Reviews from

in the past

Who in their right frame of mind would say converting all characters into 3D models is a great idea? God damn these animations didn't age well at all.

Looking on the bright side, this one is leagues and bounds better than the previous entry. I actually really liked the stories here. The new characters like Athena and Blackquill are great, even the side characters are awesome (also Capcom please make AA7 Athena's game).

The game, however, is far from perfect. Having three protagonists now result in all characters to not be as fleshed out as they needed to be. That is pretty much the fatal flaw of this game: a lack of focus. You can tell that the storywriters are struggling to juggle all three characters and make sure they all share the same spotlights. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, none of them ended up getting enough.

Still, things could have been worse.

A pesar de que se nota que es un volantazo por el rechazo que provocó Apollo Justice en su momento, Dual Destinies es una entrega más que competente de la saga y me ha gustado incluso más en esta segunda vuelta.

Es cierto que tiene un problema de tener demasiados personajes. Entre el trío protagonista, los cameos de personajes antiguos y tal, muchos personajes quedan relegados a estar un poco más de fondo.

Dicho esto, Athena y Simon son ambos personajes extraordinarios y de mis favoritos de toda la saga. Todos los casos son divertidos y algunos de ellos, como el último o el DLC, son de mis favoritos de toda la saga.

El salto al 3D fue raro en su momento, pero ahora que estoy acostumbrado he de decir que es una decisión fantástica porque da muchísima personalidad a los personajes gracias a las animaciones más detalladas. Y obviamente el lavado de cara del remaster le sienta de maravilla.

Muy buen jueguito, me ha sorprendido para bien esta segunda vuelta.


Despite being very clearly a course correction due to the negative feedback they got from Apollo Justice back then, Dual Destinies is a more than competent entry for the series and I enjoyed it even more this second time around.

It's true it has an issue of too many characters. Between the protagonist trio, the cameos from older characters and all that, many characters are a bit left in the background.

That being said, Athena and Simon are both extraordinary characters and some of my favorite in the whole series. All the cases are fun and some of them, like the last one or the DLC, are among my favorites.

The leap to 3D was weird back then, but now that I'm used to it I have to say it was a fantastic choice that gives a ton of charm and personality to the characters thanks to the more detailed animation work. And, obviously, the remake makes it all look even better.

Very good game, I was positively surprised this second time around.

A good return to the Ace Attorney world, with some fumbles here are there.