Reviews from

in the past

Note como existem zero gotas de água deste lado do jogo, tornando ele claramente superior

Sonic & Knuckles é o bom fruto resultante da falta de tempo da Sega de completar o ambicioso Sonic 3, precisando dividir ele em dois.
Eles podiam apenas se contentar em lançar a segunda parte num cartucho normal, os fãs que se batam anos depois na net pra juntar os jogos, mas eles pegaram um Game Genie e fizeram o impensável.
Assim como o cartucho do Genie, Sonic e Knuckles utiliza da "Lock-on Technology", podendo criar uma conexão com outro cartucho, para diferentes resultados.
Ao conectar Sonic 3, você ganha a experiência completa e pode jogar com Knuckles desde o início. Conectar com Sonic 2 coloca o Knuckles como o personagem principal, e conectar qualquer outro jogo traz uma tela de erro "NO WAY", mas que na verdade esconde fases ilimitadas de "get blue spheres", o special stage do Sonic 3.

E por fim, tornaram o meme "& Knuckles" realidade, então meu deus, que jogo maravilhoso que esse foi, na moral

For whatever reason I think I enjoyed the levels in this one more than Sonic 3. I might feel differently revisiting them so many years later, but that's my childhood memory. Playing as Knuckles was the coolest thing in the world to me as a kid though, I always dug him more than Sonic and Tails. The mushroom "sproing" sound effect will never leave my brain

It takes the Sonic 3 formula and adds a subtle finesse to it that makes it even more compelling. I enjoyed the level design a lot more and the music might be even better than in Sonic 3.

The story bits were also pretty neat since we get Knuckles realizing his mistakes and helping Sonic out. It was weird, but Sonic kept grabbing onto Tails while he was flying which screwed me up a few times. Along with that, this time around, Tails hit the enemy when I intended to, which ended up causing me to take damage. At times, it felt like I should've just took Tails out entirely.

The bosses were pretty enjoyable this time around as well, and two that stuck out to me in particular are that weird Sandopolis sand golem that you can't permanently damage and the Lava Reef one where Eggman damages himself, while you stand there with your lava shield, just chilling.

Level-wise, the Sky Sanctuary Zone had a great vibe. I also found that it was a great finale. It was an epic conclusion to the old school 2D Sonic trilogy. In some sense, I enjoyed the game in spite of the design issues I had with it and it worked out in the end. The games improved over time, and you can really see the polish shine through by the end.