Reviews from

in the past

Great - nice evolution of the Gone Home gameplay concept - a little less puzzling but the increased complexity of the story and the huge amount of worldbuilding and character detail more than makes up for it.

The little sci-fi that could. Tacoma is the game equivalent or a short-story. A quick neat game you can play start to finish in one afternoon, and that's exactly what I did.There's not a streamlined plot to follow, but instead you investigate this empty ship where an incident took place, being able to replay partial recordings of the lives of the crew that once worked here; All at your own pacing, you could miss the entire plot and rush to the end or take your time and examine all recordings; I did the latter and even then it didn't take that long. The characters are well written, each with unique jobs and dynamics with each other making it interesting to delve into their personal lives outside of the main incident that took place. The main plot is no slouch either, it offered a cool little mystery that keeps you interested for the 2-3 hours you'll spend here

tacoma is an awesome puzzle game with a very futuristic feel and is satisfying trying to get all the achievements