Reviews from

in the past

played this a ton as a kid on wii u, but unfortunately i don't love it as much as i used to. i think what kills this is how all the non-starite missions are randomized/procedurally generated. there's no real motivation to actually do them beyond gathering points to unlock new levels. instead, i just rushed through them with the most easy bare-bones solutions just so i could get through the game. idk, i know it allows for more of the actual dc content to be shown off, but i wouldn't have minded actual pre-made mini-missions. the dc stuff however is very fun, you can tell they really went for it and as a huge fan it certainly pays off. i don't regret coming back to replay this but there was something a little underwhelming about it

"Nossa agora tem campanha" foi o que pensei no começo, mas o quão repetitivo e chato esse jogo é brincadeira, muito inferior ao Unlimited.

Não fui muito fã. Não sei muitas coisas sobre os quadrinhos então não peguei quase nenhuma referência

É um ótimo jogo para se jogar, tem bastante conteúdo da DC e até que estimula bastante a criatividade, mas acho que é meio curto comparado ao antecessor, recomendo comprar para alguma criança na família ou só para passar o tempo.

The crossover gives the franchise a story background it needs, but still just quite the same as the previous games.