Reviews from

in the past

Потрясающий слэшер с казуальной боёвкой, но проработанной и постоянно требующей разных действий. С сочным импактом и мясным кровавым визуалом. Всю игру Логан рвёт орды противников на части и заниматься этим увлекательно. Без сомнений, идеальная игра о Росомахе. Дизайн уровней и боссы - бездарный кал, но эти пробелы разрабы мне полностью компенсировали боями.

Jogar jogos que "não existem" tem uma sensação diferente, e um tanto melancólica no final sabendo que um jogo como esse nunca terá sua continuação.

One of those licensed movie adaptions that ends up being pretty good. In fact, it's even better than the movie it was based on. It's a good God of War clone and lets Wolverine has his healing factor without him being overpowered and take away all the challenge of the game.

Não, nem eu acredito que eu joguei e zerei esse game em 2024, realmente fiquei surpreso em ter achado e conseguir fazer funcionar no steam deck, mas enfim, jogo bem legal que não conseguia parar de jogar até zerar, por mais que seja enjoativo, a gameplay é bem legal, podia ser melhor com combos mais complexos e não tão repetitivos, mas foi divertido, mais um game zerado esse ano, e nem é ruim nem bom

Does it have a double jump? Yes!
(New thing segment in my reviews)

After futzing about with a bunch of games, I finally realized I could play some 7th gen nostalgia with the ps3 emulator, and oh boy, was I ready for some slop. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is just the slop I needed. This game is fine and playable, just some unseasoned chicken you could eat.

Combat stays the same throughout really, although it does feel satisfying to do the same combos for a while, the game does start to get tiring towards the end. The levels aren't very entertaining because they consist of 3 government labs, an outdoor snowy section, and a bunch of ancient ruins in africa. The ancient ruins feel so trite for the 7th gen, and its no exception here because they aren't interesting. There is one more level, which is climbing a tower chasing Gambit, and its a little better, but still not very interesting.

There was one specific memory I had of this game where I got the final boss (Deadpool) caught in an infinite where he coudlnt fight back. All this mid led up to this moment

Also, the CG cutscenes look pretty good I think.

The combat is very repetitive, the bosses are middling, and the levels are mostly hallways and/or backtracking. I get to be Wolverine though and that's pretty dope.

A God of War clone very much fitting for the brutal Wolverine.

The game is straight foward: we move ahead as we brutalize our enemies with all kind of deadly moves, throws and fatalities. There is a great enemy variety and bosses. Problem is levels are way longer than they should sometimes, and there are some few puzzles that are very pointless.

But then again, it's a good beat'em up starring Wolverino, so it's a safe bet.

One of the better movie tie-in games. The gore was good for its time.