Reviews from

in the past

I can't believe I forgot to put this on my Backloggd that is an absolute crime and another crime is not trying out this absolute banger of a game

Incredibly stylish game with great characters and kinda bad gameplay. The game is based around music and it SHOWS, the OST is by far the greatest part of this game. The voice acting is great as well, as is the writing. It manages to make all the bosses likeable while still keeping the battles fairly short. The boss battles themselves are very unique and every single one of them is good, with the unfortunate exception of the final boss. As for the gameplay, I found the camera to be annoying while running around the main areas, the movement suffered because of the camera, and attacks felt slow. Even despite this it gets such a high rating because of its pure charm. Definitely worth playing.

Definitely a heavily flawed game in terms of gameplay but I cannot help but still kinda love it. The music and aesthetic and the characters are all so amazing. The OST might be one of my favourites of all time it's crazy. But ultimately I find it difficult to recommend to other people when the core gameplay is just kinda janky and not that well designed. They tried to do a rhythm based combat system but just didn't execute on it very well at all.