monster Hunter games that I just cannot get into. I don't know if it's because of my own biases, or because I just genuinely don't like holding a 3ds.

I feel bad for killing the monsters ;(

My first monster hunter when I discovered that the hammer is the best weapon. Most brutal demo I have ever played too, I love loading screens

probably the best game on the 3ds with some of the best online multiplayer on any nintendo console. so many great memories with this game. 3u made me confused, but after trying this one out it all just clicked.

le classique de zinzin frère kecha wacha nerscylla gore magala naaaan zamtrios et tout

Good Lord. One of the Goats, countless nights hunting with the boys.

See all those fake mobile game ads that look insanely good, but reflect nothing of the real game? This is Monster Hunter, except the game is real. This is to me, the best gameplay experience ANY game is able to give. It's almost too good to be true. Oh, and yeah, MH4U is the best Monster Hunter game. MHRise? Sweats uncontrollably

so classic that i got my copy sealed in epoxy and then attached to my chain

Haven't completed this game, but i'm 100 hours in and it doesn't seem like my opinion will change..

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ver1.1 for the Citra Canary 2670 is a solid game, looks beautiful for a 3DS game and it doesn't feel bad to play... sometimes...
Charge Blade is really strong here, and I love it since it's my pride and joy. Mounting is also stupid powerful for no reason. Probably these two were so overtuned since they were introduced here, but oh well.

The cutscenes are really good, the transitions to gameplay are also really smooth (like in World).
The way that the village creates a rivalry between you and Gore Magala all the way into the climax is really cool.

...but HR7 is some bullshit. There's not A SINGLE good fight here.
-> Teostra acts like a bumper car, it's just annoying all around
-> Kushala is Kushala, i don't think i have to elaborate
-> Akantor is just slow, dumb and annoying. The only saving grace is that his weapons look cool.
-> D. Mohran puts me to sleep
And after all that, we reach Dalamadur, the fight that's so hyped among the fanbase. After doing it, I'm convinced that the people that hype it never fought it.
A walking sponge with wonky physics, and only 3 notable attacks.
1. The giant bite that one shots you with a dubious hitbox
2. The giant laser that one shots you and you don't have much of a way to survive if you're in a bad spot at a bad time.
3. The spammed random meteors that stop being random when 5 of them fall on your head.
Legit one of the worst fights in the entire franchise, nicely done.

Well, this entire rank (and specially Dalamadur, the monster that I had expectations coming in) left an extremely bad taste in my mouth regarding this entire game and it basically makes opening the game a chore for me. Not fun at all.
Surely G-Rank will be better. I'll update this review later.