Reviews from

in the past

pretty good, maps could use some work. fun!

O jogo é bem difícil comparado ao 2, mas mesmo sendo difícil você tem vontade de jogar mais e mais runs por conta de como os personagens são diferentes uns dos outros, e os itens também fazem com que as runs não fiquem repetitivas, dito isso eu odeio a Magma Worm e Red Whip é um dos melhores itens do jogo.

Loved the original game, unfortunately they ruined this one by removing all of the original progression from the game and putting the unlocks behind these really weird minigames that are nothing like the game.

Searching for friends to play more.

this game is too fucking hard lol the items fucking suck

Jogo bom e difícil se não tiver uma build apelona nós sofre... hahaha
mas dá pra finalizar em 1 dia se você se dedicar xD

This game makes some great improvements upon the original with new characters and items, but in the end the tedious platforming still makes me not want to come back to this game as often.

I really enjoyed Risk of Rain 2 so I thought I would get something out of this one, but unfortunately I didn't enjoy this one very much. However, the soundtrack is still really good.

A really fun game, yet I still prefer Risk of Rain 2. While I appreciated getting to experience the Risk of Rain formula with "new" stuff - the game is outclassed by the sequel due to the increased freedom and ease of play offered by having the game in 3D. That's not to say that I only appreciate aspects from ROR2, as this game has its own merits. I believe that the challenge this game presents is harder than that of its sequel, especially the providence challenges. While I do believe that there is an overall balance problem with the game, that doesn't prevent me from having fun with this title.

actually really good i just suck at it