Reviews from

in the past

Music made my controller sticky

Art's good, characters are good, music's good. I've only fought the first 2 bosses so far, but game's good.

un juego con mucha onda, alto soundtrack, excelente arte y muy buenas ideas mal implementadas, vas de boss en boss pasando por secciones donde podes hablar con npc's y ver mas del interesante mundo que crearon los desarrolladores, pero a la hora de jugar y cagarse a palo es mas lo que tenes que pegarle al control que a los bichos porque todos los ataques tienen un delay muy raro, tenes movimientos "especiales" que rara vez conectan y la mecanica mas interesante, el parry, es muy confusa ya que los ataques estan mal señalizados y el timing que tenes que tener es MUY raro.

absolutely beautiful artwork and music. I loved that to bits, but the game and story felt a bit empty. That didn't stop me from falling in love with many of the characters though

The music? Banging. The rest? It's alright. The soundtrack is definitely the selling point of the game.

Si os mola los hack and Slash y los juegos rítmicos. Este es vuestro título. Está desarrollado por gente que ha hecho grandes proyectos como final fantasy xv y street fighter V. La historia es sencilla, pero es lo que hace que este videojuego sea la polla.
Se me olvidaba mencionaros la banda sonora. Es absolutamente maravillosa, la manera de mezclar la música tecno con el rock en distintas zonas, es apabullante.
Lo que más, peca para mi de este juego es el diseño de algunas zonas que llega a ser bastante lineal ,y la aparición. De algún otro bug.
Pero a lo que os iba mencionando desde el inicio. Si os gusta tanto los hack and Slash y los juegos rítmicos, os lo recomiendo.

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maybe if eve kissed girls her boss fight wouldve been better

the Jank made it fun for me and my friends for all the wrong reasons

nsr leaves a lot to be desired for a game: poor visual feedback, lack of camera control during boss fights, level design... what level design?
and yet, i would still recommend this game because it's got heart and a strong visual/musical identity, and you won't regret playing it.

as buggy and weird as this game is, i enjoyed every moment i played it, and i'd gladly revisit it as soon as possible. the game's music is absolutely astounding, and the environments really were as original as a game could get. i followed this game's development from the earliest demo of the Yinu boss fight, maybe circa early 2019? and i'm very pleased with how the game came out in the end! maybe not the best game ever, but for something that placed innovation over anything, i really think the game succeeded where it needed to. i do wish the game were a bit less glitchy, however, as it DID kind of ruin my playing experience at times. nothing game-breaking if you're dedicated, but sometimes it was pretty rough

The game is ok, combat is a little samey, but thankfully the game does not overstay its welcome.

The plot is trite, a bit clichéd and silly, but the characters are ok for the most part.

Jogo cheio de carisma e musicas boas e talz mas não souberam fazer um bom gameplay, apenas os bosses sao interessantes mas de resto bem descartavel ,achava q iria me divertir muito mais

Loved the character designs and visual style. I'm generally not interested in game OSTs but I still regularly listen to the songs and remixes in here because they are so good. Combat was clunky, however.

While this game is fantastic in the visual department and its music slaps so much, it lacks in literally everything else

I love the artstyle but the gameplay kinda brings down the whole game... Which makes me sad bc there probably won't be a sequel now

that boss compilation you watched on youtube was actually the entire game

I love the aesthetics of this game so much. The soundtrack, character designs and vinyl city are so good. I only wish the gameplay was a little stronger as the combat feels awkward and platforming feels clunky. The dialogue is also a little weird sometimes. For this studio's first game it was still a fantastic time and I hope this game gets a stronger sequel.

Me when I'm driving
Yas queen 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🌈🌈

tried all i could to parse whatever the hell was going on but tizaster pretty much wrote the same exact review i was going to write. i also gave up on the second boss and could not figure out what the game even is. it's a brawler where the enemy mechanics are tied to the music but it never feels "whole". the rhythm portion of the gameplay doesn't match up with the combat portion and leaves the whole experience disjointed.

i really wanted to like this game because i adore the main characters, writing, art direction, and while i'm not the biggest of EDM the music was funky and entertaining from the small portion of it i heard. it feels like a game made by animators and not game designers, but i would absolutely have my eyes on their next project because i think something great can be pulled off from them.

Quizas jugue la peor version de este juego pero la verdad, me encanta este juego se me hace bonito artisticamente ademas de un gameplay bastante interesante, un juego de accion ritmico, JUEGO DE ACCION RITMICO CABRON los personajes son super carismaticos, simplemente verlos hablar o interactuar me hace sonreir ademas de una fantastica banda sonora con demaciado carisma, es un juego que te hace pasar un gran rato, quizas sus unicos problemas es algunos niveles algo mal diseñados y algunos bugs.

One. One straight road. You ruined the title, road.

Hatsune Miku killed me 5 times with great amounts of jank. I love it!

switch version is extremely bad but the game itself was fun enough. also the soundtrack goes hard

I didn't play this for long at all, but I Have Seen Enough

Rough on a technical level but the charm of the story and characters really prop this one up.

Rebosa buen rollismo, se las apaña con la naturalidad, destaca mucho en lo artístico y lo sonoro, pero hay decisiones en el gameplay y las mecánicas que no se terminan de entender y lo hace parecer un juego de hace 20 años. Gracioso a pesar de esto.

Man, I was really anticipating finally getting around to this, but I ended up feeling disappointed. I just didn't find it engaging to play.

I love the art, I love the music, I love the pure passion that the game brings. Maybe it's better to just leave it at that?