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Some much more fun than I was expecting. For a AA game, it looks incredible. My only criticism is that the end game seemed rushed. The final boss fight was a buggy mess. So much so the 3 hours I spent trying to beat the last boss, was a nightmare I kept getting stuck on walls. I finally beat him because he got stuck in a wall. After many failed attempts I was more than happy to take it. But spoiled the overall enjoyable experience.

i dont know much about robocop so i cant tell you if the plot is good but damn the combat is AMAZING

Love the combat but the bits in-between not as much. Found myself skipping the story to finish the game.

My god what a game! this is exactly what you would picture as a kid when thinking of the perfect robocop videogame after watching the movie.
Maybe rough around the edges but the jank works in favor of the cheesy story and dialogue. The shooting is absolutely top notch.
You knocked it out of the park teyon

Leshoid Gives it a: nice!
Beaten on the: 7/06/24
Platinum gained on the: 11/06/24

Great fun, you always feel overpowered, mostly true to source material. Easy 100%

The one thing I noticed in this game was the great combat. The slow methodical aiming really made me feel like I was robocop. The abilities are mediocre… like the slow mo and flash bang abilities were nice I guess. The weapon variety was neat, for what it is. The pretty conservative weapon count fits the story and universe, but I just wish there was a bit more variety.

The worst part of this game is the story. What starts as a pretty cool, nostalgia-driven story becomes sluggish and pretty much unbearable. I started skipping cutscenes at the very end. Also… I don’t know if this was an issue with my ps5, but all the cutscenes were delayed. Sometimes it was a delay of 0.5 seconds and sometimes 4 damn second 😭.

The side content was also really boring. Just walking from point a to b, you’re lucky if you have to shoot someone. This is also an issue in main quests too… there are really weird difficulty spikes that just enraged me when I was playing.

Finally, the final boss was completely unnecessary. Like the main story was resolved and now we have this final boss?? Nah nah nah. If anything it should have been a post game addition. Btw I feel like a post game wojld go insanely hard in this game.

Overall, this is a prime definition of a meh-mid game. It’s a nice time waster, but if you’re looking for anything special, don’t waste your time here

Somewhat enjoyable but issues with the gunplay keep it from really standing out. Far too often I found that weapons just wouldn't fire where I aimed them or I'd get a close up of the gun model instead of the actual sights when trying to aim.

On paper, this game should not be as fun as it is. Video games from movie franchises are usually destined to fail and a SINGLE PLAYER FPS at that. That being said , Game was all fire. Killing Enemies (and there are plenty) never stops getting satisfying. The level up system keeps you engaged and toward the end I felt like the game threw just enough at you to feel OP but still will punish you if you play too reckless ( I played on Hard) . I did every side mission and beat in 25 hours but if you do only main missions you probably would finish way sooner for the game is not long. FUN ASS GAME

What it does well is the action and actually making it feel like you're in control of Robocop and not just a generic shooter with a Robocop skin. Though the parts that aren't shooting suffer for it. Constantly walking back and forth, at times where it really should just teleport you, at Robocop's snail pace.

The story is the dullest, driest and most long winded so far. And a lot of it is just repeating elements from the original film, but not understanding pacing. In the film, the scenes that focus on his family take up about 5 min or so, here it's at least 30 minutes. Maybe an hour. Endless cutscenes and walking through hallways with hallucinations. If you're gonna make a 10 hour long movie, you need something worth watching. And this isn't it. Like most games.

The game ran well at the start. But it seemed the further in I got, the less optimization there was, During some of the latter fights my fps dropped down to 25 fps. And the game really doesn't look impressive enough that this should be the case. As for copying the look it more than works, but it clearly needs some work to run properly.

And this really shouldn't be a 50-60 dollar game. I've completed it, 100%, and my play time is less than 10 hours despite the copious amounts of padding.

Gets a lot more mileage than you'd expect out of a more mid budget title but it has the 7th gen linear shooter problem where every time you feel like the action has reached it's logical conclusion the game has like 2-4 more hours where the only escalation is the enemies getting spongier.

Combat is great for the first 4 hours where almost every gunfight feels like one from the movies, it plays a lot with vertical space and where enemies can pop up. Also one of the only shooters I've seen get vehicle enemies right. But after you take out the biker gang hideout the game runs out of ideas and just sort of throws in a bunch of different bullet sponge robots and swat teams that will prove tedious even if you're minmaxing in all the ways the game wants you to. By the end of the game you have an infinite ammo machine pistol you never have to reload and combat devolves into holding down the left mouse button until the slow mo effect signifying you've killed everyone comes up.

The game looks gorgeous and it's probably the only convincing use of UE5 I've seen (you could reasonably show any frame of just robocop from this game and someone would probably think its from the movie) but lowering it to anywhere below ultra (its summer, my room is hot enough already without my rig being a heater!) leaves it looking very scuffed. A good tech demo and benchmarker but otherwise very ugly when playable. All of the props, menus and environments are entirely film accurate to a commendable extent (ED-209 even moves like a stop motion effect in some scenes) but overall it doesn't feel very much like the movie even with Peter Weller returning.

Most dialogue scenes are stilted and slow and entirely lacking score. No one talks over each other or argues and it just gives the overall effect of being stuck in a Mass Effect style strict dialogue system. This is because the game is relatively non linear and has a bunch of sidequests about going around arresting punks and helping citizens, which is somewhat of a fun bit at the beginning when you get to play beat cop but over time just gives the impression the game is extremely confused about what it wants to do. I would've much rather taken a 4 hour hand crafted experience with pacing similar to one of the movies as opposed to a 10 hour one with most of the time taken up by dead eyed fish people flapping their lips about how Robocop needs to go to therapy or whatever.

what robocop 3 should have been.

the demo for this was really cool but im waiting for the VR mod to be fully fleshed out so i can feel like robocop shootin the bad guys. i will also buy it when it is a dollar as appropriate

The death of AA games has been (slightly) exaggerated. The folks at Teyon, makers of those Heavy Fire games you see littering the shelves at GameStop and that godawful Rambo game from 2014, have followed up their surprisingly good 2019 effort Terminator: Resistance with another surprisingly good FPS adaptation of a different 80’s sci-fi action film franchise.

Rogue City was clearly made with a lot of love of respect for the original and sticks close to its vision of a comically over the top retro-future dystopia. You can arrest a guy who will thank you for it because it means he gets guaranteed food and shelter. You can find memos from OCP, the evil megacorp that created Robocop, telling employees not to kill themselves because it will create more work for their coworkers. Early in the game there’s a quest concerning the filming of a TV commercial for a sunscreen so toxic that they have to have a stunt double put it on. It all feels like stuff that would be right at home in the original film.

While Rogue City does spend some time examining the tragedy of Robocop and his struggle to reconcile his past life with the not-quite human not-quite machine affront to nature he is now, its primary objective is to sell the fantasy of being Robocop, and it pulls that off in spades. Walking through fire, bullets bouncing off your armored body as you lay waste to legions of gangsters is never gets old, and Robocop has this ridiculous grab that can pick up objects from several feet away. Pick up explosive barrels and chuck them at crowds, snatch enemies off their motorcycles while they’re riding them and chuck them at other enemies and then throw the motorcycle at them too for good measure, the hundredth time you do it is just as fun as the first.

There’s a wide variety of weapons to use but you’ll start each chapter equipped with only one: Robocop’s iconic Auto-9 pistol (with unlimited ammo) and you’ll rarely need to use any other weapon. The Auto-9 has several motherboards you can find and freely switch between that each offer different boosts to its base stats and upgrades like explosive rounds, additional firing mode, and piercing bullets. I spent the latter half of the game rocking a full-auto with bottomless mags and max damage and accuracy, and it was like I was ED-209, and the enemies were that unfortunate OCP executive.
Speaking of ED-209, this game features 4 boss fights and all of them are lame. 3 of these boss fights are against 3 separate ED-209s, and they all boil down to “pummel its weak spot until it dies”, preferably doing so while standing in a sweet spot where you barely have to move to avoid its shots. The game is also a bit rough performance-wise. I noticed frequent texture pop-in and crackly, de-synced audio. During the final stretch of the last boss fight I suddenly lost the ability to aim, forcing me to reload the checkpoint which was all the way at the beginning of the fight.

Teyon has had quite the developer glow-up in recent years. This studio has spent most of its existence pushing out the kind of generic shovelware you see filling the bargain bins at Walmart or polluting GameStop shelves, but it seems they’ve really found their bag now, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t kind of excited to see what they might do next.