Reviews from

in the past

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A charming rpg that history was not kind to. It's flawed but with the internet, it's a fantastic game. The meme that Quest 64 is as bad and broken as Superman 64 is absolutely false.

I want to begin by saying, I streamed this in 2024 with a walkthrough and knowing some key tips to make the game a much more pleasurable experience. I don't know, if I can recommend playing it completely blind. So be warned. I also have no nostalgia for it. I rented it as a kid and it was a bad time. This is not a notalgia goggles review.

There are 2 helpful resources here. A tips guide and a walkthrough.

Also, for those who get lost easily, here are some maps that will greatly help you.

Okay, let's start with the obvious, yes this game is not perfect. It is very flawed but still such a great time. It is very clearly unfinished in places. There is no economy, so no buying items. You got to rely on very rare drops, chests or npcs for items. It's also explains nothing in game about the mechanics. It expects you to read the game manual.

Now I understand at the time, expecting people to read the manual was still semi common. Sadly though, if you rented the game, like many of us did as kids(me included), you lacked the manual. Thus making the game a bad experience as there is crucial info in it. For example, the manual suggests leveling up water magic for healing. You would not know that without the manual. It's essential to know.

Now let's talk about why the narrative of Quest 64 is terrible and broken game, is simply wrong.

First, it's such a bright and colorful game. It's very charming. The music is some of the best on the N64. The setting and the vibes work very well. Peaceful towns, open fields, spooky forests, dark caves, and grand castles, etc. There is a lot of variety here. The character designs are nice too. Your main character Brian is adorable.

The battle system is unique. Takes a bit of time to get used to but is easy enough to pick up. You use magic with the C buttons, exploit elemental weakness, you can run around to dodge attacks, and use items. It's as easy as that.

Level ups are rewarding with new attacks but more importantly, strength. You level up in three ways. Traditional exp, finding items called Spirits on the map(like Pokemon Rare Candies), and doing certain activities. For example, getting hit raises defense, running around raises agility, MP raises with magic use, and HP raises by hitting things with your wand and a few other methods.

Enemy encounter rate is a little high. Some enemies are painfully slow to move, which can be extremely frustrating. But you do not need to grind much if any at all. You should be fine as long as you explore looking for spirits, allocate your points properly(water for healing and focus on 1 other element), and fighting most battles. When I ended, I was max in 2 elements and 35/50 in my third.

The game is mostly well balanced. Each new area will present a challenge but you will soon be above level. Especially if you are searching for spirits. Bosses are fine too. They can range from not a threat to that's a lot of damage! But yet again, you will triumph. Nothing in the game is crushingly hard. The last hour or so will require constant healing as everything hits hard.

Yet again, I understand where the reputation comes from. And it is justified without the manual. But with the internet, knowing you must raise water for healing and then focus one other element, really makes the game fun. Focusing on each element will make you have a bad time.

The game has a day night system which is cute. It also turns you back around to the way you were facing before battle so you don't get lost and can keep your bearings. It doesn't ware out it's welcome either. It's like 12-15 hours. There is also no game over status. If you die you just go back to the last place you saved but still keep ALL progress you made. You just may have to do the walk of shame. Think of it as extra grinding.

The story is surprisingly in depth. There is a decent amount of lore building. Most NPCs have something useful to say either about the lore or giving you hints on where to go next. Some lore is even presented in environmental storytelling. When people say there is no story/lore, they clearly did not pay attention to what NPCs were saying. NPCs do a mostly great job of directing you as to where to go next. Throughout the journey things get darker, more mysterious and dangerous. The music and locations do great to set the vibes.

The most major complaint I have is that certain dungeons are very uninspired and lack variety that they are very hard to keep your bearings. Everything looks the same. So you really got to use your compass.

I really enjoyed my time with Quest 64. It's the most fun I had with a game all year(so far). It's a chill time and a fun experience. I know it's flawed. But it simply is not this broken game people present it as. It's not Superman 64. It's a shame Quest 64 has the reputation it has. I went into it thinking, it was going to be a rough experience. I came out thinking it was one of my favorite N64 games.

This game has always been a mystery to me, since I was like six years old and renting it at Blockbuster. Who is Brian? Why is his cape so cool? How the heck do I cast a spell? Why can't I save my game? So many questions that wouldn't be answered for me until the year 2024, when I finally took this seriously, cracked open a Dr. peppy, and PLAYED Quest 64 for real.

This game seriously rules. I played using primarily Wind & Water magic, and I had such a good time. Exploring the world is fun and rewarding, and the battles really grow on you once you get the hang of the controls. Save points come often enough where the game never really feels that stressful. Some sections of the game are kinda easy to get lost, but I looked up some maps and did just fine. The music is so catchy and pleasant, I find myself humming along with childlike joy. I also LOVED the design of the monsters throughout the game, and although the dialogue can be a bit dry, I found the overall story to be solid. I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but that TWIST though.

I think this game gets way more disdain than it deserves. It's a short and sweet JRPG with fun mechanics and catchy music that deserves a play if you like the Nintendo 64. Please give it a try before dismissing it like so many others choose to!