Reviews from

in the past

Would you believe me if I said I got a whopping hour into the game and didn't pick it up again

A solid Persona entry that shows its age a bit. Lacks some of the quality of life features of later releases (P5 and P3R), which, combined with the long runtime, brings it down a notch for me. As expected, the story is good, as long as you're patient enough to make it through 80+ hours. Sadly, I played this after the recent Persona 3 remake, so I can't help but compare them. The story and themes don't hit as hard here, and the systems are more dated. There are different dungeons in this one (shake your fists at Tartarus), but they're all in the same hub location and only change in looks and music. I'd probably take off another half star, but the problem really is the game's age. This is still a great tale and world to experience, which, in the end, is half the point of Persona games. We'll round up to 4 stars, while P3R was a solid 4 stars.

Didnt finish, but i absolutely adored my 50 hours with this game. Some of the best characters in video games. You become attached to them quickly. Also, a very cozy setting of rural Japan.

definitely not my thing, the central theme and the way personas work in this entry are really interesting but a cast I mostly just don't care about and boring gameplay really squanders that potential

Не зря игра названа ЗОЛОТОЙ!

C'est fou comme Sega de manière générale ne sait pas faire de portage correct.

Persona 4 Golden deixa claro que o foco dele foi no cast e não na lore por trás do Metaverso que ele aborda, mas sinto que valeu a pena pois é o MELHOR CAST disparado e com as social links bem interessantes. Mas por outro lado, eu sinto que eles deixaram muito de fora o metaverso, como falei, pois sinto que eles rusharam demais antes do protagonista ir embora, e que a Marie é tipo uma tentativa de explicar mais da lore mas foi uma tentativa bem fracassada na minha opinião. Mas tirando isso, o cast salva e muito, gosto de toda a energia que eles trazem. Dito isso, cade o caminho de romance do Yosuke????

I don’t know what to say about this game man. It’s pretty good but I put it down a couple years, never had a strong pull to pick it back up since I know what happens and now it’s confirmed that it’s getting a newer version so, idk man maybe I’ll finish it at some point but might just wait.

Tá virando tradição acabar Persona perto do meu aniversário kkkk

Depois de umas 6 semanas com Persona 4 me despeço dessa jornada que foi bem bacana, é daqueles jogos que mesmo que com personalidades e atitudes as vezes questionáveis, você se apega demais aos personagens, num geral acho que prefiro demais este elenco ao do 5, mesmo que a historia nao tenha varios absurdos no decorrer, os momentos que dao destaque ao desenvolvimento da equipe e personagens importantes sao muito marcantes, ainda mais com toda a mensagem de se aceitar por completo, mesmo com aquelas partes que você tem vergonha ou que não se orgulha muito.

Amei a vibe de cidade pacata do jogo também, é um lugar pequeno mas aconchegante, e com a OST deixa ainda melhor, só tem música pedrada nesse jogo, principalmente as de overworld como snowflakes...

É difícil falar muito desse jogo, assim como nunca falei tanto de persona 5, pois sinto que esta franquia traz uma experiência que é muito pessoal num geral, mas certamente é um mundo que curti presenciar e vai fazer certa falta agora que se encerrou, foram personagens e dinâmicas muito bacanas de se acompanhar com mensagens que sempre tocam demais.

Great game but dear god are the requirements to get the true ending bullshit.

my god..... bro thank god this game worked on my garbage microwave pc cuz i got to play this amazing game. literally everything about it was so fucking good. the only thing stopping this from a 5 is kanjis timeskip look.

the story really dragged on at the end, for me at least.
Still gold and worth your time

Wow. Once again I am blown away. Persona 3 Reload was my first Persona game. I was a really big fan, and it had a huge impact on me. I was nervous Persona 4 Golden would disappoint me: it didn’t not. I genuinely think it might be better, and I don’t think that’s my recency bias saying that. For the first few hours, it wasn’t clicking: the graphics were honestly throwing me off coming from playing a 2024 remake a few days prior. But then, just like Persona 3, it clicked all of the sudden. The characters, the story, the music, all incredible. I think I prefer this cast over P3s, they all really have great depth. I think P4 also has some improvements over P3 in terms of combat. I like the dungeons better, even though they are similar they aren’t as repetitive as Tartarus. It’s also just a harder game in general, which I prefer. Another thing that was huge for me was social links for every party member. P3 for some reason had social links for only the dating candidates which was kinda annoying, you didn’t really develop as friends as much with the guys. Glad they put that in this game. Lastly I also just really fuck with the theme of the entire game. Dojima summarizes it the best tbh: “There's a lot we'd rather not see...A lot of grime in the human heart. But if you close your eyes to everything, you can't even see the people close to you.
How can you be happy like that? The only thing to do, really, is to keep marching on, straight ahead.”
These games aren’t perfect in every way shape or form, but there is so much good to be taken out of it that it doesn’t even matter. But yea overall I think P4 is slightly better than P3, really excited for P5.

Port muito bom, gostei muita das coisas que adicionaram, só queria poder esfaquear o Teddy pessoalmente.

characters and story so good you almost forget that lots of the gameplay can be sloggish

negative things aside this game is fucking fantastic just like the other persona games and is WELL worth a play--even if it's my least favorite out of the big three I still adore it

If I had played this before P5R, it would be my favorite Persona game

I havent finished this game yet, but the time i did have with this game were some of my favorite experiences in all of gaming. What a cool idea of having a jrpg and a slice of life game rolled into one.

the story of this game is phenomenal, every dungeon feels like it helps build up it's themes, almost all the social links are well written, and the presentation is absolutely top of the line. the characters are interesting in their respective arcs and while i don't like how short newsona character arcs are, the characters for this game are still enjoyable after their arcs end for me
but fuck man the gameplay is so fucking DOGSHIT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THERE IS NOTHING HERE ok shuffle time's kinda cool BUT THERE'S NOTHING ELSE, the combat system is so barren and lacking in complexity i could give this game to a 4 year old and they could probably beat it
i want to rate this game higher, i really do, but god damn that gameplay is too shit im sorry

Primeiro Persona que joguei, lá em 2023 e... possui uma história comum e cast incrível, porém em minha opinião é bem medíocre.

Pior Persona entre os 3 mais populares :c

meu primeiro persona, bom para caralho fr fr

Persona 4 Golden é um excelente jogo, tenho alguns poréns com a história dele mas no geral gosto muito.

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insano n é melhor q o 3 mas pqp insano total brutal bgl cruel e o kanji é dahora

a parte da dungeon da marie q os cara reclama é PURA skill issue se tem um item falando de quebra de resistencia e o boss tem resistencia é porque É PRA USAR PORRA!

need to come back to but what i played so far was fun!

My first JRPG title from a big publisher. The game is extremely fun to play, in spite of the dated graphics. Soundtrack doesn't quite compare to P5, but it's still great nonetheless. 4/5

wish i could've kept the drag outfit on during the final boss 😔