Reviews from

in the past

Dividir um jogo em 7 capítulos Não parece uma boa ideia

Ass there was nothing good about this game

This game isn't even finished yet and is probably the single funniest game I have ever played.
RIP Spamtom G. Spamtom (2021-2021)

i knew this game was gonna be good when i heard the opening music for it.

Just the game I long for the most.

Deltarune represents a mature evolution of the instant cult that is Undertale. The game is not complete, it has only 2 chapters as of now, but it's already, truly great. Consider this "review" as a testament to the high potential of this title. I'm sure that it'll live up to it once finished.

i could sit here and sing my praises for deltarune for hours. but i won't. but know i could. i prefer this to undertale, but they're both phenomenal. toby fox and co really know how to make an engaging story.

Only giving it 4 starts because it’s rather short for not being a full release. When finished however it’s on track to surpass Undertale.

Invest now kino will be here soon.

i think it's gonna be just as good as undertale

Everything about this is perfect. Gameplay? Perfect. Story? Perfect. Characters? Perfect. Art? perfect. Music? perfect. I cannot wait until it's finished.