Reviews from

in the past

Another PSP game from my childhood.

This game is known for being the worst one in the series, but I'll give you another perspective. This was my first and (for now) only game from the franchise. But I plan to play the 2002 game soon (and Size Matters just to see if it's any better than this one).
So, as a kid with a vague memory of playing a Ratchet and Clank entry for a few minutes on a PS2 or PS3, when I saw this game I immediately wanted to try it. I've played it for hours and hours over the years and had a lot of fun.
Recently, I played it again just to see if it was really any good. While I still had fun, I realised some flaws I haven't seen before and got reminded of some I have seen. First, the Qwark levels were annoying and as a kid I've already noticed it. Again, as a kid, when I found out I couldn't play as Ratchet outside the prison was a real bummer from the get-go. Trying to get all cheats and skill points would be masochism and if, one day, I go for it, my OCD has finally won. The story doesn't make much sense and everybody passes the Eye of Infinity around, for some reason. The Ratchet levels were fun only for a while, but a few remained always fun (the Mess Hall levels were perfect for grinding bolts and the most fun of them all). The Gadgebots and rhythm missions became tedious. Ratchet's weapons were great to mess around with and Clank's were very spy-like and unique. The planets were very diverse and I wish we could explore them more. Oh, I almost forgot about the final boss: it was a little difficult, but good; but on a second play, it's a pain in the arsenal, almost impossible to beat him.

So, it has some positives and some negatives, but I consider it a good-ish game, even if it's totally different from the whole franchise. I hope Size Matters isn't worse (but after reading reviews, I know I'll have to deal with weak weapons and strong enemies, but we'll see). Regarding the original games, I'm pretty sure I'll fall in love with the series because I liked this game a lot and I love the idea of exploring and saving numerous worlds full of aliens and robots. Let's hope I don't downgrade my rating of this game after playing the original games

If even as a kid this wasn't enough to keep me engaged, you can imagine.